Are Dancers The Best Lovers?

Are Dancers The Best Lovers?

We all love men with a bit of rhythm, whether they be musicians, singers or poets, but there’s something about a dancer which not-so-metaphorically hits the spot.

Obviously dancers are well coordinated and have a physical elegance that builders and IT experts can often lack, but it is something more than that that makes them so compelling.

Perhaps it is the flow-element or the female in the male that is such a draw. A man that is so physically well put-together and flexible is always going to get a second glance, so on the eye-candy front, he’s a winner. But still, there’s something, something else…that makes him irresistible.

Ritual dances, from the whirling dervishes of Persia to the dance-hall rappers of South Africa, have an effect which is beyond the day-to-day. Traditional religious ceremonies have often included dance elements, and anyone who’s enjoyed euphoric clubbing experiences knows that heightened states are available through dance alone – you don’t even need drugs!

The kind of euphoria that people pay for which damages their bodies and ensures that they feel rough for sometimes days afterwards, is available simply from the lone bongo player or the brass band, if the dancer’s in the mood. And when that ecstasy hits you, other people are attracted to it.

If, when in that freedom of dance, another free-flow dancer wants to join you, then magic will be made. It can be strange to feel shy when dancing joyfully and then joined by another. You stutter slightly, and if they’re hot everyone goes shy. At least it is possible to dance ‘shyness’ with style and openness!

That truly is an opening to connection and wholeness. Whether it’s for an hour on the dance-floor or a lifetime between the sheets and on the school run, therein lies the alchemical draw: the ability of artistic expression to bring us into each other, physically, emotionally, spiritually. And if your man is a dancer then his abs and ability to whirl your round the floor if you need cheering up and then dance you right into bed don’t go at all amiss.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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