What is Psoriasis? Is psoriasis a problem for an individual? Can CBD topicals be used in treating psoriasis? How effective is CBD topical in treating psoriasis? This article explains if an individual can use CBD topicals for psoriasis.

Psoriasis is frequently treated using lotions and ointments like many other skin disorders. However, people opt to treat their disease using topical medicines administered directly to the skin in other situations.

Topicals are excellent for treating localized disorders such as Psoriasis or eczema because they may be applied directly to the affected area. Additionally, they’re beneficial for relieving discomforts, such as arthritis or menstrual cramps, as topical CBD can provide immediate relief. While topicals are not suitable for treating systemic disorders such as epilepsy, anxiety, or PTSD, they have been demonstrated to be beneficial in alleviating some of their symptoms, particularly anxiety.

A Psoriasis Overview

Zou (2017) explained that most patients with psoriasis will have it for the rest of their lives, as it is an incurable, chronic autoimmune disease; however, there will be periods of improvement and flare-ups. Several medications are available, most of which are topical and intended to relieve irritation and inflammation. They are occasionally beneficial but ask anyone who has psoriasis: they do not cure the condition. According to Khan (2017), psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory condition that affects around 30% of Psoriasis people. Increased inflammation can also result in consequences such as rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, thyroid problems, diabetes, and kidney disease in patients with Psoriasis. It is critical for individuals with Psoriasis to monitor their cholesterol levels and maintain a healthy weight.

Psoriasis Types

Psoriasis comes in various forms, including:

Psoriasis Erythrodermic

Although it is the least frequent variety of psoriasis, erythrodermic psoriasis is one of the more dangerous varieties due to the extent to which it can cover the entire body with a peeling, red rash that can burn or itch strongly.

Psoriasis Plaque

The most prevalent is plaque psoriasis, which manifests as dry, red, elevated patches of skin coated in silvery scales called lesions. The plaques can be many or few as they can be sensitive or irritating, or both, and they generally form on the knees, elbows, scalp, and lower back.

Psoriasis Guttate

Tiny, scaling lesions define guttate Psoriasis in the shape of drops on the arms, legs, or trunk. Typically brought on by strep throat or another bacterial infection, Psoriasis is most prevalent in children and young people.

Arthritis Psoriatic

As with ordinary arthritis, psoriatic arthritis causes painful swelling in any joint, ranging from moderate to severe. Psoriasis symptoms vary, and they may be the only indications of the disease. Psoriatic arthritis can gradually deteriorate joints—in severe cases, permanently.

Psoriasis Pustular

Pustular Psoriasis is an uncommon kind that manifests as broad pustular Psoriasis or as tiny pustular spots on the soles of the feet or palms of the hands. The patches are composed of clearly distinct pus-filled lesions comparable to blisters.

Psoriasis of the Nails

Psoriasis of the nails can manifest itself in abnormal growth, pitting, and discoloration of the fingernails and toenails. Onycholysis, a condition in which the nails weaken and separate from the nail bed, can occur with psoriatic nails. The nail may collapse in extreme cases of Psoriasis.

Psoriasis, Cannabis, and Cannabinoids

Cannabis contains a plethora of chemical compounds known as cannabinoids. Stetten (2022) explained that cannabinoids function by influencing the endocannabinoid system, maintaining an individual’s body’s health. Your endocannabinoid system affects numerous organs throughout your body, including the digestive system, the brain, and the skin. CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol are two well-known cannabinoids (THC). CBD is non-intoxicating, which means it will not make you high. On the other hand, THC can induce a high – not to mention that it can be detected on drug tests. CBD products must contain less than 0.3% THC to be legal. However, the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate most CBD products (FDA) thus individuals should consider that some may contain sufficient THC to be detected on a drug test.

