
Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin and has many health benefits.Why do you think this vitamin is essential to the body? Does contribute to the general health of a person? This blog discusses the health benefits of vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 cannot be produced in the body. It is obtained through foods and supplements and improves blood and nerve cells health, prevents megaloblastic anemia, and makes up DNA. Various foodsare rich in vitamin B12, including meat, fish, milk, eggs, and cheese. Its deficiency is characterized by a skin disorder, tiredness, weakness, and heart problems. However, too much intake results in insomnia, cancer, skin and kidney disease, diabetes, and liver damage. Optimal dose of vitamin B12 varies depending on age. For instance, 2.4 mcg is recommended for adults.Below are the health benefits of this powerful vitamin.

Boosts immune system

Vitamin B12boostsmetabolism by converting foods into energy. People with vitamin B12 deficiency are prone to impaired metabolism that results in health problems, such as pale skin, shortness of breath, a smooth tongue, nerve problems, vision loss, constipation, and weakness. These symptoms may lead to death if not controlled appropriately.

Brain health

Many people experience memory loss, especially the aged ones, due to a deficiency of vitamin B12.Memory loss can also be caused by multiple sclerosis, genetics, protein misfolding, and Alzheimer’s. Loss of memory occurs due to damaged neurons in the brain. This condition is associated with forgetting names, repeatedly asking questions, losing items, poor learning, and misplacement.However,vitamin B12 prevents brain atrophy and improves this condition.

Reduces depression and boosts mood

Vitamin B12 synthesizes and metabolizes the serotonin hormone that regulates mood. Depression is caused by genes, status, other people, and meaningful work. Furthermore, it is symptomized by emotions, anxiety, loss of interest, irritability in men, and appetite change. Generally, depressed people are prone to poor eating habits and sleep apnea. If the condition is not controlled appropriately,it can lead to death. However, a diet of vitamin B12 can lower depression and boost mood.

Promote heart health

Heart disease is one of the cardiovascular diseases that result in death. It is caused by high blood pressure and blood sugar levels, high cholesterol in the blood, and diabetes. This condition is characterized by chest pain, numbness, discomfort, chest tightness, fatigue, and pressure. An unhealthy heart is a risk factor for other health problems, such as poor immune systems due to inadequate blood pumping. The disease can be controlled, though it is expensive and may result in death.However, a diet of vitamin B12 can improve heart health by decreasing homocysteine.

Prevents birth defects

Vitamin B12 promotesfetus development by ensuringits brain and nervous system develop properly. Therefore, pregnant women must add vitamin B12 to their diet to prevent defects and premature birth.

Reduces the risk of macular degeneration

Muscular degeneration is a condition that affects vision and is characterized by visual distortions, increased blurriness of printed words, and difficulty adapting to low light. It is caused by smoking, obesity, cardiovascular disease, aging, and family history. However, vitamin B12 supplement reduces its risk by lowering homocysteine, an amino acid that resides in the bloodstream and contributes to musculardegeneration.

Improves healthy hair, skin, and nails

A deficiency of vitamin b12 is linked to hyperpigmentation, nail discoloration, loss of skin color, and angular stomatitis.Vitamin B12 has proven to improve these conditions.

Aids in weight loss

Adding vitamin B12 to your diet is beneficial for people losing weight without exercising. Vitamin B12 resets metabolism by converting foods into energy required for the weight loss journey. Insufficient energy results from vitamin B12 deficiency and contributes to poor weight loss. Therefore, if you intend to lose weight, vitamin B12 is what you need. However, when taken in excess, it may contribute to diabetes, insomnia, cancer, and obesity.

Reduces the risk of stroke

Stroke is one of the cardiovascular diseases that may result in death if not handled appropriately. It is caused by tobacco smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.Vitamin B12 can reduce the risk of stroke bylowering homocysteine in the blood, an amino acid that contributes to stroke.

Reduces the risk of anemia

A deficiency of vitamin B12 results in anemia, which could be an inherited blood disorder, or caused by a deficiency of folic acid and iron.However, vitamin B12 prevents anemia byhelping in the formation of red blood cells.


 Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is obtained from foods and supplements.Its deficiency causes a skin disorder, tiredness, weakness, and heart problems. It improves blood and nerve cells health, prevents megaloblastic anemia, and makes up DNA. You can obtain it through meat, fish, milk, eggs, and cheese.  Pregnant women are advised to eat a vitamin B12 diet every day to support the fetus’s development. However, too much intake results in insomnia, cancer, skin and kidney disease, diabetes, and liver damage.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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