
As we age, cells, tissues, and organs undergo progressive degeneration, and reproductive hormones decline at a certain age bracket. In women, this happens between the age of 40 and 50 years. Interestingly, focused research has proven that CBD can slow down this process and help relieve the symptoms of menopause.

CBD offers significant anti-anxiety properties, activating serotonin receptors that help stabilize mood chemical messengers when it comes to mood swings. Hence, using CBD oil for menopause can relieve symptoms such as anxiety and mood swings. That said, let’s examine how CBD can relieve symptoms associated with menopause.

CBD for Hormone Imbalance

CBD provides relief for women suffering from hormonal imbalance. It helps in the regulation of the secretion of the stress-activating hormone cortisol. By influencing hormone regulation, CBD, helps in preventing hormonal imbalance, which causes menopause.

CBD for Digestive Issues

Various hormone changes in the body make the body experience menopause. It makes women more prone to experience menopause. The perimenopause process- the time during which the body makes a natural transition to menopause- causes considerable stress, which directly impacts digestive health issues.

Sex hormones play a role in the rhythm of our digestive tract. Thereby fluctuating levels can cause pain, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and changes in bowel movement. However, replacement therapy can complicate digestive health; since CBD oil may offer antiemetic and anti-inflammatory effects targeting several digestive concerns, it is highly preferred.

CBD for Low Serial Drive

Hormones play a significant role in our sex drive. As women experience the stages that lead to menopause, estrogen level fluctuates and drops significantly. Other symptoms like stress, pain, and vaginal dryness also lead to a severe cause of menopause. Therefore, CBD offers vasodilator, anti-anxiety, and pain relief properties that can help set up the mood for sensual experiences.

CBD for Headaches

Hormone headaches and menstrual migraines are half of the women. For some women, headaches get better during menopause, while for others, hormone imbalance and disruption make them much more severe than before. CBD is potentially effective in treating migraines; it helps in pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties, which may act as a natural option for helping to alleviate headaches and migraines. CBD oil is applied on the temples-the side of the head behind the eyes, for tension headache relief.

CBD for Impacted Hair, Skin, and Nails

Hormones play an important role in helping the hair to grow. Their decline can lead to hair loss. As estrogen levels plummet-drop sharply and abruptly, the skin produces collagen and natural oils, which are responsible for healthy jointly and skin elasticity.

Some women experience dry, itchy skin as a result of the production of collagen. With fluctuating hormones, our bodies also find it difficult to regulate the water level. That may also lead to dehydration and brittle nails – CBD oil tinctures, when applied on the problem areas, including the skin, hair, and nail bed, can alleviate the problem. CBD can be used alone or added to favorite skincare in this case.

CBD for Allergies

Whenever our immune system is stressed, it releases histamines-a chemical in the body that is released by white blood cells into the bloodstream when the immune system is defending against a potential allergen.

Hormones are intimately connected with the immune system, and it is not unusual to experience changes in allergies during menopause. Heighten allergies can also be one of the factors that cause sleep and insomnia. CBD potentially stimulates the CB 1 receptors and inhibits mast cell degranulation. The immediate response of tissues mast cells to wounding helps them release histamine inflammation into the body’s bloodstream.

CBD can also help lower the body’s histamine response to allergies while helping alleviate inflammation and other physical symptoms. Most women have turned to other cannabinoids such as THC to obtain menopause relief. THC helps with menopause problems such as hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep issues.

CBD for Mood Swings During Menopause

CBD and THC can also help increase the level of certain mood-boosting neurotransmitters in the body, which might help to receive moodiness, anxiety, and sleep troubles. CBD oil is also known to be non-psychoactive – it helps in influencing someone’s mood though but comes without the mind-altering effects.

CBD for sleep disturbance

Many people report sleeping difficulties during menopause. This issue has a significant impact on daily life. CBD plays an important role in the sleep-wake cycle-it can affect sleep. However,  higher doses of CBD van have to sedate effect-frequent losing of memory due to depression and fatigue. CBD oil has the property of treating sleep disturbances relating to menopause; hence many medical officers advise patients to use it.

CBD for Bone Density Loss

At menopause, people begin to lose bone mass after menopause. Osteoporosis- a disease of the bones that causes bones to become weak and easy to break; it affects 1 and 4 females aged 65 and above.

Having low bone density can increase the risk for fractures; hence it is crucial to receive treatment. CBD interacts with cannabinoids receptors that may play a role in bone density loss. CBD can reduce the rate of bone density loss that can occur during menopause.

CBD Dosage for Relieving Symptoms of Menopause

The effective dosage of CBD varies widely by individual and condition.  Experts recommend that you start with 20mg and waiting 90 minutes, especially when using edibles to gauge the effects of the dose before taking more.

It would help if you started low and slow while taking CBD. For THC products, 2.5 to 5 mg micro-dosing has gained popularity because it is highly effective without psychotropic effects. It also has a good way of trying out cannabis without risking feeling too altered. You can always add more, but you can’t lower the dose once you have taken it. It is therefore advisable to start with smaller amounts when you are starting to experiment with other therapies.

If you are either using a sleeping aid or limiting electronics to help you in supporting strategies such as having regular routines and avoiding stimulants in the afternoon, do not always replace them. The best place to buy CBD products such as THC is the dispensary. It is important to read labels even when buying from trusted sources. Topical CBD in the form of suppositories, lubes, oils, or creams can also reduce inflammation where applied. The skin has cannabinoid receptors. It can receive pain from conditions such as arthritis and vaginal irritation during sex or cramping during perimenopause. When cannabis is applied topically, they do not reach the bloodstream. That may lead to it not addressing other issues such as anxiety and insomnia, and one may not get high from any amount of THC in the product when applied topically.

Julia Davis

Mental health expert
MS, University of Latvia

I am deeply convinced that each patient needs a unique, individual approach. Therefore, I use different psychotherapy methods in my work. During my studies, I discovered an in-depth interest in people as a whole and the belief in the inseparability of mind and body, and the importance of emotional health in physical health. In my spare time, I enjoy reading (a big fan of thrillers) and going on hikes.

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