
There are many nutritious foods on earth, and salmon is certainly one of them. It is heavily packed with nutrients and compounds that lower your risk of particular chronic diseases and many complications. Why not try this sweet, versatile, and widely available food?

The talk about superfoods is common today among health enthusiasts who can never miss spinach, pumpkin, hemp seeds, and cabbage in their lists. Although salmon may not appear on the list of superfoods, it is one of the incredibly nutritious foods you can enjoy on planet other. In addition, this seafood is loaded with compounds that reduce your risks for many complications and chronic diseases and also help boost your heart health. Moreover, it does not cost you a fortune, and you can enjoy this delicious food. Here are some of the impressive health benefits of salmon that will definitely win your heart.

i.                    Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids

Although health experts have become greatly concerned about taking too much fats over the years and have linked them to chronic diseases, they still agree that omega- 3 fatty acids, being essential in nature, are important to the human body. The human body cannot produce these fatty acids, and you must eat foods rich in them to get them. Thankfully, a 100 g piece of salmon contains 2.3g or 2.2g omega- 3 fatty acids for farmed and wild salmon, respectively. What’s more, the fats are in EPA and DHA forms, two fatty acids linked to improved arterial function, lower cancer risks, and reduced inflammation. Provided you take at least two salmon servings in a week, you meet your omega- 3 needs and don’t have to supplement with fish oil capsules.

ii.                 It may promote brain function

Although cognitive decline was a disease for the old fellows for a long time, things have changed, and any person can be affected by one form of cognitive decline or the other. Fortunately, some foods can boost brain function and lower the risk of cognitive decline, especially before advancing in age. Salmon is one such food whose fatty acid composition makes it ideal for protecting the brain cells. Consequently, your risk of suffering from multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s disease will be reduced significantly by consuming salmon.

iii.               It possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties

Inflammation is a natural process that’s typically harmless. However, the cells often become hypersensitive and fire themselves, resulting in harmful inflammation that translates to an increased risk of colds, allergies, and chronic diseases. A review of more than 22 studies showed that salmon has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and eating it regularly lowers one’s risk of contracting diabetes, heart disease, and many chronic problems. In fact, The Good Food recently did a study that confirmed these claims, adding that people who eat salmon regularly had reduced inflammatory markers.

iv.               Salmon is rich in proteins

Apart from omega- 3 fatty acids, salmon is also rich in proteins, which is another dietary requirement you cannot substitute. For instance, a 3.5-ounce (100 g) piece of salmon is loaded with 20g of proteins, which is close to half the proteins needed by females of 14 years and above (they need 46 g daily). Proteins are important in the body and form the structure of cells, help manufacture the protective collagen fiber, prevent muscles from wasting, especially during workouts, and promote the healing of wounds.

v.                  It is a great source of vitamin B

Vitamins B are incredibly essential in the diet, where they help in blood function, energy production, and other critical roles. Eating salmon is one way of getting unadulterated vitamins B. For every 100 g salmon piece you eat, you are supplying 100%, 63%, 56%, 38%, 38%, 23%, and 7% of the daily required B12, niacin, B6, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamine, and folic acid vitamins, respectively. The B vitamins have multiple roles in the body and help manufacture and repair DNA, lower inflammation risk, and keep the brain and nervous system functioning.

vi.               It regulates mood and the sleep-wake cycle

Salmon is a great protein source and contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid. According to the U.S. National Library for Medicine and Medline, essential amino acids are critically important in the body since they must come from your diet. Tryptophan works with the glands to influence the secretion of serotonin and melatonin, two hormones that influence your sleep-wake cycle and mood.

vii.             It may be good for healthy aging

Aging comes with many challenges, some of which you can manage. For instance, eating salmon supplies the body with astaxanthin, an antioxidant compound that promotes healthy aging. In addition, the protein content of salmon protects muscles, bones, and joints, preventing their speedy wasting as one advances in age. In addition, the antioxidants protect the skin from UV damage and help the skin heal from sunburns.

viii.          It is a good source of potassium

We would never exhaust our list of nutrients salmon has without mentioning potassium, a nutrient needed for easy dilation. Consequently, potassium lowers blood pressure and heart disease risk.  It works well with sodium ions, regulating blood and fluid pressure. In fact, salmon has more potassium than the regular-sized banana, which supplies 9% of the RDV, while wild salmon gives the body 13% potassium.

ix.                Salmon is good for eyesight

Many people with eye problems are consuming salmon to improve their vision. Salmon is rich in vitamin A, a nutrient required for reproduction, vision, and overall health. Therefore, if you have eye issues, you should consider featuring salmon in your diet, and you might be surprised at how fast things will improve. In fact, your eyes will be free from cataracts, blindness, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

x.                  It may help boost your immunity and lower constant exhaustion

Salmon is also rich in vitamin D, an essential vitamin found in foods and sunlight. According to The Good Foods, vitamin D boosts immune function besides promoting bone health. In addition, the seafood is vitamin B12-rich, which helps reduce constant exhaustion and boosts appetite.


Salmon is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods on earth. It is packed with vitamins, including folic acid, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, vitamin A, D, and E. Its omega- 3 fatty acid content makes it good for heart health. In addition, the fats reduce inflammation and lower the risk of contracting chronic diseases. If you want to boost your well-being, consider featuring salmon in your diet. It is affordable and readily available, so you need not spend a fortune to get it.

Tatyana Dyachenko
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For the past years, Tatyana has worked as a sex blogger and a relationship advisor. She has been featured in magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Teen Vogue. Vice, Tatler, Vanity Fair, and many others. Since 2016, Tatyana has focused on sexology, attended various training courses, participated in international conferences and congresses. “I wish people would address sexual issues in a timely manner! Forget shyness, prejudice and feel free to see a sex doctor for help or advice!” Tanya enjoys pursuing her flare for creativity through modelling, graffiti art, astronomy, and technology.

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