
Brown rice is a favorite for those looking to lead healthy lives. It is less processed compared to white rice, a factor that makes it relatively healthier. Brown rice is associated with many health benefits, including gluten-free diets, weight loss, and diabetes control. Below are the health benefits of brown rice.

Brown rice is a whole-grain food, making itnutritious and healthy. The germ in brown rice grain contains nutrients such as vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. The food is also rich in other nutrients such as fiber, proteins, thiamin, niacin, calories, carbs, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. However, brown rice has similar content of calories and carbs to white rice.

One of the outstanding nutrients in brown rice is Manganese, which is essential for muscle contraction, blood sugar regulation, metabolism, and nerve function. These nutrients in brown rice are beneficial to the body in different ways. Read on this blog to understand the health benefits of brown rice.

Good Food for Diabetes Patients

Intake of carbs impacts blood sugar levels; hence reducing the intake of carbs in all meals can reduce blood sugars in the body. Therefore, those with diabetes can choose brown rice as it is a whole grain food low in carbs than other more processed foods. Brown rice is digested slower hence less impact on blood sugar.

A study involving patients with type 2 diabetes who took two meals of brown rice in a day showed a decrease in blood sugar compared to those who ate white rice. Brown rice also reduces the production of the ghrelin hormone, which controls hunger. Eating this rice makes you feel full, reducing the intake of calories.

Aids in Weight Loss

Brown rice is a fiber-rich food. Eating food rich in fiber may reduce the intake of calories by making you feel full for a long period. It may also help you to reduce visceral fats. A study showed that women who replaced white rice with brown rice for two months showed a significant decrease in their waist circumference compared to those stuck on white rice.

It Is Gluten-Free

Gluten is a natural protein found in grains and has been linked to diseases such as stomach cancer. Some people are intolerant to it, causing serious reactions characterized by severe diarrhea, bloating, and stomach pains. Gluten is also linked to weight increase. Therefore, it is good food for those who choose a gluten-free diet.

Aids in Digestion

Brownrice is rich in fiber that aids in the digestion of food and smooth bowel movement. It can also aid in relieving existing constipation. Easier digestion of food may also prevent bloating.

Good for Maternal Health

Lactating mothers are very prone to depression and mood disturbances. It mostly affects first-time mothers who are usually overwhelmed by the new roles of taking care of their new ones. A study showed that consuming brown rice by lactating mothers improved their immunity and reduced stress, anxiety, mood disturbances, and depression. Lactating mothers with such conditions may experience reduced production of breast milk and weakened immunity.

Improves Sleep

Brown rice is rich in melatonin which aids in falling and staying asleep. The body produces this hormone, but some people still struggle to get a good sleep. Supplementing this existing hormone with foods rich in melatonin may improve your sleep.  Sleeplessness may cause an increase in fatigue, stress, and depression.

Improves Heart Health

Brown rice does not contain cholesterol. Foods containing cholesterol have been linked to heart problems and obesity. Therefore, it is wise to replace foods rich in cholesterol with brown rice. This rice also possesses some nutrients essential in fats and glucose metabolism.

Breaking down fats and glucose prevents the accumulation of excess fats in the body. Moreover, magnesium, which is also prevalent in brown rice, facilitates contraction of heart muscles hence smooth flowing of blood.

Prevents Stroke

Whole-grain foods such as brown rice may assist in the prevention of stroke. They contain vitamin K and antioxidants that facilitate this function. A study conducted on 250 000 people showed that eating brown rice reduces the risk of getting stroke compared to those who eat little brown rice or white rice.

Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants protect the body from oxidative stress associated with premature aging, cancer, and heart disease. They also prevent cell injury and inflammatory effects in the body.

May Improve Bone Health

Brown rice is rich in magnesium, which works with calcium to improve bone structure and bone density. This prevents diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and bone fractures.

Improves Metabolism

Brown rice is rich in proteins that are essential in improving body metabolism. Metabolic reactions maintain the normal functioning of the body.

Improves Body Strength

Brown rice is rich in healthy carbs and calories. The body burn calories to provide energy to the cells for normal functioning. It is also rich in magnesium which aids in converting carbohydrates and proteins into energy.

May Help in Fighting Depression

Brown rice contains glutamine and glycerin, which may inhibit the transmission of messages to the brain. Some of the messages transmitted to the brain may be associated with anxiety, stress, and depression. Therefore, inhibiting their transmission may result in relaxation of both the body and mind.

How to Incorporate Brown Rice into Your Diet

Brown rice is a very flexible diet that you can take at any time. You can also add to various meals such as:

  • It is taken as the main starch in a meal together with some proteins and vitamins.
  • Substitute for oatmeal, especially in cooking porridge.
  • It is used to make energy bars.
  • Substitute white pasta with brown rice.


Brown rice is a nutritious food that you should consider replacing other less healthy foods such as white rice. Eating brown rice can help you improve your digestion, prevent heart diseases, prevent several types of cancer, improve bone health, and aid in weight loss. It is also rich in different nutrients such as proteins, antioxidants, magnesium, and zinc. You can take the rice any time of the day.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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