Differentiating Between Vape Juice and CBD Vape Juice

Differentiating Between Vape Juice and CBD Vape Juice

Cannabidiol is gaining popularity globally and is accredited to many health and therapeutic claims. Vape juice and CBD vape juice are confusing to users. Before vaping, oral consumption of CBD was at its peak, but today, many products provide individuals with a wider option to peak from. Which one is better when comparing CBD e-liquid and other CBD oils? This article helps differentiate the two products and clarify the main aspects.


CBD oil refers to cannabidiol extracted from the cannabis or hemp plant. CBD oils are products taken orally by placing them below the tongue and are not designed for vaping. CBD E-liquid, also known as a vape juice, is from the CBD extract designed for vaping. The CBD oil is mixed with a thinning agent that makes it less dense sas it can be heated to produce vapor. Most people use CBD vape oil and CBD e-liquid interchangeably.


Potency is the ability to make an imprint of vape juice. Vape juice has varying potency. CBD vape juice contains higher CBD levels than vape juice, making it have high potency. CBD vape juices have varying levels of potency depending on the quantity of CBD. The utmost potent CBD vape juices have CBD amounts of up to 1000 mg per 30 ml. Less strong ones have ALS, a CBD total of below 500 mg. Users have to select juices that offer their ideal potency levels. 

Extraction Method

CBD plant extract was solid originally, and it needs to be converted to an ideal form for consumption and absorption tinctures. Oils taken orally are extracted using simple food-grade oils to digest and absorb. A thinning agent is used to make a liquid that can be smoked as ordinary oils are too dense to vaporize. Widely used thinning agents are PG and VG.

Ingestion Method

CBD products named liquid are meant to be taken in vapor form, but products with oil are for oral consumption. They are not ideal for smoking due to their vicious nature. CBD e-vape juices contain non-toxic ingredients and offer a better experience when vaped.

Delivery method

CBD oils are best consumed sublingually. It is where the oil is absorbed through the sublingual membrane into the bloodstream. It is a faster consumption mode and takes quite a long time to feel its effect than vaping. Inhaled CBD, e-liquid rushes through the lungs into the bloodstream. This mode of delivery is fast and provides an immediate effect. Thus, oils are delivered slower than liquids due to the varying methods of ingestion.


The original form of CBD oil has an unpleasant taste that leaves an oily feeling in your mouth. But tinctures come with diverse flavors that make the liquid more delicious. Flavors available include vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. Vape juices have no flavors added as they tend to be oily when tasted, whereas CBD Vape juice has an array of flavors to make it taste good.


For a better CBD oil experience, an individual will have to consider the amount of  CBD in each bottle, how much oil the dropper can hold, and how much CBD the oil contains per ml. The dosage can be calculated by an individual based on aspects like body weight, health status, and individual mood. The different vape pens can differentiate dosing CBD vape juice. The manufacturers often indicate how much CBD is in each puff of their pen.


CBD vape juices differ in cost depending on brand and potency. Some juices are expensive, while others are cheap. Vape juices are much cheaper because they do not require vaporizers. But vape juices are substantially less costly as they do not come in flavors like vape juices. However, the cost may vary according to the cartridge used.

Advantages and disadvantages

CBD oils have their advantages and disadvantages for users. Some of the advantages include; being easy to use, coming in different strengths, being homemade, and needing no special equipment such as vaporizers. The major disadvantage is that it takes a long delivery time due to its vicious nature. Some advantages of the CBD liquid include faster delivery time, and the effects are instantly felt. Also, it has a better taste due to the natural flavors added to it. The CBD e-liquid comes in different strengths. The disadvantages of e-liquid are they are less discrete, banned in most places where smoking is not allowed, and are more expensive than CBD oil.


There are many differences between CBD oils and CBD e-liquids despite being products of hemp extracts. CBD is not psychoactive; thus, individuals can enjoy its benefits regardless of the chosen method. Key differences come in terms of taste, method of extraction, and delivery time. The effects are different from one individual to another. However, it is not good to ingest vape liquid as it is inefficient to consume vaping products. What CBD oil lacks in speed and absorption rate makes it up in other ways.

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