Do I need to break up with my vibrator?

Do I need to break up with my vibrator?

Ladies, we all know that loving yourself is fun and healthy but do you need to break up with your vibrator? The benefits are awesome and when you know more about your body, you’ll be able to share better with someone else.

Short breaks relieve stress, give you an outlet for your fantasies, build confidence and release feel-good hormones. Sounds great right? But as with anything in life, too much of a good thing can end up being bad for you.

However tell a woman who loves their vibrator to do away with it, and they stare at you as if you are asking them to shoot a puppy! And before you think this is only a female thing, the same thing applies to the boys.

Excessive masturbation is bad for you.

Before you grab your pitchforks and torches, take your time to read this:

Recently I was talking with one of my girlfriends over a glass of wine. Don’t ask me how the conversation go to this topic, but she told me that she can’t ever reach orgasm unless Mr. Vibrator (not his real name) is doing the magical dance on her clitoris.

Her partner can go down there for hours, camp out, take along marshmallows, and try every technique on the first 100 pages of Google, but can’t even get her close. She is too dependent on the vibrator and loves that they give quick, reliable, and painless orgasms.

So I turned to her and casually asked: “Do you masturbate with your hand?” Her response was an indignant “NO”, as if that was something for peasants in the middle ages.

Well there it is. Most people want to be able to experience a mutual orgasm with their partner, but if one or both of them are dependent on an external stimulant (this includes porn btw), then the chances of that happening are pretty remote.

The truth is, not all orgasms are built the same. If you’re not particularly in the mood, a vibrator (or porn) can still get to a great orgasm quickly, but the feeling will be different to one that was built slowly, by somebody else.
If your brain has become conditioned to always orgasming from the same synthetic stimulation, then it will be much more difficult to achieve orgasm the old fashioned way.

So for those of you who are dependent on your vibrator or porn, or any other kind of non-human assistance, I want you to try something. I want you to have fun alone: just you, your hand, and your imagination.
Give it at least a week, then if appropriate, include your significant other. But still no props!

It is time to build that intimacy again.

You can start using the vibrator and other props again once you’ve retrained your body to ‘come’ from more mundane stimulation.

Charlotte Cremers
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MS, University of Tartu
Sleep specialist

Using the acquired academic and professional experience, I advise patients with various complaints about mental health - depressed mood, nervousness, lack of energy and interest, sleep disorders, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and anxieties, difficulty concentrating, and stress. In my free time, I love to paint and go on long walks on the beach. One of my latest obsessions is sudoku – a wonderful activity to calm an unease mind.

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