1. Why exactly is it so important to reduce inflammation as you age?

Chronic inflammation can result to other health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

2. Can your eating habits affect inflammation? If so, why/how?

Your diet greatly influences inflammation. Consuming processed foods increase the risk of inflammation. The foods damage the gut bacteria, leading to compromises in the immune system. As a result, one may get chronic inflammation.

3. Please share at least 2-3 eating habits (note: NOT drinking habits) that can that can help reduce chronic inflammation throughout your life. For each habit, explain how and why it reduces inflammation.

Limiting refined and processed foods

As mentioned earlier, processed foods have components that alter the gut bacteria. Through this, your immunity is affected, leading to inflammation. It is best to reduce your intake to lower the symptoms.

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables

Most fruits and vegetables have anti-inflammatory effect to the body. They contain antioxidants that reduce cytokines levels, which raise inflammation.

Anastasia Filipenko

Anastasia Filipenko is a health and wellness psychologist, dermatolist and a freelance writer. She frequently covers beauty and skincare, food trends and nutrition, health and fitness and relationships. When she's not trying out new skincare products, you'll find her taking a cycling class, doing yoga, reading in the park, or trying a new recipe.

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