Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, has a lot of potential health benefits. Williams & Nutbrown (2021) explained that CBD has shown to have the ability to aid with various health issues such as stress, anxiety, and epilepsy. Many people are still uncomfortable with smoking a CBD joint. The good news is that you can now consume CBD in various ways. Individuals can use CBD through inhalation, ingestion, topical application, or sublingual administration.

What is CBD?

CBD is the second most common active component in marijuana (cannabis). Cannabis is a plant that provides a thick material containing many cannabinoids. CBD in the body triggers a drug-like effect. According to Stuyt (2018), the most frequent cannabinoids discovered in cannabis products are CBD and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Cannabidiol’s benefits are created without any psychoactive effects or detectable quantities of THC. Marijuana and hemp contain THC and CBD, but marijuana has more THC than hemp, which has more CBD. Below are the non vaping ways you can enjoy CBD.

Inhale It

One of the fastest ways to enjoy CBD is to inhale it. The CBD goes directly to your lungs and subsequently into your bloodstream upon inhalation. Ways of inhaling CBD are smoking or vaping. Rolling a joint containing high-CBD cannabis is also another option. An individual can consume THC by vaping CBD. THC is the cannabinoid closely related to CBD that makes you feel high. Therefore, if you want the same CBD content and maximum effect without the harsh feeling of smoking, vaping is a perfect alternative to smoking.

Topical Application

The benefits of CBD can also be obtained by users from topical creams, salves, and ointments. According to Williams & Nutbrown (2021), individuals who use CBD through topical application claim that the methods have helped them with inflammation pain relief, among other benefits. The topical CBD effect goes to the part of the body where it is needed right away as it has an instant effect. In case of a migraine, you can massage the product on your temples. Though, a higher dose is needed to feel the effects. The effects are not as long-lasting as other ways of enjoying CBD.

Ingest It

CBD Edibles are increasing as demand for the product is rising. CBD edibles include CBD gummies, lollipops, and cookies, among other options. Additionally, they are delicious, but they are also a covert method to take CBD, effective in tight situations. Edibles take a few hours for effect to be noted. CBD edibles are extremely understated. The possibilities are unlimited since you can mix CBD  edible oils with food and beverages. The effects of CBD edible are slow and cannot be easily comprehended to determine the proper dosage.

Sublingual Administration

Sublingual vaping is a discreet way to assist consumers in feeling calm and relaxed by using CBD tinctures. Few drops are placed beneath the tongue, held for 30 seconds, and then swallowed. Dosage control is simple, and the effects are long-term.


Individuals can consume CBD through vaping, topical application, edibles, and sublingual delivery. Some forms are more bioavailable than others. There’s no right way to consume CBD, and the method depends on several factors. For instance, it would be helpful to use topical applications to treat aching muscles and joint pains. It is advised that individuals should take CBD with a legal prescription.


.Stuyt, E. (2018). The problem with the current high potency of THC marijuana from

            an addiction psychiatrist. Missouri medicine, 115(6), 482

Williams, C., & Nutbrown, D. L. (2021). A Review of Research into the Health Benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD). The Neighborhood Academy: Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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