
Arguing Dream Meaning: What Does It Represent In Your Dream?

Interpretation of Arguing Dream Meaning

Theories and Perspectives from Experts

The interpretation of arguing dream meaning varies across different cultures, psychological perspectives, and personal experiences. However, some common themes and theories emerge when examining this phenomenon.

Freudian Perspective

In the psychoanalytic tradition, Sigmund Freud viewed arguing dreams as a manifestation of an individual’s unconscious conflicts and repressed emotions. According to Freud, arguing in a dream signifies unresolved inner struggles between different aspects of the self, such as the id, ego, and superego.

Jungian Perspective

Carl Jung, another influential psychoanalyst, also saw arguing dreams as a reflection of internal conflicts. However, Jung believed that these conflicts are not necessarily negative but rather an opportunity for personal growth and integration. Jung suggested that arguing in a dream represents the need to balance opposing forces within oneself.

Cultural Perspectives

Dreams about arguing can also be influenced by cultural background and societal norms. For example:

  • In some African cultures, dreaming of argumentation is seen as a sign of spiritual warfare or demonic influence.
  • In many Asian cultures, arguing in a dream may indicate a sense of imbalance or dissonance between different aspects of life (e.g., work-life balance).

Spiritual and New Age Perspectives

In spiritual and new age circles, dreaming about arguing is often seen as an opportunity for soul growth and healing. Some believe that arguing in a dream represents:

  • A chance to release pent-up emotions or energy.
  • A need to confront and resolve unconscious issues or past traumas.

Practical Steps for Interpretation

To better understand the meaning of arguing in your dreams, consider:

  • Journaling: Record as many details as possible about the dream. Who were you arguing with? What was the context and setting?
  • Self-reflection: Consider what aspects of your waking life may be related to the conflicts or issues presented in the dream.
  • Emotional awareness: Recognize how you feel about the argument or conflict in the dream. This can help you tap into underlying emotions and themes.


The interpretation of arguing dream meaning is complex and multifaceted, influenced by various cultural, psychological, and spiritual perspectives. By exploring these different views and applying practical steps for self-reflection and emotional awareness, you can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying themes and messages in your dreams.

Arguing dreams can be quite unsettling and confusing, leaving many people wondering what their subconscious mind is trying to convey. Interpreting such dreams requires an understanding of the underlying emotions, thoughts, and experiences that are manifesting within our minds.

The act of arguing in a dream can symbolize various aspects of one’s life, including unresolved conflicts, suppressed emotions, or unfulfilled desires. It may also indicate a sense of inner turmoil, where the dreamer is struggling to reconcile different parts of their personality or make a difficult decision.

Certain factors in dreams can influence the interpretation of arguing scenes. For instance, if the dreamer is arguing with someone they know in real life, it may reflect unresolved issues or unexpressed feelings towards that person. However, if the arguer is a stranger, it could represent an aspect of the self or a repressed part of their personality.

The tone and atmosphere of dreams can also provide clues about what’s being represented in the arguing scene. A heated argument may indicate feelings of anger, frustration, or resentment towards oneself or others. On the other hand, a calm and rational discussion might signify a need for self-reflection, introspection, or seeking advice from others.

The environment in which the arguing takes place can also have symbolic meaning. For example, if the argument occurs in a public setting, it may suggest that the dreamer feels exposed, vulnerable, or ashamed about something they’re struggling with. Conversely, an argument in a private setting could indicate feelings of isolation, loneliness, or disconnection from others.

Pay attention to your own emotions and reactions during the arguing scene in your dreams. Do you feel anxious, defensive, or overwhelmed? These emotions can provide insight into the underlying issues that need to be addressed. By tuning into your inner world and exploring the symbolism of your dreams, you may uncover hidden patterns, desires, and unresolved conflicts that are guiding your waking life.

Ultimately, interpreting arguing dreams requires patience, self-awareness, and a willingness to explore your inner depths. By doing so, you can tap into your subconscious mind’s wisdom and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world.

The American Psychological Association notes that dreams often reflect unresolved conflicts or repressed emotions, suggesting that arguing in a dream may be related to internal struggles.

The University of California, Berkeley’s Sleep and Memory Lab suggests that dreaming about conflict can also represent the brain’s attempt to process and consolidate memories of stressful events.

