There are various ways of incorporating CBD into one’s lifestyle, one of them being utilizing CBD wax, the concentrated form of CBD. Herein one learns what CBD wax is, the benefits of CBD wax, the types of CBD wax, consuming CBD wax, and the different processing methods of CBD wax. The CBD industry is growing every day due to the wide range of ailments it can treat. Since more countries are legalizing CBD, more individuals are using it for recreational and health purposes. CBD wax is one of the CBD products individuals are less familiar with since there is a wide array of CBD products in the market. CBD wax is popularly known for its high potency since a little of it goes a long way. And due to this reason, more and more people are embracing it.

Additionally, it provides a wide range of potential health benefits similar to CBD products. And the good thing about it is it is non-psychoactive. Since it is new in the market, the most popular question is what CBD wax is. This article provides a complete guide on CBD wax, its benefits, its types, and more.


CBD wax is a CBD concentrate form, free from the psychoactive effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and is primarily hemp-derived. It got its name due to its wax-like consistency and is famously known for its heightened potency making it one of the favorite CBD products among cannabis users.


CBD wax is available in various types, each with pros and cons. They include:

  • Full spectrum: The full spectrum CBD wax contains almost eighty cannabinoids, including THC, cannabinol (CBN), and cannabidiol (CBD). Most people prefer it because the entourage effects make it more potent than the rest. The entourage effect involves all the otter cannabinoids colluding with CBD to boost its medical and therapeutic effects.
  • Isolate: The isolate CBD wax is the most refined since all the other compounds are extracted from the plant during its extraction. During this process, ethanol is mainly used for its purification. Even though it does not contain THC, it may be a bit costlier than the whole spectrum.
  • Broad spectrum: The broad-spectrum CBD wax is like a perfect mixture of CBD isolate and full spectrum wax since it has all the other cannabinoids, excluding THC. It is a good choice for consumers who want to experience the full entourage effects benefits without any psychoactive effects.
  • CBD shatter: As its name implies, its structure is similar to broken glass or rock candy. During its production, heat or chemicals are used for oil extraction and left to cool to harden and look like amber-hued glass. When heated for consumption, it takes on a gooey and thick liquid resembling honey.
  • CBD crumble: Since it uses pre-purged oil concentrated in moisture during its processing, its result is crumblier and has a feta-like cheese consistency.
  • CBD budder is manufactured using air pressure and expelling hemp at higher temperatures. The result is a consistency similar to butter and soft wax.
  • CBD live resin: CBD lives resin production is a bit different from the rest since hemp has to be freeze-dried first while fresh before its extraction. Freezing hemp is beneficial since all the other cannabinoids present are preserved. Due to this, it is the most expensive type.


Various extraction methods are utilized in the making of CBD wax. However, the most popular methods include:


It is preferable since it offers a more purified wax. Here, pressurized C02 extract other cannabinoids like terpene from the plant. Heat and higher pressure are also utilized to make carbon dioxide supercritical, meaning it takes the form of both liquid and gas simultaneously. Hence why it is sometimes known as supercritical carbon dioxide extraction. It offers a cleaner wax because most of the CO2 in the wax evaporates.


This extraction method uses butane to extract cannabinoids and the other essential oils present in the plant. Afterward, butane is left to evaporate, leaving a highly concentrated product. Even though it is more famous than the rest, it has some disadvantages, such as; it may cause an explosion during processing, and mostly, residual butane must be removed since it is harmful to the body.



Vaping is the most common way of taking CBD wax since it is quick and easy and does not need any unique instrument. You only require a vape pen or cart device to take CBD wax. However, one of its major downfalls is that it may get expensive when more resin is utilized.


Hadener et al. (2019) stated that, even though it resembles vaping, with dabbing, one would require a dab rig (a type of pipe whereby the nail is heated to make vaporizing possible). It is a good choice for consumers who yearn for a potent CBD dose and want to minimize cosset since less wax is used.


It is easy to make CBD wax edibles since all you require is to melt the wax to cannabutter. Here, an individual would need to substitute cannabis flowers for CBD wax. Afterward, the butter is incorporated into various foods and drinks.



Boyaji et al. (2020) stated that since CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is responsible for various functions, including pain sensation; it helps relieve multiple types of pain, such as cancer-related pain, joint pain, and arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.


Since CBD wax interferes with serotonin signals, a chemical responsible for one’s mental health, it may help alleviate anxiety and depression. Individuals with various mental health conditions, like depression, usually have low serotonin levels. Skelley et al. (2020) commented that CBD wax might help manage stress since it is a potent anti-anxiety agent.


Moltke et al. (2021) noted that, since CBD wax helps alleviate pain and anxiety, two major causes of sleep disruption, it automatically improves one’s sleep.


One of the newest CBD babies in the market is CBD wax. Most consumers love its heightened potency, meaning a person does not need much of it to get the desired benefits. CBD wax is available in multiple formulations, including but not limited to; broad spectrum, shatter, live resin, budder, full spectrum, and isolate. Each has pros and cons, so one should choose which suits them the best. Various extraction methods are used in processing CBD wax; CO2 is the most recommended one since it produces a cleaner wax, unlike butane, whereby some of it may be left behind, endangering a consumer’s health. Before taking any CBD product, including CBD wax, always talk to the doctor to help one know the ideal dosage and its effects.


Boyaji, S., Merkow, J., Elman, R. N. M., Kaye, A. D., Yong, R. J., & Urman, R. D. (2020). The role of cannabidiol (CBD) in chronic pain management: an assessment of current evidence. Current pain and headache reports, 24(2), 1-6.

Hädener, M., Vieten, S., Weinmann, W., & Mahler, H. (2019). A preliminary investigation of lung availability of cannabinoids by smoking marijuana or dabbing BHO and decarboxylation rate of THC and CBD acids. Forensic science international, 295, 207-212.

Moltke, J., & Hindocha, C. (2021). Reasons for cannabidiol use: a cross-sectional study of CBD users, focusing on self-perceived stress, anxiety, and sleep problems. Journal of cannabis research, 3(1), 1-12.

Skelley, J. W., Deas, C. M., Curren, Z., & Ennis, J. (2020). Use of cannabidiol in anxiety and anxiety-related disorders. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 60(1), 253-261.

Charlotte Cremers
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MS, University of Tartu
Sleep specialist

Using the acquired academic and professional experience, I advise patients with various complaints about mental health - depressed mood, nervousness, lack of energy and interest, sleep disorders, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and anxieties, difficulty concentrating, and stress. In my free time, I love to paint and go on long walks on the beach. One of my latest obsessions is sudoku – a wonderful activity to calm an unease mind.

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