Intuitive Therapies Can Foster Health And Wellness – Body, Mind & Soul

Intuitive Therapies Can Foster Health And Wellness – Body, Mind & Soul

Many people take herbs and supplements, exercise, and eat right to maintain their physical health. They may also meditate, pray or use affirmations to care for their mental and emotional health. But what do you do when after all of your efforts and you still do not feel quite right? 

Dealing with a complicated physical problem or emotional issue is like trying to solve a puzzle. People often find themselves going from doctor to doctor in search of an answer. Yet no matter what they try, they still do not feel well much less in optimal shape. It is challenging when you feel like you are stumbling around in the dark looking for a solution. 

This is where an intuitive therapy session can help. It can save you time, money, and frustration by getting to the root cause and underlying issue of a health concern. 

People schedule intuitive therapy sessions at because they are suffering from a chronic illness, are experiencing mental or emotional pain, or have physical discomfort. Traditional doctors often offer remedies that mask symptoms. Most people want to understand what is going on and what they can do about it.  

Ultimately, they want to heal their health concern. Who would want to cover up what is happening instead of fixing the problem? 

Intuitive therapy sessions are quick, easy, painless, and an effective way to achieve this goal.

An intuitive therapy session can provide clarity on difficult decisions, sort out conflicting information, present deeper insights into a situation, or offer a different perspective. They can empower you by giving you a new, fresh, and alternative way of looking at a difficult state of affairs. They take into account all of the facets of a problem and let you know what is working and what is not working with your best interest in mind. These intuitive sessions can help you get your life back on track and moving forward again.

Intuitive therapy is a great adjunct to traditional healthcare often hastening the healing process. Mental and emotional issues such as anxiety, PTSD, and trauma have found amazing relief through these alternative health processes.  

The founder of, Dr. Rita Louise has an in-depth knowledge of diet and nutrition, supplements, herbal remedies, mindful meditation, energy healing, guided imagery, flower essences, essential oils, and other natural therapies. She also possesses a keen understanding of how the aura, chakras, and other subtle energy systems and their impact on your health and wellness. She is a graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute and has been trained in multiple life coaching and healing disciplines including hypnotherapy, Reiki, guided imagery, mindfulness, and more.  

Combined she offers a comprehensive assessment of the root cause of any health concern. It only makes sense that person, who does not feel well, would want to work with someone who has both alternative health credentials as well as a keen sense of intuition. 

Dr. Rita: It’s Her Story & She’s Sticking To It

Dr. Rita Louise credits early childhood influences for the direction her life would take. When she was 12 she was inspired by two television shows which explored the concept of ESP – extrasensory perception. This led her down the road searching for spiritual self-discovery with a keen desire to be able to tap into the unseen forces that fill our world.  

She began pursuing topics including health and wellness, philosophy, personal growth, psychic development, metaphysics, and the esoteric arts and sciences. She attended the Berkeley Psychic Institute where she studied meditation, energy medicine, and learned how to perform intuitive clairvoyant readings

After opening a private practice, her quest for knowledge to further support her career goals continued. Dr. Rita returned to school full time, earning a degree as a Naturopath and then a Ph.D. in Natural Health Counseling. She has also received the distinction of Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Happiness Coach, and Certified Mindfulness Practitioner.

She also realized that running a business does not end when you hang a shingle. It is all about marketing, marketing, marketing! If people do not know who you are, or what you offer, your phone will never ring. To support her marketing efforts she has created multiple websites, authored six books, hundreds of articles that have been published in print and online around the world, hosted a radio show (Just Energy Radio), founded the North End Psychic Fair, became a Pastor at the Church of Divine Man and served on the Board of Directors for the Holistic Chamber of Commerce.  

Currently, she is the Chairman of the Board for the International Association of Medical Intuitives and the architect behind the Institute of Applied Energetics which trains students in the practices of medical intuition, intuitive counseling, and energy medicine.