When it comes to interpreting dreaming about arguing, there are several possible meanings depending on the context and emotions associated with the dream. One way to approach this is by considering the emotional tone of the argument in your dream. Was the argument heated or intense, or was it more of a calm and rational discussion? The tone can provide insight into what aspects of your waking life may be causing stress or anxiety.

Dreams about arguing can also represent unresolved conflicts or issues in your personal relationships. If you’re dreaming about arguing with someone from your past or present, it could be that there are some unresolved emotions or unfinished business that needs to be addressed. On the other hand, if you’re arguing with a stranger or an imaginary figure, it might symbolize internal conflicts or doubts within yourself.

The University of California, Berkeley’s Sleep and Memory Lab suggests that dreaming about conflict can also represent the brain’s attempt to process and consolidate memories of stressful events. According to this theory, our brains are constantly working to process and organize our experiences, including those related to stress or trauma.

The act of arguing in a dream can be seen as a manifestation of your mind’s effort to make sense of these experiences and integrate them into your narrative. By doing so, you may be able to better understand yourself and find ways to manage stress and anxiety in your waking life. Ultimately, the meaning of dreaming about arguing is unique to each individual and requires personal reflection and introspection.

It’s also worth noting that dreams can often mirror our waking concerns or anxieties. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by stress or conflict in your waking life, it’s possible that your dream is reflecting this and attempting to provide a safe space for processing and reflection. By paying attention to the emotions and imagery in your dream, you may be able to tap into underlying issues and work towards resolution.

Overall, dreaming about arguing can represent a range of themes related to conflict, stress, and personal growth. By exploring these themes through self-reflection and introspection, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

The interpretation of arguing dream meaning can vary depending on the context and emotions experienced during the dream. When analyzing dreams, it’s essential to consider the personal experiences, relationships, and challenges that may be influencing the content of the dream.

Arguing dreams can symbolize unresolved conflicts or inner turmoil. These conflicts may manifest in the waking world through interpersonal relationships, career choices, or personal values. The argument in the dream could represent an internal struggle to reconcile opposing aspects of one’s personality, values, or goals.

The presence of arguing in a dream can also indicate a sense of being overwhelmed by responsibilities, obligations, or expectations. This feeling of being trapped may be a reflection of the dreamer’s current life situation, where they feel like they’re walking on eggshells or trying to meet someone else’s demands.

In some cases, arguing dreams can symbolize fear, anxiety, or insecurity related to change, uncertainty, or the unknown. This could be due to an upcoming event, a decision that needs to be made, or a significant transition in one’s life. The argument may represent a part of oneself resisting the change or feeling powerless in the face of uncertainty.

Arguing dreams can also be related to unexpressed emotions, such as frustration, anger, or resentment, which are often suppressed or hidden beneath the surface. This unexpressed emotional energy can manifest as an argument in the dream, indicating a need for self-reflection and communication with others to resolve underlying tensions.

The people involved in the arguing dream can represent different aspects of oneself or significant figures from waking life. The way these characters interact and communicate may mirror one’s own interactions or communication styles with others. Identifying these symbolic representations can provide valuable insights into personal strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Additionally, the setting of the argument in the dream can hold significance. For example, a public argument may indicate a fear of being judged or criticized by others, while an argument at home may symbolize feelings of discomfort or anxiety within one’s own environment.

The resolution of the argument in the dream can also be significant. If the argument is resolved amicably, it may suggest that the underlying issue has been addressed and a solution has been found. However, if the argument remains unresolved or escalates, it could indicate that the problem requires further attention or action.

Ultimately, interpreting arguing dreams requires consideration of personal experiences, relationships, and emotions. By analyzing the details and symbolism in the dream, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and motivations, which may help them navigate challenges and make positive changes in their waking lives.

Cultural and Personal Influences on Arguing Dream Meaning

The interpretation of arguing dream meaning can be a complex and multifaceted topic, influenced by both cultural and personal factors.

Culturally, arguments in dreams can have different meanings depending on the cultural context. In some cultures, arguing in a dream may symbolize conflict or disagreement in one’s waking life, while in others it may represent a need for self-expression or assertiveness.

