
Orange, scientificallyCitrus sinensis is a juice-producing fruit. Oranges come in varieties such as navel orange, tangerine, clementine, Valencia, and blood orange.

Ornge juice is a beverage with high oxidants and micronutrients such as folate, vitamin C, and potassium. It is an extract from orange fruit obtained by reaming or squeezing oranges by hand or machinery. Commercial juice is made by pasteurizing and removing oxygen from the juice to give it long shelf life. As a result, it removes concentrated taste hence necessitating the addition of artificial sweeteners. This blog focuses on the health benefit of orange juice and its possible side effects.

Improves Resistance to Diseases

Orange juice contains plenty of vitamin C, which supports immune function, helping the body withstand invading viruses and bacteria. Additionally, orange juice has beta-carotene, which the body converts into Vitamin A that boosts the immune system.

Reduce Inflammation

Consumption of food with high fat or glucose content causes inflammatory reactions. Such reactions may further lead to body cells and tissues to be impermeable to theeffect of insulin – a condition known as insulin resistance. The net effect is that your body becomes exposed to type 2 diabetes and arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis occurs when blood vessel walls solidify because of fatty acid deposits. After consuming high carbohydrate and fat meals, it is recommended to take a glass of orange juice that helps prevent inflammation by preventing insulin resistance and arteriosclerosis.

High In Antioxidants

The antioxidants in orange juice help prevent oxidative damage, which is brought up through the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. The antioxidants in orange juice include; carotenoids, ascorbic acid, and flavonoids. It’s recommended to take 25 ounces of orange juice, which is significant to 750 ml daily because it increases antioxidant status in the body. Other sources of antioxidants include; tea, wine, vegetables, and berries.

Cancer Prevention

Since orange juice contains vitamin C, antioxidants that help in cancer prevention, they also help maintain the DNA of healthy cells from changing into cancerous cells. In unison with vitamin C, orange juice has antioxidant hesperidin that helps decrease the growth of tumors and revitalize apoptosis in cancerous cells. It also helps in the prevention of colon cancer.

Decreases Blood Pressure

As mentioned above, hesperidin protects the body from cancer and various diseases as well. Hesperidin is soluble in water which influences the functioning o small blood vessels, which reduces blood pressure.

Blood Circulation and Creation

Oranges contain folate. Folate is a natural form of vitamin B9. This vitamin helps in the creation of DNA and the development of new cells. Folate plays an important role in building new red blood cells, hence encouraging blood circulation to the extremities. This implies that blood taken to the systems is well oxygenated, which supports the body’s overall metabolism.

Radiant Skin Glow

Orange juice helps in enhancing the beauty of the skin by making you look younger. Regular consumption of orange juice helps in enhancing skin complexion by defeating the aging effect and hydrating the skin. Massaging orange juice on the face helps clean the clogged skin pores and protects the skin against fine lines, wrinkles, pimples, and acne. Orange juice also helps overcome sunburn since vitamin C helps prevent toxins and offers freshness to the skin. Additionally, vitamin C is essential in collagen production responsible for making blood vessels, ligaments, bones, tendons and providing an elastic nature to the face.

Boosts Cardiovascular Health

Orange juice contains potassium and magnesium in plenty which helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure. Moreover, oranges contain hesperidin, which lowers high cholesterol levels hence protecting the heart from diseases.

Prevents Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are tiny mineral deposits that accumulate in your kidneys.  Excessive concentration of minerals and chemicals causes the growth and development of kidney stones. It is usually associated with nausea, severe pain, and traces of blood in the urine. Orange juice increases the PH of urine, making it alkaline, which helps in preventing kidney stones.

Production of collagen

Vitamin C is the essential component in the production of collagen. This compound gives structure to blood vessels, bones, ligaments, and tendons. Lack of vitamin C leads to scurvy, severe joint pain, and tooth loss. Adults with scurvy are advised to take a minimum of 90 mg of vitamin C daily. For individuals who smoke need 125 mg per day.

Furthermore, vitamin C helps prevent Anemia. Anemia is a condition where there are insufficient red blood cells in the hemoglobin. Orange juice has Vitamin C, which stimulates the absorption of iron into the bloodstream. Anemia patients are recommended orange juice or orange fruit consistently.

Beta carotene in orange juice helps in the prevention of cell damage. Orange juice has a high content of calcium which helps in bone health and reinforcement of teeth. Folic acids help in boosting the neural system, spinal cord, and brain health.

Side Effects of Orange Juice

Although orange juice is associated with various health benefits, it contains high sugar and calories.

Taking orange juice regularly leads to an increment of weight over time. Unlike other fruits, it does not contain fiber, it is less filling, and might lead to weight gain. Many types of orange juice contain high content of added sugar, which increases blood sugar levels. Taking too much sugar exposes you to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

Vitamin C in orange juice can increase or reduce the effectiveness of the drugs taken for a certain condition. When used with some drugs, it might trigger severe side effects.


Orange juice can also be found in powder form obtained by rehydrating the juice after drying or concentrating the juice then adding water. However, it is recommended to supplement orange juice with raw fruit, which limits daily consumption and is digested slowly. Orange juice provides little fiber but twice the calories and sugar, accelerating blood sugar and weight gain. Orange juice obtained from shops and supermarkets undergoes multiple complex processing steps and is stored in tanks before being parked. It is advisable to get fresh oranges and blend them to obtain natural and healthy juice. Moreover, when taking any medication for an underlying condition, talk to a health professional before consuming orange juice because vitamin C present might react with the drugs.

Elena Ognivtseva
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Nutritionist, Cornell University, MS

I believe that nutrition science is a wonderful helper both for the preventive improvement of health and adjunctive therapy in treatment. My goal is to help people improve their health and well-being without torturing themselves with unnecessary dietary restrictions. I am a supporter of a healthy lifestyle – I play sports, cycle, and swim in the lake all year round. With my work, I have been featured in Vice, Country Living, Harrods magazine, Daily Telegraph, Grazia, Women's Health, and other media outlets.

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