Are you curious to try out CBD oil or any other cannabidiol product?  Countless industries are now considering CBD, a natural cannabis compound believed to help with various wellness complications such as anxiety, pain, and sleep disorders. There are numerous ways to consume this widely famed product. This article highlights the various ways of consumption for consumers to determine the most suitable method.

Basics of Taking CBD Oils

The potency of CBD oil determines the method of administration.  For the 250mg oils, put up to 5 drops of CBD oil under the tongue and maintain them for a maximum of one minute before swallowing.  This can be done three times a day for maximum effectiveness.  You can also opt to put your drops in your coffee, smoothie, or other beverages.  CBD is reputed to reduce the jittery effect of taking caffeine products.

How To Take CBD Oil from Home

If the earthy taste of some blends of CBD oil is unbearable for consumers to take it purely, there are many ways for them to infuse it into their diet, snacks, and beverages.  Below are some methods of consuming CBD oil at home;

Take it Directly in a Tincture.

You can make a concoction by mixing CBD oil with a little sweetener of your choice and ingesting it directly through a spray or using a dropper.  You can also put CBD drops directly under your tongue. The rich network of capillaries under the tongue absorbs the oil directly into the bloodstream for a quicker effect.

Put it in Your Smoothie

 Some of the CBD oil blends may have a strong, earthy taste that may be unpleasant to some people.  However, you can dilute the nasty taste with something sweeter.  For instance, add a few drops to your morning fruit smoothie and have your CBD oil in a leisurely way.

Add it to Your Salad Dressing

 You can opt to infuse your CBD oil into your diet by mixing it with your salad dressing.  For a healthy dressing, put in four spoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of your CBD oil.  Squeeze in some lemon juice and season the dressing with pepper and salt. 

Swallow It in a Capsule

 CBD oil capsules are a good way to maintain regular and consistent consumption of CBD.  However, you have to wait for up to 30 minutes for the capsule to take effect, as it has to undergo the digestive process before being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Add it to Your Coffee

Adding your daily CBD oil dosage to your favorite cup of coffee is a double advantage. It dilutes the taste of CBD oil and may take away the nervousness and jitters of caffeine intake.

Infuse it With Sweet Edibles

CBD oil drops can be baked into any form of candy or other baking products, from cakes, buns, cookies, and bread rolls to candy and sweets.  This is a discreet method of taking CBD oils, as you can easily carry the snacks and candy around with you.

Infuse it in a Cocktail

 You can have your favorite mixture of vodka or whisky with mezcal or any other drink of your choice mixed with a few drops of CBD.  You can also add it to your favorite fruit punch and sip your CBD oil comfortably with your drink.

Inhaling it in a Vape Pen

Vape pens are a friendly alternative to other forms of smoking, like marijuana rolls.  They are easier to use and emit little smoke.  It is also an efficient way of taking CBD oil, as it is inhaled into the lungs and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. However, it is not established how safe vape pens are in the long term.

Applying it to the Skin in a Balm

You can infuse CBD oil with beeswax, coconut oil, or any other topical rub and apply it to the skin.  This helps with aching joints and muscles, leaving you with an arguably pleasant body fragrance.  Some also claim it helps relieve period pain.

How Much CBD Oil Should One Take in a Day

A few drops in the morning is the recommended dosage.  You can then take more during the day, depending on your preference.  Everybody has different preferences in consuming CBD oils. You can figure out what suits you best by starting with a small quantity and increasing the dosage based on the effects you feel.  However, always stay below the maximum 70 mg daily.  You can also consult your doctor for the best advice.

More About CBD Oil

CBD oil is best stored in a cool dark place such as a drawer or cupboard. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.  If you take a single dose in a day, then the best time for taking CBD oil depends on its effect on your body.  If it energizes you, start your day with a dose.  If you seek a relaxing effect, you can opt to take your dose in the evening.


There are multiple methods of taking CBD oils.  You can take direct oral doses or administer tinctures under the tongue.  Optionally, you can mask it by infusing it into your favorite meal, beverage, or snack.  Pick the method that best suits you depending on your comfort and preferences.  The dosage also depends on the effect it has on your body.  For first-timers, you start with the least possible dosage and increase the quantity until you get comfortable.  If you have any doubts regarding the quantity or quality of a product, seek your doctor’s advice.

Ieva Kubiliute

Ieva Kubiliute is a psychologist and a sex and relationships advisor and a freelance writer. She's also a consultant to several health and wellness brands. While Ieva specialises in covering wellness topics ranging from fitness and nutrition, to mental wellbeing, sex and relationships and health conditions, she has written across a diverse range of lifestyle topics, including beauty and travel. Career highlights so far include: luxury spa-hopping in Spain and joining an £18k-a-year London gym. Someone’s got to do it! When she’s not typing away at her desk—or interviewing experts and case studies, Ieva winds down with yoga, a good movie and great skincare (affordable of course, there’s little she doesn’t know about budget beauty). Things that bring her endless joy: digital detoxes, oat milk lattes and long country walks (and sometimes jogs).

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