
There are several mistakes to avoid when you are on a low-carb diet. Please find out the 5 major one and the best way to avoid them.

Carbohydrate is one of the most significant nutrientsrecommended to improve health. It plays a number of roles in the body, such as providing energy that fuels the kidney, CNS, muscles, and brain. There are three sources of carbs, including fiber, sugar, and starch.However, too much carb intake can result in common health problems.When consumed in large, it’s advisable to cut them and start on a low-carb diet. Some have managed, and somefailed due to various mistakes.

What are these 5-common low-carb mistakes?

Not exercising

There are various consequences of low-carbs in the diet. The effects include loss of weight, appetite, and fat. This has made people believe that they do not need to continue exercisingand stopactivities that lead to weight loss, a great mistake that can prevent youfrom achieving better results. Therefore, get involved in something that can make your body active. You do not need to go a long way or spend lots of money on exercise.For instance, some people take much of their time traveling to access gyms. In addition, people have come up with information on social media involving exercises tricks.  However, they have misledmany who relied on them.Get something that you love doing to keep your body active. The activities include walking,working in the garden, cycling, washing, running, and sit-ups.

Relying on packed foods

Eating a low-carb diet does not mean that you shun the meals prepared at home and rely on packed foods. This is another great mistake people make when on a low-carb diet. Most processed foods do not show allcontents on their labels. People have developed ways of making money and became selfish not to care for your health. In most cases, some food sellers usually coordinate with the nearesthospitals to find out what has been prescribed for their patientsand pack them to make sales. For instance, foods that claim to be sugar-freecontain sugary ingredients, such as maltitol, that affect blood sugar. It is hard to identify the best-packed foods because one does not taste to confirm what is needed. Therefore, it is important to avoid packed foods. Stick to the meals prepared at home and be sure of the right amount of carbs.

Forgetting fiber

Fiber is a source of carb that playsseveral important roles in the body.Food rich in fiber reduce the risk of constipation and bloating. In general, bloating occurs when you reduce carb intake by forming loose stools that are easily eliminated. There are many sources of fibercontaining low carbs, such as chia seeds, bran cereal, beans, and legumes.However, legumes are said to be rich in carb even though their absorption is slow. Various nutrition journals may help identify foods based on their contents. It may seem to be challenging when starting to work on low carb. However, you will find it easy with time. Stay healthy by sticking to fiber to manage this process successfully. This will help cutthe cost of treatment on fiber deficiency symptoms, such as cardiovascular diseases.

Eating too much protein

Protein has several important roles in the body. The functions include the building of body bones, muscles, and cartilages. It also promotes healthy digestion, improves weight loss, protects the body from foreign pathogens, and provides nourishments in early development.In losing weight, protein brings the fullness sensationfor a longer time and reduces the amount of food consumed. However, when on a low-carb diet, you should reduce protein consumption. Try avoiding more protein intake than required. Usually, the extra amount is converted into glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis.This prevents the body from full-blown ketosis. Therefore, identify foods with moderate protein and fats.And in case of anything, consult with your doctor or a dietitian and read dietaryjournals to learn the best foods you should eat.

Skipping vegetables

Skipping vegetables is a simple mistake most people do when on a low-carb diet. This only makes them prone to health problems.Although vegetables have carbs, they also contain important nutrients and essential minerals, such as fiber, folate, potassium, and vitamin C and A. These nutrients improvebody health byprotecting it from cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, and inflammation.Furthermore, they promote weight loss by reducing hunger feeling and increasing the feeling of fullness.A deficiency of these nutrients can lead to severe common health problems that may be costly when seekingmedication.


Starting a low cab diet requires proper researchfrom various aspectsto avoid falling into health problems. It may seem to be a simple idea, but when it occurs, problems may arise. Be careful with the meals and the amount you take to avoid the mistakes highlighted in this article. You might think you are reducing carbs when in reality you are skipping important nutrients needed to protect the body from diseases like heart, brain, cancer, and diabetes.

Crystal Kadir

MS, Durham University

The work of a family doctor includes a wide range of clinical diversity, which requires extensive knowledge and erudition from a specialist. However, I believe that the most important thing for a family doctor is to be human because the cooperation and understanding between the doctor and the patient are crucial in ensuring successful health care. On my days off, I love being in nature. Since childhood, I have been passionate about playing chess and tennis. Whenever I have time off, I enjoy traveling around the world.

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