Above Dream Meaning – The Power Of YOU

Above Dream Meaning – The Power Of YOU!

Dreams are a fascinating and enigmatic aspect of human experience, providing a window into our subconscious mind. They can reveal deep-seated emotions, unresolved issues, and even glimpses of our future. One intriguing and often overlooked aspect of dreams is the concept of “above” or “elevation” in dream interpretation. This guide explores the meaning of dreams that involve being “above” something or someone and delves into the power of self-awareness and personal growth that these dreams can signify.

Understanding Dreams About Being Above

The Concept of Elevation in Dreams

Dreams involving elevation or being “above” something can manifest in various ways, such as flying, climbing, or looking down from a high place. These dreams often symbolize aspects of your life related to perspective, control, and personal growth. They can indicate a sense of achievement, feeling superior, or gaining a new perspective on a situation.

When you dream of being above, it often reflects your current state of mind and emotional well-being. It may suggest that you are gaining a better understanding of your circumstances or that you are in a position of power or control. Alternatively, it might indicate a need for distance from a problem or situation to see things more clearly.

Common Themes in Above Dreams

Power and Control

Dreams where you find yourself above others, such as in a position of authority or control, can reflect your feelings about power and influence in your waking life. This can be a positive sign of confidence and leadership, or it may indicate a desire for more control over your circumstances.

Perspective and Clarity

Being above a situation, whether it’s from a high vantage point or through flying, can symbolize gaining a new perspective. This often indicates that you are starting to see things more clearly or that you need to distance yourself from a problem to understand it better.

Achievement and Success

Elevated positions in dreams can also signify achievement and success. If you dream of being on top of a mountain or building, it can represent reaching a significant goal or milestone in your life. It reflects the satisfaction and pride of accomplishing something meaningful.

Escape and Freedom

Dreams of flying or floating above obstacles can symbolize a desire for freedom or escape from limitations. These dreams might indicate that you are seeking a break from your current challenges or that you wish to rise above difficulties in your life.

Common Scenarios in Above Dreams

Above Dream Meaning – The Power Of YOU

Flying Dreams

Flying dreams are among the most common dreams involving elevation. They often evoke feelings of freedom, exhilaration, and empowerment. Flying can symbolize:

  • Freedom: A sense of liberation from constraints and the ability to explore new possibilities.
  • Control: Mastery over your environment or situation, allowing you to navigate life with ease.
  • Perspective: Gaining a broader view of your circumstances, leading to better understanding and insights.

Climbing Dreams

Dreams about climbing, whether it’s up a ladder, mountain, or building, are often associated with personal growth and striving towards goals. Climbing can signify:

  • Ambition: The drive to achieve your goals and overcome obstacles in your path.
  • Challenge: The effort and perseverance required to reach new heights or complete difficult tasks.
  • Success: Reaching the top or completing the climb can represent the satisfaction of achieving a significant milestone.

Looking Down from Heights

Dreams where you find yourself looking down from a high place can offer insights into your perspective on life. This scenario often reflects:

  • Control and Dominance: Feeling in control or having a superior viewpoint over a situation or others.
  • Insight and Clarity: Gaining a clearer understanding of your life or a particular issue by viewing it from a higher perspective.
  • Detachment: A need to detach yourself from a problem to see it more objectively.

Being Elevated but Feeling Scared

If you find yourself in an elevated position but feeling anxious or fearful, this can indicate:

  • Fear of Change: Anxiety about the uncertainties that come with new heights or changes in your life.
  • Insecurity: Doubts about your ability to handle new responsibilities or challenges.
  • Unresolved Issues: Fears or concerns that need to be addressed to move forward confidently.

The Psychological Meaning Behind Being Above

Self-Esteem and Confidence

Dreams of being above can often reflect your self-esteem and confidence levels. If you feel empowered and confident while elevated, it suggests a healthy self-image and belief in your abilities. Conversely, if you feel insecure or fearful, it may indicate underlying issues with self-esteem or self-worth.

Personal Achievement and Ambition

Elevation in dreams can also be tied to your personal achievements and ambitions. Climbing to new heights or achieving a lofty goal in a dream can symbolize your aspirations and the progress you are making towards your objectives. It highlights your drive and determination to succeed.

Emotional and Mental Clarity

Being above a situation can symbolize emotional and mental clarity. It suggests that you are gaining a better understanding of your emotions and circumstances, allowing you to make more informed decisions. This clarity can lead to improved problem-solving and greater overall well-being.

The Need for Perspective

Dreams involving elevation can also indicate a need for perspective. If you are struggling with a situation or feeling overwhelmed, these dreams may be urging you to step back and view the issue from a different angle. Gaining a new perspective can help you approach problems with renewed insight and creativity.

Practical Applications of Above Dreams

Setting and Achieving Goals

Dreams of elevation can inspire you to set and pursue ambitious goals. They can serve as a reminder of your potential and encourage you to strive for success. Use these dreams as motivation to identify your goals and create a plan to achieve them.

Gaining Clarity and Insight

If you find yourself struggling with a problem or feeling stuck, dreams of being above can provide valuable insights. Use these dreams as an opportunity to reflect on your situation from a new perspective and seek clarity on how to address your challenges.

Building Confidence and Self-Esteem

Dreams involving elevation can boost your confidence and self-esteem. Embrace these dreams as affirmations of your abilities and potential. Reflect on how these dreams make you feel and use them as a source of inspiration to build your self-confidence.

Embracing Change and Overcoming Fear

If you experience fear or anxiety in your elevated dreams, use them as a signal to address your fears and embrace change. Reflect on what aspects of your life may be causing anxiety and take steps to confront and overcome these challenges.

Tips for Analyzing Your Above Dreams

Keep a Dream Journal

Maintaining a dream journal can help you track recurring themes and symbols in your dreams. Record the details of your elevated dreams, including your emotions, the context, and any significant symbols. This can help you identify patterns and gain deeper insights into their meanings.

Reflect on Your Current Life Situation

Consider how your elevated dreams relate to your current life situation. Are there aspects of your life where you are seeking control, perspective, or achievement? Reflect on how these dreams might be connected to your waking life and use them to guide your actions and decisions.

Explore Your Emotions and Reactions

Pay attention to your emotions and reactions during your dreams. Are you feeling empowered, anxious, or fearful? Understanding your emotional responses can provide valuable insights into the underlying messages of your dreams.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you find that your dreams are causing you distress or you are struggling to understand their meanings, consider seeking guidance from a professional dream analyst or therapist. They can help you explore the deeper psychological and emotional aspects of your dreams.


Dreams of being “above” or elevated offer profound insights into your subconscious mind and emotional state. They can reflect your personal achievements, self-esteem, need for perspective, and feelings of control or freedom. By analyzing these dreams and understanding their meanings, you can gain valuable insights into your life and use them to guide your personal growth and decision-making.

The power of your dreams lies in their ability to reveal hidden aspects of your psyche and provide guidance for your journey. Embrace the messages of your elevated dreams and use them as a tool for self-discovery and empowerment. Remember, the dreams you have are not just fleeting images but powerful reflections of your inner world. Happy dreaming!

Nataly Komova

Nataly Komova

Nutritionist. Bluffton University, MS

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