Cannabinoids Research for Psoriasis Symptoms

Affect the Proliferation of Skin Cells

According to Baswan (2020), cannabinoids may be able to treat Psoriasis by preventing the development of skin cells as the synthetic cannabinoid called JWH-133 was useful in treating Psoriasis; however, further animal and human studies are necessary. Marks & Friedman (2018) stated that cannabinoids may be effective in treating Psoriasis, but that additional research is necessary before anything can be concluded.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Pellati (2018) stated that cannabinoids such as CBD are also anti-inflammatory, as cannabinoids may be associated with inflammatory skin disorders and may be used to treat them. Philpott (2018) explained that CBD can successfully alleviate pain. Given the severe nature of psoriatic arthritis, many patients with Psoriasis utilize CBD. Other cannabinoids, such as THC, have been related to pain relief. People seek medical cannabis for a variety of reasons. One of the most prevalent is pain control.

Is it Better to Treat Psoriasis With a CBD Topical Cream or Oil?

Since psoriasis flare-ups can be induced by various circumstances, including illness, stress, and environmental factors such as allergens, it’s not always clear which CBD product would provide the most comfortable during an episode. Face skin is fragile and sensitive, not to mention acne-prone. If you have Psoriasis on your face and wish to treat it topically, consider a CBD treatment made exclusively for the face. Alternatively, this may be an appropriate moment to experiment with CBD oil.

A similar type of dilemma occurs when the issue is scalp psoriasis, which can be as irritating and uncomfortable as dandruff, although those products are frequently ineffective. Discomfort and a burning feeling are more immediate concerns for hair. You’re looking for either CBD items that will soothe or at the very least not aggravate the scalp or a CBD oil that can be used orally. When stress is causing psoriasis flare-ups, seek the perfect type of CBD for relaxation. Many people discover that CBD oil is beneficial as a prophylactic measure and then switch to a CBD vaporizer for acute difficulties. According to Stella (2021), CBD oil or CBD edibles are frequently the greatest preventative method for psoriasis individuals triggered by immunological difficulties.


While additional research into the relationship between cannabis and Psoriasis is needed, there is some indication that CBD may effectively treat Psoriasis. If you have Psoriasis, it may be worthwhile to experiment with a CBD-based product. It’s critical to consult with your doctor before experimenting with CBD. Please make certain that you thoroughly investigate a product before purchasing it.


Khan, A., Haider, I., Ayub, M., & Humayun, M. (2017). Psoriatic arthritis is an indicator of significant renal damage in patients with psoriasis: an observational and epidemiological study. International Journal of Inflammation, 2017.

Marks, D. H., & Friedman, A. (2018). The therapeutic potential of cannabinoids in dermatology. Skin Ther. Lett, 23, 1-5.

Pellati, F., Borgonetti, V., Brighenti, V., Biagi, M., Benvenuti, S., & Corsi, L. (2018). Cannabis sativa L. and nonpsychoactive cannabinoids: their chemistry and role against oxidative stress, inflammation, and cancer. BioMed research international, 2018.

Philpott, H. T., O’Brien, M., & McDougall, J. J. (2017). Attenuation of early phase inflammation by cannabidiol prevents pain and nerve damage in rat osteoarthritis. Pain, 158(12), 2442.

Stella, B., Baratta, F., Della Pepa, C., Arpicco, S., Gastaldi, D., & Dosio, F. (2021). Cannabinoid formulations and delivery systems: Current and future options to treat pain. Drugs, 81(13), 1513-1557.

Stetten, N. E., Pomeranz, J., Moorhouse, M., Yurasek, A., Blue, A. V., & Yu, N. S. (2022). An Exploratory Study of Medical Marijuana’s Impact on Patients with Chronic Pain Beyond an Individual’s Level of Function: Implications for Life Care Planning. Journal of Life Care Planning, 20(1).

Zou, S. (2017). Five Balances in the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 5(9), 10-21.

Crystal Kadir

MS, Durham University

The work of a family doctor includes a wide range of clinical diversity, which requires extensive knowledge and erudition from a specialist. However, I believe that the most important thing for a family doctor is to be human because the cooperation and understanding between the doctor and the patient are crucial in ensuring successful health care. On my days off, I love being in nature. Since childhood, I have been passionate about playing chess and tennis. Whenever I have time off, I enjoy traveling around the world.

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