
Eating healthy is not just a diet; it’s a lifestyle. You’ll need to make sacrifices and stay consistent to achieve your health goals. Healthy eating involves consuming nutritious foods and avoiding carbs, fatty, sugary, and highly processed foods.

As a beginner, it may be difficult to adjust to healthy living fully. However, it’s not as tough as many people think. Before we give you helpful tips, there is something you should have in mind while reading this article; healthy eating does not mean you eat boring and tasteless foods, and neither does it require you to starve or consume bitter herbal meals. Now that you have this in mind, this is how a beginner can adjust to healthy eating.

First, understand;what is healthy eating?

Healthy eating simply means you eat the right things and in the right amount as you maintain consistency. It involves opting for whole foods, avoiding processed foods, and being mindful of what you take in your body. Following a clean diet will require you to avoid foods that don’t add any nutritional value to your body. One of the adjustments you’ll have to make is quitting junk food and focusing on healthier options like whole foods, vegetables, and anything that’ll add unnecessary fats.

What does healthy eating include?

Healthy eating entailsspecific foods thathelp you stay healthy. Whether you’re a beginner, or you’ve already started making changes in your diet to stay healthy, your diet should contain the following;

  • Whole grains like oats, barley, quinoa, whole wheat, and oats
  • Vegetables should be in plenty, especially dark leafy greens.
  • Fruits. Both fresh and frozen fruits are healthy. Canned fruits are not safe, but if you must use them, avoid the ones with sugar syrups and opt for the ones that have been canned in their own fruit juice.
  • Nuts and seeds-raw, plain, and roasted are the healthyoptions. Skip flavored nuts because they often contain added sugars.
  • Healthy fats- go for fatty fish such as salmon. Olive oil and avocado are also great options for cooking oil.
  • Legumes- lentils and beans are good sources of fiber and proteinsyou’ll need for healthy living.
  • Lean proteins; chicken, fish, greek yogurt, and turkey are great options.

Tips for maintaining healthy eating

Make cooking your hobby

The most effective way of controlling what goes into your food is being the one to cook it. You’ll pay attention to the amount of salt, sugar, fat, and artificial additives. You will be healthier, and you’ll stay protected from diseases like diabetes and heart diseases. More so, you’ll save extra coins that you’d otherwise spend on restaurant meals that do nothing but make you unhealthy.

Change environment

There is no way you’ll achieve healthy eating if your fridge and pantry are loaded with unhealthy stuff. Stop stocking your home with processed foods. As long as you have unhealthy foods around, you’ll not keep up with the healthy meal plan.

Focus onnutrition labels

If you’re a lazy buyer who rarely looks at the nutritional labels on products, you’ll have to stop the ignorance. Start familiarizing yourself with nutritional labels because they’ll provide you with all the information about the content of the food you’re considering to eat. Look at each ingredient and if there is any unhealthy component in it, let it pass and opt for another item.Avoid the ones that indicate tags like ‘modified’ or ‘hydrolyzed’ because they’re highly processed and contain added sugars. Instead,choose those with whole grains and whole wheat because they’re what you need for healthy eating. Ensure the calories are from fiber and lean proteins and not saturated fat and sugars for high-calorie foods. Sodium levels should also be low.

Whole foods forever

Whole foods are the ones with no modification, neither are their ingredients tempered with. No added sugars, dyes, preservatives, or unhealthy fats or salts are present in them. They include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, lean proteins, and unsalted nuts and seeds.

Say no to processed foods

When following healthy eating, avoiding processed foods is the hardest part. This type of foodrefers to any foodstuff that comes packed in a jar or box. It’s usually what most of us love to eat. They have high amounts of salt and sugar, inadequate fiber, and are very high in fat. It doesn’t mean you completely deny your body of the goodies. The healthy approach to enjoy your cookies, candies or chips is making them at home. Instead of buying them ready-made from the store, make them at home using healthier ingredients, and you’ll always be grateful for doing so.

Have a balanced-diet

With our current lifestyle full of poor eating habits, a well-balanced diet is a forgotten term. Wait, do you even remember what a well-balanced meal constitutes? A reminder; a proper meal should contain the right portion of carbs, proteins, and fats because the body needs them in many ways. Each meal should contain all the necessary nutrients. Fats shouldn’t be just any fat; avoid unsaturated and trans fats.

Pre-portioning food

You can be consuming the healthiest foods in this world, but you’ll not be healthy if the proportion is not right. You may even face more health issues than someone taking unhealthy foods but in moderate portions. The trick is using a small plate if you’re struggling to control your eating. Also, eat slowly to allow thorough digestion of food. Use these tips, and you’ll never overeat.

Limit calories

Being healthy means watching your calorie intake. Some foods may be healthy, but their high calories make them unfit for consumption. Any time you’re consuming a high-calorie food, ensure you take the least amount possible to prevent gaining weight.


Healthy eating is a journey. You may make all the effort in the beginning, but as long as you don’t maintain healthy habits, you’ll see no results. You must be consistent until it becomes your lifestyle. As a beginner, you’ll need to be patient and make small steps as you upgrade to bigger changes. Expect it to be tough in the beginning, but the results will be rewarding.

Crystal Kadir

MS, Durham University

The work of a family doctor includes a wide range of clinical diversity, which requires extensive knowledge and erudition from a specialist. However, I believe that the most important thing for a family doctor is to be human because the cooperation and understanding between the doctor and the patient are crucial in ensuring successful health care. On my days off, I love being in nature. Since childhood, I have been passionate about playing chess and tennis. Whenever I have time off, I enjoy traveling around the world.

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