Vapes are among the many ways to administer CBD to the body. Vaping CBD works slightly differently and offers advantages over other administration methods. CBD vape is offered in pre-filled cartridges that are compatible with battery-powered vaporizers.

CBD is administered to the body through various methods such as inhalation, orally, topical application, and sublingual administration. Of these methods, inhalation is the most effective regarding the time taken to take effect. Inhalation of CBD involves vaping CBD juices. It utilizes a special cartridge to vaporize CBD oil, to which the user vapes to deliver CBD to the body. CBD works in the human body due to the endocannabinoid system, which comprises cannabinoid receptors, cannabinoid enzymes, and endocannabinoids. This system works with the central nervous system to control homeostatic body functions. Vaping CBD offers a quick method of administration that is fast and effective and has a high bioavailability ratio.


In contrast to smoking, vaporizing is the process of heating a specific liquid until it turns into a gas. Individuals prevent combustion’s side effects like particulate matter and microscopic soot particles that can harm the lungs and cause heart issues because they are not heating it to the point of combustion. Moltke & Hindocha (2021) explained that because of its quick effect, inhaled CBD is effective for preventing migraines, providing fast pain relief, and even lowering public speaking anxiety. CBD vapes are mainly made from three main types of hemp extracts, i.e., full spectrum, broad spectrum, and CBD oil suspended in a particular carrier liquid; CBD vape is a sort of liquid that can be used in a vape pen. In most cases, CBD vape is sold in pre-filled cartridges that can be used to inhale the vapor from a battery-powered device. Each of these extracts differs in composition, concentration, and the overall effect it has on the user.


Understanding that CBD vape oil and CBD oil are two very different things is crucial. CBD vape juice is not the same as CBD oil. CBD oils can be used orally because they are food-grade safe, extremely concentrated, and typically produced with coconut or olive oil. These oils must not be vaped or smoked. On the other hand, CBD vape juice is designed to be vaporized and inhaled. These products, which are harmless liquids sometimes known as e-liquids, are occasionally misidentified as CBD oil. Guo et al. (2021) explained that real CBD oil could not be burned with a vape pen because of its high viscosity; if one does, it could result in highly toxic and bitter smoke. In addition, this won’t work as most of the CBD would have evaporated away as CBD is highly sensitive to heat. Exposure of CBD to heat above 37 degrees Celsius would instantly vaporize the cannabinoid. A thinning agent is used during production to make vape juice less dense and more vapor-friendly. The typical delivery method is in the form of a cartridge, which is subsequently smoked using a vaporizer or vape pen. It is important to understand that cannabidiol is derived from hemp, and in an isolated, pure salt-like state, it is known as CBD isolate. It is 99% pure CBD, the highest concentrated form of CBD. CBD isolates are then dissolved in a special liquid, either propyl glycol or vegetable glycerin, to make CBD vape juice safe to vape.


The device known as a vaporizer is what warms up the juice and turns it into vapor, which one then inhales to get the desired effect. However, not all vaporizers operate in the same way. Some heat the juice while others directly burn the plant material, as with cannabis, for the THC high. Some vaporizers can heat wax, oil, and plant material. Vape pens are a stylish and reasonably priced solution comparing vape pens to larger vaporizers. It would be prudent to buy one of these vape pens over larger vaporizers, especially if you are new to vaping. The following components are common to most vaping devices:

  • A mouthpiece for placing on the lips and sucking the vapor.
  • A cartridge or tank that is filled up with CBD vape juice.
  • An atomizer or a heating element converts CBD vape juice into CBD vapor.
  • A battery that stores energy for the heating element.


Vaping CBD offers some advantages that other methods of administering CBD may not offer. These include:


Instead of combusting materials, vaporizers produce steam. As a result, vaping is a better choice than smoking. In contrast to marijuana or cigarette smoke, which can be harsh on one’s lungs, vaporizing produces a slow-moving vapor. Propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, nicotine, or THC are not in a natural vape oil. Kolen (2020) explained that the 2018 Farm Bill also says vaping CBD is acceptable. Vaping produces less smell and is a discrete way to take CBD. a person can consume little doses of medication throughout the day using vaporizers. It makes obtaining CBD through vaping a rapid and practical process.


In comparison to other methods, including CBD oil, vaping has the quickest time to impact. Compounds can enter one’s bloodstream fast when they breathe them in through their lungs. A person should start to feel the benefits within five minutes. It is perfect for those who want to feel the possible advantages of cannabis immediately. It is especially helpful for folks who need prompt pain or stress relief. Raymond et al. (2021) explained that vaping CBD has a higher bioavailability to the body. Bioavailability is the proportion of a chemical that reaches the bloodstream unaltered. CBD must pass through the digestive system when it is taken orally. The liver then metabolizes the remainder. For oral ingestion, this metabolism results in decreased bioavailability. The solution to this problem is vaping. Vaporizing offers a better bioavailability than oral ingestion due to bypassing the gut and liver.


Vaping is administering CBD to the body through special juices that contain CBD and are heated using special devices known as cartridges. Rather than burning the CBD vape juice, it is heated to an evaporation point and then inhaled via the lungs. This method is effective when one needs a quick onset of CBD effects.


Guo, W., Vrdoljak, G., Liao, V. C., & Moezzi, B. (2021). Major cannabis vape oil liquid, vapor, and aerosol constituents in California vape oil cartridge samples. Frontiers in Chemistry, 9.

Kolen, D. (2020). Dentistry in the New World of CBD. Substance.

Moltke, J., & Hindocha, C. (2021). Reasons for cannabidiol use: a cross-sectional study of CBD users, focusing on self-perceived stress, anxiety, and sleep problems. Journal of cannabis research, 3(1), 1-12.

Raymond, O., McCarthy, M. J., Baker, J., & Poulsen, H. (2021). Medicinal Cannabis–The Green Fairy Phenomenon. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 74(6), 480-494.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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