For example, in some African cultures, arguing in a dream is believed to indicate a need to resolve conflicts or disputes in the real world, whereas in some Western cultures, it may be seen as a manifestation of suppressed emotions or unresolved issues from the past.

From a personal perspective, arguing in dreams can also have various meanings depending on one’s individual experiences and emotions. Some people may see arguing in their dreams as a way to process and release pent-up emotions, while others may view it as an opportunity to confront and resolve inner conflicts or insecurities.

The context of the argument in the dream can also provide clues about its meaning. For instance, if the argument is with a family member or someone close, it may be related to unresolved issues or unexpressed emotions from childhood or past experiences.

On the other hand, if the argument is with a stranger or someone unknown, it may represent external conflicts or challenges that need to be faced in waking life. The tone and intensity of the argument can also provide insights into its meaning, such as a calm and respectful argument indicating a need for compromise and negotiation.

It’s essential to note that arguing dream meanings are highly subjective and personal, making it crucial to reflect on one’s own emotions, experiences, and desires when interpreting dreams.

In addition to cultural and personal influences, the timing and frequency of arguments in dreams can also provide valuable insights. Recurring dreams about arguing may indicate unresolved issues or patterns of behavior that need attention, while new or unexpected arguments in dreams may signal changes or challenges on the horizon.

Ultimately, understanding the argument dream meaning requires a combination of self-reflection, emotional awareness, and cultural sensitivity to uncover its underlying significance and symbolism. By exploring these various aspects, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their own thoughts, emotions, and desires, leading to greater personal growth and insight into their waking lives.

The interpretation of arguing dream meaning can vary depending on the individual’s personal experiences, emotions, and subconscious thoughts. However, there are some common interpretations associated with arguing in dreams.

Common Interpretations of Arguing in Dreams

Frustration and Unexpressed Emotions:

  • Arguing in a dream can represent feelings of frustration or anger that have been pent up due to lack of expression in waking life.
  • The argument may symbolize the need for emotional release, allowing you to process and manage your emotions more effectively.

Inner Conflict:

  • The arguing dream can also represent an internal conflict between different aspects of oneself, such as rationality vs. emotionality or logic vs. intuition.
  • This inner struggle may indicate the need for self-reflection and integration to reconcile conflicting parts of one’s personality.

Relationship Issues:

  • Arguing in a dream can signify unresolved conflicts or tension in personal relationships, whether romantic, professional, or social.
  • The argument may represent an opportunity to address and resolve issues that have been lingering in the subconscious mind.

Anxiety and Fear:

  • Arguing in a dream can be a manifestation of anxiety or fear about the future, uncertain situations, or potential challenges.
  • The argument may symbolize the need to confront and overcome these fears, building confidence and resilience in the process.

Loss of Control:

  • The arguing dream can also represent feelings of powerlessness or helplessness in certain situations or relationships.
  • This may indicate the need to reassess boundaries, set healthy limits, and assert oneself more effectively.

A study by researchers at Harvard University found that cultural background plays a significant role in shaping dream content, including arguments.

The interpretation of arguing in dreams has been extensively studied by researchers at Harvard University, who discovered that cultural background plays a pivotal role in shaping dream content.

According to this study, dreams are highly personal and subjective experiences that can vary significantly depending on an individual’s cultural heritage. In the context of arguing dreams, researchers have found that the themes and emotions expressed in these dreams are influenced by the cultural norms and values learned from childhood onward.

Cultures with a collectivist orientation tend to value harmony and social cohesion above personal interests. As such, individuals from these cultures may experience guilt or shame when dreaming about arguing, as it goes against the accepted norms of their community.

On the other hand, cultures with an individualist orientation emphasize self-expression and independence. People from these backgrounds are more likely to dream about asserting themselves in conflicts and standing up for their own needs and desires.

The researchers also noted that individuals from collectivist cultures may experience more intense negative emotions during arguing dreams, whereas those from individualist cultures tend to experience a sense of relief or satisfaction after expressing themselves.

Interestingly, the study found that cultural background influences not only the content but also the frequency and intensity of arguing dreams. For example, individuals from collectivist cultures reported having more frequent and intense arguing dreams than their individualist counterparts.

The study highlights the importance of considering an individual’s cultural background when interpreting their dreaming experiences, including those involving arguments. By taking this into account, we can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying themes, emotions, and motivations expressed in our dreams.

