5 Ways To Sweeten Up Your Semen

Guys: you want blowjobs. We know that. We really do. But don’t expect us to swallow your spunk if you’ve been dining out at the local curry shop five days a week. Trust me, that stuff makes semen taste bad.

Semen is made up of around 96% water, 2% sperm and 2% minerals and vitamins to keep your little guys fit and healthy. Included in those minerals and vitamins is a healthy dose of fructose (the sweet stuff), proteins (the salty or bitter stuff) and some genuinely healthy additives like vitamin C, magnesium and enzymes. Your diet directly affects what is included in your semen, so changing your diet can make a tasty appetiser out of your most intimate privates … and can you think of a more appealing way to get your lady to go down on you?

Here are five things you can do to sweeten up your semen:
Cut out the coffee. I know it’s difficult, but just think about the benefits! While we’re at it, cut out all caffeine-rich substances as well as alcohol and nicotine. They’re all pollutants and they nastiest bits are expelled with bodily waste which, surprise surprise, includes semen.

On the topic of pollutants, flush them out through urine and sweat instead by drinking 1 – 2 litres of water per day. It’s healthy, it’s good for you, and it lets you detox naturally if you slip up and have a beer after work.

Avoid spice! This is another biggie. Cut out pungent spices and other foodie ingredients like garlic and onion. The high sulphur content in these bad boys makes your sperm taste gross. Sorry, but it’s true.

Peppermint and lemons, the bells of St Clements. If you’re cutting out coffee, why not switch to peppermint or lemon tea? These two natural goodies are mother nature’s gift to girls. They’re proven to sweeten up sperm and won’t go amiss if you’re planning a big night in.

Finally, avoid red meat which makes semen taste salty. Opt instead for leaner meats like chicken or turkey and you’ll have better tasting semen in no time. It’s also really good for your cholesterol!

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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