Challenges & Blessings

Taking a leap of faith can be challenging to anyone and when you are putting your time, energy, and reputation on the line, it can frighten even the strongest amongst us. When, however, you are doing what you are supposed to do, what you are being led do to, then what may seem unsettling to most can be exhilarating to others.  

Once Dr. Rita completed her studies at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, she decided it was time to start her new career and open her doors to working with clients. At the time, there weren’t (and still aren’t) job opportunities working as an intuitive therapist advertised on Indeed or The interest in this kind of alternative health modality was very much on the fringe, but she knew that there was a market for it. She realized right away that if she was going to work in this field she would be forging paths of her own in order to generate leads and clientele.  

To support her growth, she created a webpage to promote her services. The internet was new at that time and using it as a promotional medium was risky, but the internet offered her an expanded potential reach that could not be found in print advertising at a fraction of the cost. She also found like-minded sites and offered health and healing articles for placement on their web pages to draw attention to her work.

Dr. Rita felt blessed with the ease of digital promotion. Challenges started to emerge as time went on. The concept of working with alternative health modalities thankfully started to grow.  On the flip side, the number of people utilizing the internet as a marketing tool grew exponentially right along with the number of practitioners offering intuitive therapies. Tied to this, the rules regarding web page rankings shifted dramatically. What was once considered good practice was now frowned upon.  

These shifts in the digital market arena have caused her to rethink her marketing strategies and adjust accordingly. She is constantly seeking out alternative approaches for getting her name and her message out. Dr. Rita has a whole list of things that she is investigating for the future.  They include relaunching her radio show, writing another book or hosting an online or potentially live conference.  She is also actively looking for additional radio, TV, and conference appearances around the country.

Dr. Rita’s Advice To New Entrepreneurs

Running a business is an ongoing process.  In my many years of offering intuitive counseling sessions, I have worked with several clients who dream about opening their own businesses. They think that when you work for yourself you can set your schedule, work when you want, and enjoy an unlimited number of leisure days. You open a store, set up a website, or host an event and people will naturally come flocking to you.  

The reality is, is that it takes time and effort for any business to succeed. No one will ever find you if you are not out there promoting yourself, your products, or your services. When you run a small business or are a sole proprietor, if you are not working, then you are not making any money.  

While becoming an entrepreneur sounds wonderful, it is different from working a 9-5 job. Many business owners, once their business is up and running will leave it to run on auto pilot assuming that it will take care of itself. This scenario is every business owner’s dream but not their reality.  

Another thing that needs to be considered when opening a business is that when you are in charge there is never anyone there to tell you what to do, how to move forward, or what your best course of action is. You do not have a boss – you are the boss, the one who is responsible for making all of the decisions. Granted you can hire someone who can support you in these efforts, but it is your responsibility to see these activities through. If you are fortunate to have a staff, then these tasks can be delegated but most businesses start with just one or two people taking the leap of faith. 

Dr. Rita’s biggest piece of advice is to take a moment and look at yourself and what level of commitment are you willing to make to see your ideas come to fruition. When you open a business, you have to be in it for the long haul, for the good days and bad. This includes the added stress that is often not experienced if you have a day job: days, weeks, or months when sales are slow, when your technology goes on the fritz, and even when things are going on in your personal life that interferes with your ability to work.

Lastly, for a business to succeed, it can always be improved, updated, and modified to keep it on the leading edge of products, services, and technology. They say that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will be your business. It is only by taking that first step that you will ever discover if you have what it takes to succeed in the business world.

About Dr. Rita Louise

Founder of, Dr. Rita Louise is a Naturopathic Physician and a 20-year veteran in the Human Potential Field, but most importantly, it is her unique gift as a medical intuitive and clairvoyant that illuminates and enlivens her work. Her unique insights bridge the worlds of science, spirit, and culture and are changing the way the world views physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Most importantly, she helps individuals reclaim their most valuable asset – their health.  

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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