Arguing in dreams may also be related to personal relationships or unresolved issues from the past, as suggested by research published in the Journal of Dream Research.

Arguing in dreams can be a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon, with various underlying meanings and interpretations. While it may seem like a straightforward reflection of our waking life conflicts or anxieties, research suggests that arguing in dreams can also be linked to unresolved issues from the past or personal relationships.

When we argue in our dreams, it’s possible that our subconscious is attempting to process and resolve lingering emotions or unresolved conflicts. This can manifest as a replaying of past arguments or confrontations, with our dream self rehashing and reworking the emotions and experiences in an attempt to find closure or resolution.

It’s also worth noting that arguing in dreams can be a sign of internal conflict or self-criticism. Our subconscious may be engaging in an inner dialogue, where we’re battling different aspects of ourselves or struggling with conflicting desires and goals. This internal argumentation can serve as a way for our mind to work through and reconcile these contradictions, ultimately leading to greater self-awareness and understanding.

Additionally, arguing in dreams may be linked to feelings of frustration or powerlessness in waking life. If we’re experiencing stress or anxiety about a particular situation or relationship, it’s possible that our subconscious is expressing this pent-up energy through the act of arguing in our dreams. This can serve as an emotional release and an opportunity for us to work through these feelings and find a sense of resolution.

From a Jungian perspective, arguing in dreams can be seen as a manifestation of the anima or animus, representing the repressed aspects of our personality or unconscious mind. Our subconscious may be trying to integrate these fragmented parts, leading to increased self-awareness and a greater understanding of ourselves and others.

Overall, interpreting arguing in dreams requires considering multiple perspectives and levels of meaning. It’s essential to reflect on the context of the dream, including any personal experiences or relationships that may be influencing our subconscious thoughts and emotions. By examining these factors and exploring the possible underlying meanings, we can gain a deeper understanding of what our arguing dreams may represent.

The interpretation of arguing in dreams can be complex and multifaceted, representing various aspects of an individual’s waking life. One possible representation of arguing in dreams is a manifestation of internal conflicts or emotional turmoil within oneself.

This could indicate that the dreamer is struggling with unresolved issues, such as unaddressed emotions or unconscious fears, which are causing inner turmoil and conflict. In this sense, the arguing in the dream may symbolize an attempt by the subconscious to resolve these internal conflicts through a form of symbolic expression.

On the other hand, arguing in dreams can also be seen as a reflection of external conflicts or difficulties in waking life. This could include relationship problems, work-related issues, or interpersonal conflicts with others. The argument in the dream may serve as a symbolic representation of the individual’s emotional response to these external challenges.

Additionally, arguing in dreams can have psychological connotations, such as an expression of repressed emotions or unresolved childhood traumas. This type of dream scenario may indicate that the dreamer is struggling with unresolved past issues or unconscious anxieties, which are manifesting in the form of arguments within the dream.

In terms of symbolism, arguing in dreams can be associated with various elements, such as:

  • Verbal communication breakdown: The argument may symbolize a lack of effective communication or understanding between individuals.
  • Frustration and anger: The intense emotions experienced during the argument may represent pent-up frustration or unaddressed anger in waking life.
  • Internal conflict: The arguing can be seen as a manifestation of internal conflicts, such as conflicting desires, values, or motivations.

Ultimately, the interpretation of arguing in dreams depends on the individual’s personal context and emotional experiences. It is essential to consider the dreamer’s unique circumstances, emotions, and life situations when analyzing their dreams.

Strategies for Understanding and Dealing with Arguing Dreams

The interpretation of arguing dream meaning can be a complex and multi-faceted one, as it can represent various aspects of an individual’s psyche, emotions, and experiences. When individuals have dreams about arguing, they often find themselves lost for answers, trying to understand what the argument in their dreams represents.

Arguing dreams can be triggered by various factors such as stress, anxiety, or unresolved issues from the past. They may also indicate a sense of conflict or tension within oneself, stemming from conflicting desires, values, or goals. In some cases, arguing dreams can serve as a manifestation of an individual’s suppressed emotions, which have not been fully acknowledged or addressed.

