There are many things to look into when deciding on a medium for CBD. E-Liquids are a simple and practical way to take CBD for individuals who vape. Most people prefer CBD vaping because of accessibility, reliability, comfortability, and affordability. At first, vaping gadgets can be complicated, but they are simple. Individuals need to learn how to vape to enjoy the benefits. Learn more about vape juices, include how they work and understanding the concentration in vape juices.

What Is CBD E-Liquid?

CBD vape juice is known as CBD vape oil or CBD e-liquid. Oleinik (2021) stated that it comprises three key ingredients: VG (vegetable glycerin), a dark, clear, naturally occurring substance with a slightly sweet flavor. It is the main producer of the smoke that users exhale when vaping. PG (propylene glycol)  is clear, but it is much thinner, has more throat hits, and is made synthetically. Propylene glycol is non-toxic and safe for human consumption. CBD (Cannabidiol) is one of the marijuana plant’s two main active ingredients. CBD is not psychoactive like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

How Does Vaping CBD Work?

Vaporizers comprise four main parts: battery, tank, heating element, and CBD vape oil. The vapors from the tank or cartridge pass through your lungs, delivering CBD to your bloodstream. Which Type Is Best For You?

Full Spectrum CBD vs. CBD Isolate

The CBD in CBD isolate is isolated, and these products lack other cannabinoids, terpenes, or flavonoids. Full-spectrum CBD contains a variety of cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes. During the extraction of cannabinoids, CBD is not isolated; the solution contains other cannabinoids such as CBG and CBC. Brousseau et al. (2021) suggested that the cannabinoids combine and offer more significant pain relief causing the entourage effect. Hemp includes less than 0.3 percent THC. Full-Spectrum tinctures will contain some THC but not enough to have psychoactive effects. CBD Isolate is the safest CBD liquid an individual can use if  THC effects are considered.

What Strength Of CBD E-Liquid Should You Use?

Most CBD vape liquids come in 30ml bottles with potencies ranging from 500mg to 1200mg. Each 30ml bottle cointins  500 mg/30 mL= 16.7 milligrams CBD per milliliter and  1200mg/30ml= 40mg CBD per milliliter. Most people start with 20-40mg of CBD per day, but it can vary with weight, type of discomfort, and severity of pain. Dosage change is easy, making vaping CBD better. A calculation can be done when an individual finishes a tank. Some devices even have a counter that keeps track of how many puffs you inhale. It helps in estimating how much CBD you get from every puff by dividing the CBD capacity of your tank by the number of puffs.

How To Use A CBD Vape

CBD vapes that are disposable and pre-filled are ready to use right away. Hold your hand over your mouth and slowly inhale. Start with 5-10 puffs and wait a few minutes for the effects to take effect. Refillable devices are difficult to work with, but they are easy to use if instructions are followed. First, charge the battery, fill the tank/pod with liquid and wait 5-10 minutes for the liquid to soak the heating element in the tank. Cotton wicking is used in most vaporizers to keep the heating element wet.  The vape can burn the coil if the cotton has not absorbed the liquid well. A burned coil needs to be replaced. Screw the tank onto your battery. Turn on, inhale, and enjoy your new device.


Cannabinoid retention is a big advantage of vaping CBD over smoking CBD flowers. That’s because excessive heat can cause cannabis flowers to lose numerous cannabinoids. Vaping can keep up to 90% of these cannabinoids for enjoyment. Also, vaping CBD comes with sweet scents and tastes, unlike burning cannabis flowers.


Brousseau, V. D., Wu, B. S., MacPherson, S., Morello, V., & Lefsrud, M. (2021).

            Cannabinoids and Terpenes: How Production of Photo-Protectants

            Can Be Manipulated to Enhance Cannabis sativa L. Phytochemistry. Frontiers in

            plant science, 12.

Oleinik, G. Best Full-Spectrum CBD Vape Juice (June 2021).

Julia Davis

Mental health expert
MS, University of Latvia

I am deeply convinced that each patient needs a unique, individual approach. Therefore, I use different psychotherapy methods in my work. During my studies, I discovered an in-depth interest in people as a whole and the belief in the inseparability of mind and body, and the importance of emotional health in physical health. In my spare time, I enjoy reading (a big fan of thrillers) and going on hikes.

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