Why Is It Important to Ask the Right Questions of Your Partner?

Why Is It Important to Ask the Right Questions of Your Partner?

With the right questions, you get to know your partner on a deeper level, including their communication style. Asking the right questions also allows you set boundaries, heighten intimacy and build trust in your relationship.

How Can This Help You Grow Closer / Determine Whether or Not You’re Compatible?

Asking the right questions gives you a clear picture of someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. When you know your partner better, your connection with them can increase.

Are There Certain Kinds of Questions (Like Open-Ended) That Are Better Than Others?

Not all open-minded questions are equal. Some can help you build a closer connection, while others can shake your relationship. Open-minded questions you should avoid asking your partner include;

  • “Do you think your ex can reach me when it comes to sexual performance?”
  • “How do you feel about your body count?”

3-5 Specific Questions You Recommend Asking a Boyfriend or Girlfriend

“What Will Happen If You Win Lottery Today?”

This question can help you gain sight into your partner’s core values and goals. When you know what your partner wants, it can be easier to plan for the future together.

“What is Your Vision of Our Relationship?”

Asking this question can help you know the state of your relationship now and where it can be in the coming years. It can also help you identify parts of the relationship that are healthy and those that need to be fixed.

“Are There Certain Things in Life That Scare You?”

Asking this question is a good way to understand your partner’s worries as well as their source. When fully aware of their worries and what triggers them, you can develop strategies to support them.

Elena Ognivtseva
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Nutritionist, Cornell University, MS

I believe that nutrition science is a wonderful helper both for the preventive improvement of health and adjunctive therapy in treatment. My goal is to help people improve their health and well-being without torturing themselves with unnecessary dietary restrictions. I am a supporter of a healthy lifestyle – I play sports, cycle, and swim in the lake all year round. With my work, I have been featured in Vice, Country Living, Harrods magazine, Daily Telegraph, Grazia, Women's Health, and other media outlets.

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