To interpret arguing dream meaning effectively, it is essential to consider the context of the argument in the dream. Ask yourself questions such as: Who am I arguing with? What is the topic of contention? How do I feel during and after the argument?

The person you are arguing with can represent different aspects of your personality or relationships in waking life. For instance, an argument with a family member may indicate unresolved issues from childhood, while a dispute with a romantic partner can symbolize unmet emotional needs in that relationship.

The topic of contention in the dream can also be significant. It may signify an area where you feel frustrated or stuck in your waking life, such as a work-related issue or a personal problem. The argument itself may represent the inner struggle to overcome these challenges.

Furthermore, analyzing the emotions and sensations experienced during and after the argument in the dream can provide valuable insights into the underlying causes of the conflict. Feelings of anger, frustration, or sadness may indicate unresolved emotional wounds, while a sense of calmness or resolution can suggest that you are working through your issues.

Strategies for understanding and dealing with arguing dreams involve acknowledging and addressing the underlying conflicts or tensions. This can be achieved by practicing self-reflection, journaling, or seeking guidance from trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals.

Additionally, developing effective communication skills in waking life can help to resolve conflicts more constructively. Engaging in active listening, expressing oneself assertively and empathetically, and being open-minded to different perspectives can all contribute to resolving disagreements in a healthy and respectful manner.

In some cases, arguing dreams may be a call to action, prompting individuals to confront unresolved issues or take steps towards personal growth and transformation. By exploring the underlying causes of these conflicts and working through them in a constructive manner, individuals can break free from patterns of negativity and emerge stronger and more resilient on the other side.

Arguing dream meaning can be complex and multifaceted, and there is no one-size-fits-all interpretation. However, here are some possible ways to understand what arguing in a dream may represent:

Emotional Expression

One possible interpretation of arguing in a dream is that it represents an emotional expression or release of pent-up feelings.

This can be related to unresolved issues or conflicts in waking life, which the subconscious mind processes and expresses through the argument in the dream.

Inner Conflict

Arguing in a dream can also represent inner conflict or self-criticism.

This may indicate that the individual is struggling with their own thoughts, feelings, or actions, and is trying to reconcile conflicting aspects of themselves.

Types of Inner Conflicts:

  • Moral conflicts: The argument in the dream may represent a moral dilemma or struggle between right and wrong.
  • Personality conflicts: The argument may symbolize inner struggles with personality traits, such as feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt.

Unresolved Issues

Arguing in a dream can also represent unresolved issues or unfinished business from the past.

This may be related to past conflicts, unexpressed emotions, or unfulfilled desires that still linger in the subconscious mind.

Examples of Unresolved Issues:

  • Past traumas: The argument in the dream may be a manifestation of unresolved trauma or stress from past experiences.
  • Unfulfilled desires: The argument can represent unexpressed desires or aspirations that are still present but not addressed.

Coping Mechanisms

Arguing in a dream can also symbolize coping mechanisms or defense strategies used to deal with stress, anxiety, or other negative emotions.

This may be related to the individual’s tendency to argue with others as a way of avoiding emotional intimacy or confronting difficult issues.

Types of Coping Mechanisms:

  • Avoidance: The argument in the dream can represent avoidance of dealing with emotional issues or conflicts.
  • Deflection: The argument may symbolize deflection of emotions or feelings, such as shifting focus away from one’s own emotions to someone else’s.

Relationship Dynamics

Arguing in a dream can also represent relationship dynamics or conflicts with others.

This may be related to past experiences or current relationships where there are unresolved issues, power struggles, or communication breakdowns.

Examples of Relationship Dynamics:

  • Conflict with authority figures: The argument in the dream may represent a struggle for control or resistance against authority figures or institutions.
  • Past relationship trauma: The argument can symbolize unresolved conflicts, emotional pain, or unfulfilled desires related to past relationships.


Arguing in a dream is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that can have various meanings depending on the individual’s experiences, emotions, and circumstances.

By exploring these different interpretations, individuals can gain insight into their subconscious mind, unresolved issues, and coping mechanisms, ultimately leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.

Keeping a dream journal can help identify recurring themes and patterns, including arguments, and provide insights into their possible meanings.

