Fifteen Evidence-Based Weight Loss Tips


Weight loss tips such as drinking water, eating protein, exercising with cardio and weight lifting, controlling the type of food and drinks you take, and practicing various types of fasting can prove effective for you.

Obesity and overweight are common epidemics in many countries around the world. Weight loss has thus been plagued with many myths and theories as to what works and what does not work. Researches have been conducted on many strategies on what can result in faster and sustained weight loss, and we bring you fifteen best strategies that you can implement to ensure you achieve your goal for weight loss.

Drink Water Before Meals

Many people have claimed that drinking water can facilitate weight loss, and that has been proven true by science. Studies have found that water can improve your metabolism by 24-30%, ensuring that you burn additional calories. Drinking water before meals also helps to keep you full, leading to reduced consumption of calories. One study showed that taking half a liter of water before meals helped participants eat less, resulting in 44% weight loss than those who did not drink water.

Include Eggs in Your Breakfast

Eggs are full of proteins which contributes to your feeling full longer, meaning that you will consume fewer calories throughout the day. One study showed that replacing grains with eggs for breakfast resulted in fewer calorie intake for the next 36 hours, leading to weight loss and body fat reduction. If you are not a lover of eggs, any protein can replace eggs.

Drink Black Coffee

Apart from having antioxidants with several health benefits, coffee can also boost your metabolism by 11 %, thus increasing the body’s ability to burn fats by approximately 28%. You should take sugar-free coffee because that sugar consists of calories that can work against weight loss goals.

Drink Green Tea

Green tea also acts like coffee in promoting weight loss. It is rich in an antioxidant known as catechins which combine with its moderate caffeine to promote fat burning. Some studies show that green tea supplements or beverages can aid in losing weight.

Practice Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has become an internet buzz in recent times for its effectiveness in promoting weight loss. There are several intermittent fasting methods, with the most popular one called the 16/8 method, in which an individual fasts for 16 hours and has an eight-hour eating window. Intermittent fasting aims to restrict calorie intake, which in turn leads to weight loss. You can begin with shorter fasting hours and then progress to more complex methods of intermittent fasting.

Take Glucomannan Supplement

Glucomannan is a fiber that is claimed to result in weight loss. The fiber absorbs water along the digestive tract and sits there for some time, making you feel full. The result is few consumptions of calories and a reduction in body weight. Studies show the effectiveness of this supplement as it results in weight loss for people who consume than for those who do not.

Reduce Your Intake of Added Sugar

Studies show that added sugar is one of the most dangerous and addictive ingredients in modern food that people are consuming in excess. Several studies have shown that food consumption with added sugar such as corn syrup can lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes. People who intend to lose weight should cut down on added sugars commonly found in most processed food and beverages.

Limit Or Eliminate Refined Carbs in Your Diet

Refined carbs have no fiber, and some of their nutritious parts such as white bread and pasta. Refined carbs are a culprit in sugar spikes after eating, leading to hunger a few hours after intake. The craving for refined sugar leads to overeating empty calories stored in the body in the form of fat, finally leading to obesity and diabetes. If you want to eat carbs, ensure they have their fiber and all their nutritional parts.

Follow A Low-Carb Diet

Committing to a low-carb diet can also prove beneficial in reducing body weight. Several studies have ascertained that following this regimen can promote weight loss 2-3 times higher than a low-fat diet and result in general health improvement. Carbohydrates have been said to contribute to several illnesses since they increase the production of free radicals during digestion that causes cell damage. Most of the energy produce by carbs is often stored by the body in the form of fats, causing weight gain.

Use Smaller Plates While Serving

Those who are overweight or have obesity can benefit from this strategy. A person will monitor the food they are eating by limiting how much food they can consume rather than using a big plate that often deceives you of how much you have consumed.

Carry Healthy Food to Snack with In Case You Are Hungry

Many people who add weight are secret eaters accumulating calories with unhealthy snacks readily available in the streets. Keeping a couple of fruits, fortified cereal, hard-boiled eggs, and plain Greek yogurt can help you snack healthily instead of consuming foods rich in empty calories.

Do Aerobic Exercise

Doing cardio is excellent to keep your heart rate up and promote fat burning. An increased physical activity through cardio exercise also leads to enhance mental and physical health. Increased heart rate enables the body to turn to the fat stored in the body for the fuel needed during and after exercise, and as the fat burn, you lose weight. Aerobics has proven effective in eliminating the stubborn belly fats that clamor around your waist, causing metabolic disease.

Consume More Fiber

Fiber consumption promotes a feeling of fullness and can stimulate the release of a satiety hormone called PTTY, leading to reduced consumption of calories. Viscous fiber is considered beneficial for the good bacteria in the colon. It can also fill the digestive tract absorbing water to delay stomach emptying, thus resulting in reduced frequency of eating.

Consume More Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and fruits have low calories and high in fiber, making them a powerful weight loss duo. Additionally, they have high water content, which means they have low energy density and can promote the feeling of fullness, leading to weight loss. This food group is also nutritious, leaving your body mass intact as you shred the fat away.

Get More Sleep

Studies have found that individuals who do not sleep enough are susceptible to obesity, with an 89% risk in children and 55% risk in children. Sleeping help corrects most eating disorders and helps your brain and digestive system detox, helping your body rid itself of unnecessary fat deposits.

The Bottom Line

Losing weight is a goal towards which the majority are aspiring. Some have taken drastic measures like exercising and dieting to lose weight, while others wonder which criteria work best. You need to choose a sustainable formula and make it a lifestyle to succeed in your journey to lose weight. Go ahead and try the above tricks for a confident look, slimmer waist, and improved self-esteem.

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