CBD Capsules Dosage Guide

CBD Capsules Dosage Guide

A doctor’s prescription is needed for an individual to use CBD products and the capsules effectively. Individuals need no specific dosage to know how much their body can take and regulate the consumption.  Ensure the dosage information on any CBD product has been certified by the FDA. Want to know more about CBD dosage? This article explains the dosage guide for the effective consumption of CBD capsules.

Expected Benefits of CBD

According to Volfe, Dvilansky & Nathan (1985), CBD reduces depression as people suffering from depression may have a low level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects one’s mood. Cannabinoid influences how the body responds to serotonin.

Reduction of Anxiety

CBD assists in alleviating severe symptoms of anxiety. The symptoms include social anxiety disorder, among others. Sleep improvement is another benefit of CBD consumption. It is believed that CBD has the potential to treat sleep problems.

How Much Should One Take

There has been no specific dosage for an individual to take. Each person is effective with CBD capsules differently. A doctor’s prescription is important. Individuals should ensure that the dosage information on any CBD product has been certified by the FDA before using it.

Beginning with a Small Dose

It is good to start by taking 10-20mdg per day unless the doctor has prescribed otherwise. Gradual increments on the dosage weekly can follow slowly. Try using an interval of 5mg till you reach the desired amount.

Can one Overdose?

It is possible to consume more than your body requires. Work says that consuming around 600mg OF CBD capsule a day is safe. However, some may go to the extent of 1500mg, and their body is very okay with it.

Possible Side Effects

CBD capsules can lead to negative effects. Mood changes bring agitation and irritability. Digestive problems. Drowsiness is also an effect in most people who have taken CBD capsules.


The dosage issue is still undecided as different persons experience different effects because of body metabolism, body weight, and health status. Having doctor’s prescriptions can be a big score as individuals can control the intake of CBD capsules. CBD capsules are the best for newbies. They are easily ingested and convenient to carry around. Many bottles have their dosage written on the labels of the bottles carrying the capsules.


Volfe, Z., Dvilansky, A., & Nathan, I. (1985). Cannabinoids block the release of serotonin

            from platelets induced by plasma from migraine patients. Int J Clin Pharmacol Res,

            5(4), 243-246. Work, H. D. C. Everything You Have Ever Wanted to Know About CBD.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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