When analyzing a dream about arguing, it’s essential to consider various factors that may contribute to its meaning. Here are some possible interpretations:

Ideas and Thoughts in Conflict

  • The argument in your dream may symbolize conflicting ideas or thoughts within yourself.
  • This can represent inner turmoil, uncertainty, or a sense of being torn between different opinions or perspectives.

Unresolved Issues or Unexpressed Emotions

  • The argument in your dream may be a manifestation of unresolved issues or unexpressed emotions related to past experiences.
  • This can indicate a need to confront and resolve these underlying conflicts or emotions in waking life.

Communication Breakdowns

  • The argument in your dream may represent a breakdown in communication with others, whether it be due to misunderstandings, miscommunications, or unmet needs.
  • This can symbolize the importance of effective communication and active listening in waking relationships.

Fear of Loss or Change

  • The argument in your dream may also be a reflection of deep-seated fears related to loss or change.
  • This can indicate a need to confront and work through these fears, rather than resisting or avoiding them.

Self-Criticism or Inner Critic

  • The argument in your dream may be an internalized representation of self-criticism or an inner critic.
  • This can indicate a need to cultivate self-compassion and develop a more supportive inner dialogue.

Keep in mind that these interpretations are not mutually exclusive, and the meaning of an argument in your dream may be a combination of several factors. By reflecting on the specific details of your dream and considering different perspectives, you can gain a deeper understanding of its symbolism and significance.

Talking to a therapist or counselor can also be helpful in exploring the underlying causes of arguing dreams and developing strategies for managing stress and anxiety.

When interpreting arguing dream meanings, it’s essential to consider the emotional tone and intensity of the argument. Emotions play a significant role in dreams, as they can represent unresolved issues or unconscious conflicts.

The arguing aspect of the dream may symbolize various aspects of your waking life, such as:

  • Conflicting desires or needs
  • Inner turmoil or self-criticism
  • Pent-up emotions or frustration
  • Unresolved issues or past traumas

The people involved in the argument may also hold significance. For instance:

  • The person you’re arguing with could represent your ego or a specific aspect of yourself
  • A family member may symbolize unresolved family dynamics or childhood issues
  • A coworker or friend might represent conflicts in your professional or social life

Consider the setting and atmosphere of the argument:

  • A public place could indicate a desire for external validation or a fear of judgment
  • A private space, like your home, may symbolize a need for personal reflection or self-care
  • A loud and chaotic environment could represent feeling overwhelmed by emotions or circumstances

Pay attention to the outcome of the argument:

  • A positive resolution might indicate hope for resolving waking-life issues or finding inner peace
  • An unresolved conflict could suggest ongoing emotional turmoil or unresolved issues
  • A defensive or aggressive response may represent a need to confront and address underlying fears or insecurities

Talking to a therapist or counselor can also be helpful in exploring the underlying causes of arguing dreams and developing strategies for managing stress and anxiety.

The dream of arguing can be a complex and multifaceted experience, open to various interpretations depending on the individual’s personal experiences, emotions, and subconscious mind.

One possible interpretation of arguing in dreams is related to conflict resolution, where the dreamer may be processing unresolved issues or unfinished business from their waking life.

Another perspective suggests that arguing in a dream can represent an inner struggle, where the person’s inner critic or negative self-talk is manifesting as an argument with themselves.

The presence of specific individuals in the argument, such as family members or friends, may indicate unresolved conflicts or issues related to those relationships.

A common thread among various interpretations of arguing dreams is that they often point to a need for self-reflection, communication, and problem-solving skills in waking life.

The intensity and emotional tone of the argument in the dream can also provide insight into the person’s underlying emotions and stress levels.

In some cases, arguing dreams may be a manifestation of external stressors or pressures, such as work-related issues or relationships problems, that need to be addressed and managed.

Ultimately, the meaning of an arguing dream depends on the unique context and circumstances of the individual’s life, making it essential to explore personal associations and connections to arrive at a deeper understanding.

Charlotte Cremers

Charlotte Cremers

MS, University of Tartu
Sleep specialist

Using the acquired academic and professional experience, I advise patients with various complaints about mental health - depressed mood, nervousness, lack of energy and interest, sleep disorders, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and anxieties, difficulty concentrating, and stress. In my free time, I love to paint and go on long walks on the beach. One of my latest obsessions is sudoku – a wonderful activity to calm an unease mind.

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