
Dogs are a favorite pet to many unless religion or unknown reasons abhors their keeping. Apart from offering protection and security, the dog’s presence at home offers a sense of companionship. When they are hungry, what do you give to them?

When cooking or eating at the table, it’s obvious that your favorite pet will look up at you. Resisting that look may be hard, and you may be compelled to drop a piece of whatever food you are cooking or eating. It is worth mentioning that dogs metabolize foods differently compared to the human. You also need to keep in mind that the foods you eat contain several additives and other ingredients that are not good for your dog. Plus, eating excess of human foods can lead to obesity in your dog. This article explores the foods you can give to your dog.

1.      Carrots

Carrots are a nutritious vegetable. Whether raw or cooked, carrots can perfectly feed your dog. They contain few numbers of calories and an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. This makes carrots a healthy food choice your dog can snack on. To prevent choking your canines, it would help cutting carrots into bite-size pieces.

2.      Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is also nutritious, healthy, and safe for dogs, but only in moderate amounts. Keep in mind that peanut butter is loaded with fat and calories, and eating too much of it can cause your dog to gain weight. You, therefore, need to limit its intake. Additionally, some brands of peanut butter may contain extra ingredients like salt. Research suggests that feeding your dog with plain unsalted peanuts may reduce its risk of chronic disease.

3.      Eggs

Just like humans, dogs also need a constant supply of protein. You can give your dog cooked eggs as they are safe and loaded with nutrients needed by the dog. Vitamins, minerals, and protein are some of these nutrients. It is also claimed that eggs may help reduce nausea in dogs, however, there is no evidence to back these claims. Noteworthy, avoid giving canines raw eggs. It is true that dogs can’t get sick from feeding on raw eggs, but certain bacteria, such as Salmonella, are zoonotic and can spread from dogs to humans.

4.      Salmon

Salmon are safe and healthy for your canines. Just ensure that you properly cook it and remove all bones. Studies indicate that salmon are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce the risk of inflammation and improve the health of your dog’s skin and fur. Feeding your dog with raw salmon can lead to a fatal parasitic infection called salmon poisoning disease.

5.      Blueberries

This is another food that is safe and nutritious for your dog. Blueberries contain beneficial nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals, all of which can improve your dog’s health. Additionally, blueberries are loaded with powerful antioxidants with disease-fighting properties, which can prevent the development of chronic diseases. Lastly, they are low in calories, making them a perfect snack for your dog.

6.      Popcorn

Popcorns are a healthy treat for your dog, but only if they don’t contain extra ingredients. In most cases, popcorns contain added salt, which can seriously complicate your dog’s health if eaten in excess. Butter and oil are also extra added ingredients in popcorns, and if overconsumed may lead to pancreatitis in your canines. It is, therefore, caring to feed your dog with plain air-popped popcorn. Also, ensure that the popcorns are fully popped. This will prevent them from getting stuck in your dog’s teeth or choking them.

7.      Pineapple

You can also give your dog fresh pineapple. It is also a perfect and safe snack for dogs because it is high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Keep in mind that feeding your dog with too much pineapple may lead to nausea and diarrhea. Therefore, give it only in small amounts at a time.

8.      Watermelon

Feeding your dog with watermelon is safe and healthy for him. Always remember to remove the rind and seeds. It is thought that watermelon rind and seeds can cause digestive problems in your favorite dog and can choke them as well. Watermelon provides beneficial nutrients, such as vitamin A and vitamin C, and is also low in calories.

9.      Bread

Occasionally, you can feed your dog with whole-grain or white bread. Always ensure that the bread you are about to give your dog is free of extra ingredients, such as raisins, which can cause allergies and harm your dog. Just like other foods, bread is good for your dog in small amounts because they are high in calories, which can lead to weight gain in your dog.

10.  Chicken

Cooked chicken is a nutritious and healthy treat for your dog. Most dog’s foods contain chicken as an ingredient, as it is loaded with protein, which is beneficial for your dog’s health. Chicken on its own is perfect for your dog, but you can mix it with other healthy foods. While members of the Canidae family-like crashing bones, feeding your dog with bony chicken may pose a choking risk and injury to the digestive tract. Always remove chicken from bones before giving it to dogs. Additionally, to prevent your risk of infection, it will help to avoid feeding raw chicken to your dog.

11.  Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes in moderate amounts, are good and safe for your canines. Vitamin A found in sweet potatoes may improve the immune system and eye health of your dog. Dogs also digest sweet potatoes easily. Overconsumption of vitamin A can weaken your dog’s bones and lead to other bone problems. It is thus important to limit his intake of sweet potatoes.

12.  Pork

Pork is a safe and healthy food for your dog. Ensure that the pork is always free of seasonings, spices, and sauces. Same to other meaty foods, avoid feeding your dog with raw or undercooked pork. This will reduce risk of bacterial infection. You also need to avoid giving him ham or bacon, as they are highly salted.


Your dog’s health is as important as your health and his diet plays an important role in this context. Some foods may harm your dog’s health, such as ham and bacon, as well as raw chicken, eggs, and salmon. However, cooking them properly and removing bones makes them safe for the dog. Other foods like bread, popcorn, and peanut butter are safe and healthy for your dog.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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