6 Different Ways to Keep the Skin Healthy in Winters

6 Different Ways to Keep the Skin Healthy in Winters

Guest post written by: Liz Salvatore, Content Specialist

Winter is almost here with its peculiarities – dry, dull, and pale skin – the aftermath of the bone-chilling weather. Humans try to make life quite comfortable by investing in gadgets like blowers, heaters, spending time in the sun, and using hot water to bath.  

While all these are good, the skin can end up dry with patches if there is no adequate care and nourishment. As a result, one needs to go the extra mile to care for the skin during winter. This involves sticking to routines to enable the skin to handle the extremities of the cold weather.  

Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels

Even though it will require some effort and time, they are investments that will help ensure your skin remains in the best condition. The skin is the largest body organ, which suffers excessively from cold weather. As a result, investing in caring for the skin will go a long way to keep it in good condition.  

To avoid dry, itchy, and flaky skin, here are recommended tips that can help you navigate the cold weather: 

Use a Moisturizer Every time you Wash. 

Ensure you are strategic with choosing a body lotion and moisturizer, especially for the winter season. You are better off with oil-based products as they help ensure your skin gets essential hydrating oil instead of water-based products.  

Every time you wash, the application of the moisturizer should be immediate. This helps keep moisture on the skin to prevent it from drying out. You should apply the product judiciously to your hands, feet, and face since they will likely be exposed.  

Consider products that have organic butter and oil alongside other essential ingredients. Essential oils like coconut oil will be lovely to have in your moisturizer.  You can even consider broad-spectrum organic CBD oil to nourish and you can Learn more about it here

Spend less time in the shower 

A long and hot bath might be tempting during the winter. However, the skin will suffer significantly from such experience. You are better off going for a maximum of ten minutes bathing with lukewarm, not hot water. In washing your hands as well, stay away from hot water. If the skin turns red after use, the water is probably too hot.  

Coldwater is less irritating and also pretty effective in removing dryness. Reduce how often you use the restroom hand dryer as well. If you must use it, use it until your hands are damp, not dry.  

According to a study, hot water can get rid of the skin’s natural oils faster than lukewarm water. Besides, the skin might experience some damage. Also, be gentle when drying your skin after a shower or bathing. You should not rub your skin vigorously but pat gently with a soft towel. This way, some of the moisture will hydrate on the skin.  

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels 

Adjust Your Skin Care Routine 

It is a wrong move to keep up with the same skin care routine you had in the summer. As seasons change, so will the demand on your skin change. This makes it essential to switch between products and consider something that will help the skin handle the weather effectively.  

As a result, you might need to keep your toners and astringents for the winter while you focus on cream-based cleansers for your skin in winter. Avoid astringents, as they are rich in alcohol that might dry your skin. Dry and itchy skin is a bad recipe for the winter since you need the skin to retain its natural oils. As a result, focus on a rich moisturizer for your face at night.  

In addition, consider moisturizing balm for your lips as well. Ointment or petroleum jelly is a good choice, as it can help with dry and cracked lips. 

Hydrate Constantly  

Optimum hydration throughout the day is also essential to keeping the skin healthy and in top condition during the winter. You need to take enough water to reduce the tendency of your skin drying out. This also helps maintain its color.  

Alongside optimum hydration, ensure you focus on foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids with high oxidants levels. These nutrients are vital to the protection of the skin from various damages. They also support the reproduction of healthy skin cells, including the skin.  

Adjust Your Diet 

What you eat also affects your skin. As a result, bumping up your fat intake might help soothe dry skin during winter. This makes it essential to concentrate on foods rich in olive oil, avocados, walnuts, etc.  

Be Smart with your Clothing 

Lots of fabrics designed for the cold might aggravate dry skin during winter. As a result, be smart with them. Prevent wool and other rough clothing materials from touching your skin. It can irritate your dry skin.  

As an alternative, consider a light layer made from soft and breathable material. Wear such directly on your skin before putting on any heavy or warm sweater. Your hands should not be left out, so use mittens or gloves and go with a pair that will not irritate your skin.  

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels


While the winter season could be hard on the skin, you can go the extra mile to reduce the effect of winter on your skin.  

These six recommendations will keep you on the right path in protecting your skin for winter.  

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