
Hypertension is known for “silent killing” because its symptoms take time to show up. For that reason, the most important thing you can do is to keep your blood pressurelow. To quickly get you started, this blog weeds out everything you should know about lowering blood pressure.

Is high blood pressure something to get worried about? According to World Health Organization (WHO), about 1.13 billion individuals worldwide had high blood pressure in 2015.By now the number must have gone up because people’s lifestyles are getting worse each year.Hypertension is considered a risk factor for life-threatening diseases like heart, brain, and kidney diseases. It’s one of the diseases taken for granted among the population, yet it can lead to early death. It’s a sickness that you’ll live with all your life. You can only manage but not cure it. Still, there are evident-based ways that can help to reduce high blood pressure levels. Let’s see how you can lower your high blood pressure and learn everything you need to know about it.

Types of High Blood Pressure

There are two major types of high blood pressure, primary and secondary high blood pressure.

Primary hypertension– usually has no symptoms, and its cause is unknown.Most people have this type of hypertension without knowing.

Secondary hypertension-involves having an abnormality in the arteriesresponsible for supplying blood in the body. It’s linked to many causes; hence the root cause needs to be found before deciding how to control lt.

What Are The Causes Of High Blood Pressure?

Causes of primary hypertension include;

  • Genes
  • Sudden changes in the body
  • Overweight or obese
  • Smoking
  • Physical inactivity and poor diet

Causes of secondary high blood pressure include;

  • Kidney disease
  • Sleep problems
  • Thyroid problems
  • Over-counter Medications like ibuprofen, Motrin, afrin, Advil
  • Abuse of drugs and alcohol
  • Adrenal gland problems
  • Too much consumption of salt

How to Tell You Have High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure kills silently. Most individuals may fail to know they have it because it often comes with no signs or symptoms. That’swhy it’s advisable to measure your blood pressure regularly. If symptoms occur, they’ll be early morning headaches, nosebleeds, abnormal heartbeats,changes in vision, and buzzing in the ears. Severe high blood pressure will cause fatigue, nausea, vomiting, confusion, chest pain, and muscle problems.

Complications of Uncontrolled Hypertension

Hypertension can lead to serious damages to the health. Extreme elevated high blood pressure hardens the arteries and interrupts the blood flow and oxygen to the heart. High blood pressure or reduced blood flow will lead to;

  • Chest pains
  • Heart attack. It happens when the blood supply going to the heart gets blocked and denies the muscle cells oxygen.
  • Heart failure- occurs when the heart does not pump sufficient blood and oxygen to the body organs.
  • Abnormal heartbeats.
  • Stroke- occurs when there is an insufficient supply of oxygen and blood due to arteries blockage.
  • Kidney failure- severe hypertension may damage the kidneys.

How to Prevent Hypertension

  • Reducing salt consumption. It should not be more than 5g in a day
  • Consume more fruits and vegetables
  • Be physically active daily
  • Avoid tobacco, and reduce alcohol consumption
  • Limit intakes of highly saturated fats foods
  • Avoid or minimize trans fats in the diet

Managing High Blood Pressure

  • Reduce, and manage stress
  • Check blood pressure regularly
  • Manage other medical conditions that can lead to high blood pressure
  • Use treatment for high blood pressure

What Are The Treatments For High Blood Pressure?

Like other chronic diseases, hypertension too needs a body-friendly treatment to manage it.Various successful approaches can help you lower your high blood pressure. This includes changing lifestyle,using supplements or medication. Whatever selection you go for, ensure your doctor gives you the green light to ensure you pick what works well with you.

Main supplements include fiber found in wheat bran, folic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids in fish and fish oil supplements. Other options include;


Magnesium is an important mineral with many benefits, regulating blood pressure being one of them. It reduces blood pressure by increasing the production of nitric oxide, which helps in the relaxation of blood vessels. Experts claim that having a daily intake of 100mg of magnesium reduces the risks of high blood pressure by 5%.

Vitamin D

Hypertension patients tend to have a lower content of Vitamin D. Taking supplements that contain Vitamin D will help the body to have enough minerals.


Potassium’s nutritional value is a great supplement to regulate high blood pressure. It promotes sodium excretion through urine and helps the blood vessels relax, which stabilizes blood pressure.


Beetroot improves blood flow and oxygen supply in the muscles. This fruit reduces blood pressure for people with hypertension and even those without.


Garlic is beneficial in a way that it naturally lowers blood pressure. It also minimizes the risks of stroke, heart attack, and artery diseases.

Green tea

This all-around healthy drink will help you maintain healthy blood pressure levels.


Consuming ginger will help you have stable blood pressure. You can use it as a powder in food or as a root in hot water.

Vitamin C

Your body needs this supplement for wholesome health benefits. It’ll also help to lower blood pressure.

Recommended Lifestyle and Home Remedies

Although some foods and supplements can help you manage blood pressure, changing your lifestyle is the best control measure, even if you’re taking blood pressure medication. Here’s what you can start doing;

Eat healthy foods

 Start eating heart-healthy meals. Let your diet include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish, and low-fat dairy foods.

Reduce salt intake

Decreasing the amount of salt you put in food is not enough. You have to avoid saltshakers and processed food like canned soups because they have unhealthy amounts of salt.

Have a healthy weight

You are losing weight if you’re overweight or obese, and keeping fit will help you control your blood pressure and lower the risks of other health problems.

Increase your physical activity

Regular physical activity can lower systolic pressure by 11mm Hg and diastolic by about 5mm Hg.

Limit alcohol, and avoid smoking

Alcohol can raise blood pressure, even for healthy people. Ensure you have it in moderation. Smoking injures the walls of the blood vessels and causes plaque in the arteries. Quit doing it.


Whether you have high blood pressure or not, you need to ensure your blood pressure is well regulated. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, changing diet, and using medication will help you have stable blood pressure.  Also, add leafy greens, citrus fruits, whole grains, and supplements willif you want to maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

Charlotte Cremers
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MS, University of Tartu
Sleep specialist

Using the acquired academic and professional experience, I advise patients with various complaints about mental health - depressed mood, nervousness, lack of energy and interest, sleep disorders, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and anxieties, difficulty concentrating, and stress. In my free time, I love to paint and go on long walks on the beach. One of my latest obsessions is sudoku – a wonderful activity to calm an unease mind.

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