Sleep is a natural process controlled by the melatonin hormone, which controls the dark-light cycle. Lack of sleep is normally caused by insomnia, which might result from stress, pain, mental disorder, medications, or unusual sleep pattern. Sleep is considered quality if you sleep for a minimum of 7 hours without interruptions. This article will explore the benefits of sleep and how to get quality sleep.

Benefits of Quality Sleep

Sleep and Skin Aging

Sleep prevents skin from aging because the body does not produce cortisol, a stress hormone. Talbott (2007) breaks down collagen, a skin protein responsible for keeping the skin smooth and elastic. Sleep encourages skin repair by releasing the human growth hormone, thickening skin, increasing muscle mass, and general growth. Blood pumped more into the skin, making the skin glow.

Good Heart Health

Poor sleep and less sleep time can increase the risk of developing heart diseases. Sleep allows the heart to relax and regain from strain by slowing down heartbeat rate, blood pressure drops, and stable breathing. Pepin et al. (2014) stated that the heart is continuously strained when one does not have enough sleep, leading to hypertension. Sleep disorders like apnea and insomnia can put one at risk of developing heart disease more than those who have better sleep.

Boost the immune system

Lack of quality sleep impairs the function of the immune system. When sleeping, the immune system enhances the host’s defense against infections; thus, one is encouraged to sleep more when ill. The immune system is boosted while sleeping by producing cytokine proteins that increase when you have an infection. To boost your immune via sleep, you need 7 hours for adults and 10 hours for children and teenagers.

Quality Sleep Can Improve Sex Drive

Poor sleeping habits and routines, sleep deprivation, and sleep disorders can lower your sex drive. Costa, Costa & Petana (2017) concluded that sleep deprivation could lead to erectile dysfunction in men and low sexual desire in women. The testosterone hormone is formed while sleeping. Quality sex can be attained when the body has energy. However, the body does not regain enough energy because of low-quality sleep.

Increased Productivity and Concentration

Lack of enough sleep can result in drowsiness, reducing the reaction time needed to operate machines. The brain is mostly impaired in perceiving, responding, and reacting to a situation. Fatigue can also impair the attention, alertness, and concentration needed when learning. Learned information is transferred to the long-term memory while sleeping. You are more likely to forget new information if you do not have enough sleep.

 Sleep may help in maintaining or losing weight.

Enough sleep encourages the production of leptin hormone, which signals your body that you have enough energy while discouraging the production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin. When ghrelin and leptin are imbalanced, create a strong craving for high-calorie foods like high fats and carbohydrates.

How to have Quality Sleep

You can improve your sleep quality by having sleeping and waking routine that you can adhere to. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Avoid going to bed on an empty stomach and avoid heavy meals during sleep to prevent discomfort during sleep time. Avoid nicotine and caffeine during sleep hours because they last longer in the body, affecting your sleep routine. You can also try sleeping with the supplements like CBD sleep, melatonin for sleep, and sleeping pills with the doctor’s prescription.


Sleep is the best medicine because it is a natural process that enables our bodies to relax and regenerate lost energy. The majority of health problems like heart diseases, memory loss, mental health, sex drive, and maintaining a healthy weight can be solved by better sleep. The tiredness may be a sign to sleep as to regenerate. When the mind is relaxed, you can stay alert without the help of coffee. Always try to sleep for at least 7 hours no matter how busy you are.


Pepin, J. L., Borel, A. L., Tamisier, R., Baguet, J. P., Levy, P., & Dauvilliers, Y. (2014).

            Hypertension and sleep: an overview of a tight relationship. Sleep medicine

            reviews,  18(6), 509-519.

Talbott, S. (2007). Cortisol Control and the Beauty Connection: The All-natural, Inside-out

            Approach to Reversing Wrinkles, Preventing Acne, And Improving Skin Tone. Hunter


Julia Davis

Mental health expert
MS, University of Latvia

I am deeply convinced that each patient needs a unique, individual approach. Therefore, I use different psychotherapy methods in my work. During my studies, I discovered an in-depth interest in people as a whole and the belief in the inseparability of mind and body, and the importance of emotional health in physical health. In my spare time, I enjoy reading (a big fan of thrillers) and going on hikes.

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