Many people go for yoga activities as a way of relieving stress. Body movements help better the nervous system and one’s mental state. There is a connection between CBD topical and yoga.

Several people take CBD either before or after taking part in yoga. Continuous muscle stretching leads to pain. Also, people who have anxiety and perform yoga require CBD topicals as a supplement. Topicals are administered to the body through the skin. It entails the application of the ointment on the skin for pain relief or beauty purposes. CBD topicals are available in different formulations, which include balms. Read this article to get to understand the relevance of CBD in yoga.

The Relevance of CBD in Yoga

People with chronic pain, sore joints, and muscle aches have at a point in time used CBD topicals. Yoga classes accelerate the healing process. This is made possible by doing yoga poses, making the healing process fun and productive. Schilling et al. (2021) noted that CBD might help with chronic pain. Hammell et al. (2016) found CBD great in alleviating inflammation.

Importance of Compounding CBD and Yoga

Relieving Stress

Different practices in yoga, such as prana and power yoga, have effects on our bodies. Yoga exercises enhance flexibility, reduces stress, and make one aware of what is happening around them. Moreover, merging yoga and CBD helps one get control of stress. CBD and yoga also enable one to experience longer yoga sessions through mind control. According to Æterna (2022), CBD and yoga boost your mind and body, reducing stress. Change in one’s state of mind is achieved by meditating more than normal. By doing this, you get a positive and free mind. On the other hand, terpenes infused with CBD topicals lower tension and exploit the effectiveness of yoga movements such as Vinyasa. According to Kron (2004), meditation leads to the reliance on serotonin, which makes one feel happy and better.

CBD Enhances Regeneration after Strenuous Yoga Practices 

After a vinyasa yoga session, your body may experience some muscle pain. Moreover, you may also suffer from inflammation. Schuelert & McDougal (2011) and Hammell et al. (2016) found CBD great in alleviating inflammation. After being absorbed in the body, CBD topicals offer a soothing effect and minimize soreness by producing properties that bring about body regeneration.

Best for Body and Mind

Dussault (2017) suggested that mixing yoga and CBD elevates one’s experience with the yoga session. It also helps one achieve a successful and relaxed yoga session. One’s body can reconnect by doing away with tension due to nervousness or anxiety. García-Gutiérrez et al. (2020) showed that CBD has powerful anxiolytic properties. These properties can help with stress and anxiety.

Little to no Effects After Using CBD

Normally, when one feels pain, the number one option they have is to go for over-the-counter drugs. However, over-the-counter drugs often give unpleasant side effects to the user. The side effects include a weakened immune system, drowsiness, and diarrhea. Cannabis performs its work with a range of minimum to no side effects. Working hand in hand with the endocannabinoids, they help maintain the body’s homeostatic state. The endocannabinoid system present in the body, working hand in hand with CBD, offers no major side effects as long as they are taken in a good amount. Battista & Di Tommaso (2012) stated that the endocannabinoid system plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis. When the body is in the homeostatic state, it functions well because it is relaxed.

CBD for Power Yoga Activities

CBD has the potential to contribute positively to your Vinyasa, ashtanga, and power yoga classes. Studies show that CBD helps you become focused by improving your concentration levels. Combining CBD and yoga is a way of strengthening the bridge between one’s mind and the body. When experiencing either joint or muscle inflammation, it becomes difficult to participate in yoga activities actively. The difficulty is due to the tightness of the body that hinders one’s mobility. CBD is a renowned anti-oxidant that assists in nullifying free radicals that bring about inflammation. When one is not experiencing inflammation, they tend to be flexible. Application of CBD before or after yoga practices makes you perform the practices comfortably.

Topicals also help maintain one’s focus while performing yoga. One can benefit from the effects of cannabis without experiencing the high feeling. One can do away with thoughts from outside, which are destructive at a faster rate, making one focus and be mindful of what is happening at the present moment.

Joint pain alleviation is also another important function of CBD topicals. The topicals also help reduce nervousness when one is nearing yoga sessions. Pain relief is offered after engaging in a strenuous workout, especially the stretching session. Pain relief makes the stretching session very fruitful. Regular use of CBD topicals makes yoga exercises more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Examples of CBD Topicals That Help with Yoga

Different CBD topicals have varying impacts on yoga sessions. Some of the uses of CBD topical products include relieving pain, making someone feel relaxed and calm, and managing overthinking and depression. When one massages their body with a CBD topical, it allows them to experience anti-inflammatory effects. In turn, they will experience psychological balance. Note that not all CBD tropicals can combine well with activities related to yoga. Some of the CBD topical products that work well with yoga include lotions, balms, powders, liquids, sprays, foam, patches, gels, and ointments.


CBD and yoga work hand in hand in relieving body pain and making one calm and relaxed. However, continued stretching can cause muscle inflammation. CBD topicals offer the best pain-relieving effects that are natural, unlike the drugs offered over the counter, which have effects such as drowsiness and diarrhea. CBD is also good in relieving tension during pre-yoga activities enabling one to have a fruitful yoga session. Try using CBD topicals after or before yoga classes, and get to enjoy the benefits.  


Æterna’s, L. (2022). CBD for Weight Loss. Nouvelles.

Battista, N., Di Tommaso, M., Bari, M., & Maccarrone, M. (2012). The endocannabinoid system: an overview. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 6, 9.

Dussault, D. (2017). Ganja Yoga: A practical guide to conscious relaxation, soothing

pain relief, and enlightened self-discovery. Hay House, Inc.

García-Gutiérrez, M. S., Navarrete, F., Gasparyan, A., Austrich-Olivares, A., Sala, F., & Manzanares, J. (2020). Cannabidiol: a potential new alternative for the treatment of anxiety, depression, and psychotic disorders. Biomolecules, 10(11), 1575.

Hammell, D. C., Zhang, L. P., Ma, F., Abshire, S. M., McIlwrath, S. L., Stinchcomb, A. L., & Westlund, K. N. (2016). Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain-related behaviors in a rat model of arthritis. European journal of pain (London, England), 20(6), 936–948.

Kron, J. (2004). Meditation. Journal of Complementary Medicine: CM, The, 3(2), 32-36.

Schilling, J. M., Hughes, C. G., Wallace, M. S., Sexton, M., Backonja, M., & Moeller-Bertram, T. (2021). Cannabidiol as a Treatment for Chronic Pain: A Survey of Patients’ Perspectives and Attitudes. Journal of pain research, 14, 1241–1250.

Schuelert, N., & McDougall, J. J. (2011). The abnormal cannabidiol analog O-1602 reduces nociception in a rat model of acute arthritis via the putative cannabinoid receptor GPR55. Neuroscience Letters, 500(1), 72–76.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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