
Accumulation of visceral fat is dangerous, and one should eliminate it. Learn about evidence-based waysto do this.

Visceral fat is the fat that accumulates around the belly. It is risky since it is deposited around the internal organs and is linked to several lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and different cancers. There are two main ways to tell that visceral fats have accumulated in your body; a protruding waist, and belly.Typically, women’sand men’swaist lengths should not exceed 35 and 40 inches, respectively.Treat this blog as a primer and use it to learn how to eliminate visceral fat.

i.                    Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help reduce visceral fat. For instance, aerobicswork effectivelyto burn fats, and consistency leads to results. Interestingly, youmay not require to diet if youwork out regularly. You can either undertake high-intensity and moderate aerobics or incorporate both. For starters, moderate aerobics, including jogging, jumping, running, and skipping, would do before shifting to high-intensity workouts. However, for better results, observingdiet as oneexercises is critical. As such, there would be a need to avoidhigh-fat food and drink a lot of water for faster results.

ii.                 Reduce sugar intake

Taking a lot of sugar is dangerous as it contains no nutrientsand islinked to weight gain andvisceral fat. Sugar contains fructose which accumulates in the body and is stored as fat in the liver. The more the accumulated fats, the faster they are deposited around the belly. You can avoid sugar and replace itscravings and those for sugared foods with healthier fruits. This will be beneficialas you will eliminatevisceral fats.

iii.               Shift to a low-carb diet

High carbs intake leads to the accumulation of visceral fat. In fact, studies have confirmed that carbs intake contributes more to fats the fat-rich foods. Interestingly, this idea led to the development of the ketogenic diet, which emphasizes a low-carb, high-fat diet that reduces carb intake to less than 50 grams in a day. Less intake of carbs compels the body to burn the stored fats for energy, getting rid of the midsection fat.

iv.               Add more fiber to your diet

Fiber may aid in reducing visceral fat in various ways. Its intake reduces appetite by increasing fullness, and the less you eat, the less the calorie and weight gain. Besides,itreduces the speed with which food moves from the stomach to the intestine, delaying absorption time and reducing hunger feelings. Vegetables, fruits, seeds, and whole-grain foods are rich in fiber and can be eaten for the stated benefits. Moreover, the fullness reducesone’s cravings for sugary food other high-carb foods, ultimately adding up to reducing visceral fats.

v.                  Increase intake of protein

Proteins boost the rate of metabolism, increasing the speed at which the body burns the stored fat. Besides, increasing itsintake also increases fullness,reducing hunger. What’s more,fullness reduces the amount of food one takes in a day, resulting in cutting down on carbs and eliminating visceral fats.

vi.               Control your stress

Anxiety and stress can facilitate the storage of visceral fats. A high level of stress and anxiety leads to the production of the hormone cortisol, whose increase has been linked to the accumulation of body fats. Therefore, you should apply different ways to reduce your stress and control fat accumulation.  Such includeexercises, talking to friends, watching movies, and meditation.

vii.             Avoid alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol contributesto the accumulation of fats around the waist, explaining why mostmen who drink much develop protruding belly, showing that too much fat has accumulated around that area. Unfortunately, women are more vulnerable to this condition, which is why even those who take moderate alcohol may equally have accumulated fats on their bellies. However, there is no study to explain how alcohol is linked to the accumulation of visceral fats.

viii.          Diet and fast

Dieting may restrict some foods that contribute to visceral fat, while fasting may not restrict certain food, but it decreases the number of meals one takes in a day. Doing away with a meal in a day reduces the calories intake. However, one should be careful not to increase the amount of food in the other meals, compensating for the calories lost.

ix.                Keep off trans-fat

Most processed foods contain trans-fat, mostly added to prolong the food’s shelf life before its expiry. Although they may help food stay longer, they can increase visceral fats and one’s chances of developing high blood pressure.

x.                  Drink more water

Drinking a lot of water can help you reduce calories intake by reducing the chances of taking drinks such as soda and juice. Besides, italso aids in the burning of calories and ensures that body organs are functioning well, reducing the accumulation of waste in the body.

xi.                Take probiotics.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria found in the gut, skin, and other body parts. They can reduce the amount of food absorbed in the body and increase the production of more waste in feces. Less absorption of food in the gut reduces the accumulation of fats around the body.


Losing visceral fats may seem impossible. However, practical strategies such as regular exercise, dieting, reducing alcohol intake, avoiding trans-fat, and taking probiotics can help eliminate fats around the belly. Ensure consistency as you apply these methods to yield results. This way, you will keep liver disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and infertility issues at bay.

Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak, BA (Hons) Fashion Communication: Fashion Journalism, Central Saint Martins

Ksenia Sobchak enjoys blogging on fashion, style, lifestyle, love and CBD areas. Prior to becoming a blogger, Ksenia worked for a renowned fashion brand. Ksenia is a contributing author to leading fashion, lifestyle and CBD magazines and blogs. You can bump into Ksenia at her favourite cafe in South Kensington where she has written most blogs. Ksenia is a staunch advocate of CBD and its benefits to people. Ksenia is also on the panel of CBD reviewers at CBD Life Mag and Chill Hempire. Her favourite form of CBD are CBD gummies and CBD tinctures. Ksenia is a regular contributor at leading fashion, lifestyle as well as CBD magazines and blogs.

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