What are CBD lotion and CBD topicals? Which is the best product between CBD topicals and lotion? How best do these two products works? What are some of the different forms of CBD topicals? What are some of the side effects of using CBD topicals? How best can one know the dosage of taking and using CBD topicals? This article explains which CBD lotion and the topical product are best for individuals and their different forms.

Increasing demand for CBD topicals that address specific requirements is becoming apparent as the cannabis market grows and more brands and product lines emerge. A variety of products, including CBD, are being used to treat various ailments, including pain, anxiety, and inflammation, and promote sleep. While CBD can be used as a standalone supplement, it also works effectively as a topical treatment for various skin conditions. However, while lotions and creams are fantastic for your everyday requirements, they are not intended for internal use and often sit on your skin. Topical treatment is a terrific approach to address specific skin issues without worrying about ingestion of the medication.

What Are CBD Topicals and How Do they Work

Cannabidiol (CBD), as it is more widely known, is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. In the plant, it’s not the only cannabinoid present; there’s also tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and more than a hundred additional cannabinoids. However, it is known for giving advantages without making you feel high, unlike the psychoactive compound THC. CBD products may include trace amounts of THC, but no more than 0.3%. This amount is normally insufficient to cause you to become “high” unless you consume large amounts of the substance. Generally speaking, CBD can be divided into three categories:

Full-spectrum CBD

It comprises cannabinoids (including THC), flavonoids, and terpenes found naturally in the cannabis plant.

Broad Spectrum CBD

 It contains cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes found in the cannabis plant, except THC, which is completely absent.

CBD Isolate

It is a type of cannabis oil that contains small amounts of CBD. This pure CBD contains no additional cannabinoids (including THC), flavonoids, or terpenes. It is also gluten-free.

According to Hazzah et al. (2020), CBD and THC may act better together due to the entourage effect. Essentially, each ingredient enhances the effects of the others, which means that full- and broad-spectrum products may have an advantage over isolates. Sarris et al. (2020) explained that CBD might be beneficial in treating various diseases, including pain, sleeplessness, and anxiety. While many CBD products, such as candies, oils, tinctures, and capsules, are intended to be consumed, you may need a CBD product that can be applied by an individual directly to a specific area of your body. If this is the case, read on to know different forms of CBD topicals.

Forms of CBD Topicals

A CBD cream is the most prevalent type of topical available. Many CBD skin creams contain cannabidiol with a broad spectrum of effects. This form of cannabidiol either does not contain any THC or trace levels. Aside from its numerous advantages, cannabidiol cream is one of the most straightforward items in its category to use. To use it, apply it to the affected region as you would like any other cream, and it will bring relief almost immediately.

CBD Patches 

Another excellent type of product for those who want to reap the benefits of cannabidiol without smoking anything is CBD patches. Cannabis patches can be placed on the affected area of the body, and an individual can feel the effects in 5—15 minutes after application to the area. They are excellent for delivering immediate pain relief and have anti-inflammatory qualities thanks to the presence of cannabidiol in them.

CBD Balm

Happy et al. (2021) explained that balms are yet another excellent option for folks looking for pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties in one product. An individual can administer the use of these to any portion of the body where you are experiencing discomfort. Balms, like creams, provide relatively immediate comfort and don’t necessitate any more steps beyond rubbing them into the skin.

CBD Oil and Butter 

As far as topicals are concerned, there are several distinct types of oil and butter. Both of these products are intended for direct application to the skin. For instance, facial oils can be dabbed by an individual around the eyes to decrease wrinkles on the face for various additional advantages, such as hydration. An individual can use products such as lip butter to hydrate and smooth the lips, and they are available in various scents.

CBD Lotion

There has only been a little study conducted on the benefits of topical CBD. Tompkins et al. (2017) stated that medicines applied to the skin without breaking it might benefit persons suffering from chronic pain and chronic inflammatory disorders. Although CBD applied topically does not enter the bloodstream, businesses have developed CBD-infused creams and lotions to provide focused pain treatment to patients. There are various additional components in the Cannabis sativa plant, such as omega fatty acids and antioxidants, that are also present in CBD extract. These substances may aid in the improvement of the quality and appearance of the skin and decrease inflammation.


The dose information for most CBD products is displayed in milligrams (mg), but determining the appropriate quantity for an individual might be difficult to predict in advance. There is currently insufficient research to make recommendations on suitable dosages. It is normally recommended to begin with a modest dose, which can be gradually increased over time if necessary or desired.

Adverse Effects

While there are few CBD side effects, it is critical to examine the risks associated with any supplement. According to the FDA, some possible side effects include the following:

  • alterations in alertness
  • drowsiness
  • mood swings
  • initially imperceptible medication interactions causing liver damage


CBD lotions and creams may aid in managing chronic pain, chronic inflammation, and certain skin problems. Various topical CBD products such as salves and balms are available with lotions and creams. CBD products frequently include additional therapeutic cannabinoids, fatty acids, and antioxidants. Before using any CBD product, a person should visit a physician, especially if they are taking any prescription medications.


Happy, A. A., Jahan, F., & Momen, M. A. (2021). Essential Oils: Magical Ingredients for Skin Care. J. Plant Sci, 9, 54-64.

Hazzah, T., Andre, C., Richter, G., McGrath, S., & Collins, F. (2020). Cannabis in veterinary medicine: a critical review. AHVMA, 61, 25.

Sarris, J., Sinclair, J., Karamacoska, D., Davidson, M., & Firth, J. (2020). Medicinal cannabis for psychiatric disorders: a clinically-focused systematic review. BMC psychiatry, 20(1), 1-14.

Tompkins, D. A., Hobelmann, J. G., & Compton, P. (2017). Providing chronic pain management in the “Fifth Vital Sign” Era: Historical and treatment perspectives on a modern-day medical dilemma. Drug and alcohol dependence, 173, S11-S21.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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