

A cherimoya, also called cast apple, is an edible fruit-bearing plant mainly found in South and Central America. It can also be found in tropical regions with high altitudes, such as North Africa and the South of Italy. The plant grows to at least 9 meters tall, it is mostly evergreen, but sometimes it does shade leaves. Farmers start harvesting fruits when the tree is at least  3 to 5 years old, and its production increases up to when it’s 10 years. The major problem facing the farming of Cherimoya is that the fruits are highly perishable, making its transportation a challenge.

The cherimoya fruit is green and conical shaped. When ripe, the color changes to brown. Its skin appears to have overlapping scales. It has dark brown seeds, which are toxic. Only the interior content is eaten, which is whitish. The fruit weighs at least 500mg because of its tropical origin; it has a sweet taste like all tropical fruits such as bananas and pineapples.

Cherimoya fruit is rich in calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and fiber. It also has important vitamins such as vitamin C and B6 and minerals like potassium and manganese.

Benefits of a Cherimoya.

 Helps in the Digestive System.

The cherimoya fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which is important during the digestive process as it helps in the secretion of digestive juices. Fiber also stimulates peristaltic motion. Once the food has entered the digestive system, it can move easily. In addition, it eases digestion and prevents complications like constipation since fiber is not digested; it helps move the stool or severe ones like colorectal cancer. Fiber is also fermented in the body to form fatty acids that prevent inflammation and ulcer conditions. The fiber in Cherimoya ensures that cholesterol is not absorbed into the digestive gut.

Helps in the Fight Against Infections.

The human body uses vitamin C to develop antibodies that help keep our immunity strong to fight infections. Cherimoya fruit is rich in vitamin C; thus, eating the fruit is a good source of this vital vitamin. Deficiency in vitamin C causes impaired immunity which makes one very vulnerable to infections.

Maintains a Healthy Blood Pressure.

Cherimoya fruit is a good source of minerals like potassium, sodium, and magnesium. These minerals help in the relaxation of the blood vessels resulting in healthy blood pressure. High blood pressure can put you at risk of a heart attack. Vitamin B6 in cherimoya fruit helps maintain healthy blood vessels, which reduces blood pressure.

It also contains antioxidants which include carotenoids and minerals like magnesium and potassium. The two promote good heart health in people with hypertension. It also lowers the risk of stroke. Consuming Cherimoya also helps in cutting down bad cholesterol and increases the production of good cholesterol.

Helps in Blood Sugar Levels.

Eating cherimoya fruit has a positive impact on your blood sugar levels. Cherimoya is a low rank in the glycemic index, which means it gets absorbed into the bloodstream slower than other foods with higher ranks that are broken down easily and may cause sugar levels to spike. Thus Cherimoya prevents sugar cravings and sugar crashes.

Eye Health.

Cherimoya contains an element known as lutein. Lutein helps in eye health such that it reduces eye fatigue, helps with glare and light sensitivity, makes vision better, and strengthens eye tissue. Lutein also prevents age-related muscular disease, which leads to blindness and vision impairment. A good lutein intake is linked to good eye health.

Helps Sleep Better at Night.

Its high content of magnesium helps an individual to get better sleep. Magnesium helps to improve the quality and duration of sleep. Since Cherimoya also plays a role in metabolism, this reduces sleep disorders and insomnia.

Eating Cherimoya may elevate your mood.

Vitamin B6 available in cherimoya fruit plays a key role in creating neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, responsible for “good feeling”; thus, they can alter your mood when eating this fruit. When one has low levels of vitamin B6, they are more likely to suffer from depression and mood disorders.

Cherimoya may help to improve Brain Health.

Eating Cherimoya gives you important minerals that help in improving brain health. Cherimoya has components like potassium, folate, and antioxidants which are of neurological benefit. Folate helps prevent cognitive decline and stops the occurrence of Alzheimer’s. Potassium helps in blood flow in and out of the brain. Vitamin B6 also helps in reducing depression.


Despite its benefits, eating a cherimoya can also have side effects.

  • Consuming its skin or bark or getting it injected into the body can cause paralysis for about 5hours.
  • Annonacin, a toxic chemical found in Cherimoya, can cause severe neurological damage and atypical Parkinson’s disease as the acetogenins harm the nervous system.
  • It’s unsafe to eat cherimoya fruit during pregnancy as it may cause some complications.
  • Eating cherimoya fruit can cause some allergic reactions such as itching, skin rashes, and swelling of the face
  • Cherimoya seeds are toxic, used to make insecticides, can cause keratitis when they come in contact with eyes.

In conclusion, the cherimoya fruit has proved to be of great health value to the human body. Its health benefits range from the digestive system to the brain. In the digestive system, it provides important fiber, which helps in the digestion and movement of stool. In the brain, it provides potassium which increases blood flow. It also helps with mood elevation due to the formation of neurotransmitters such as dopamine. One also gets magnesium which helps in better sleep. Eating cherimoya fruit also aids in your eyesight, like reducing eye fatigue or age-related blindness. And lastly, your blood pressure and sugar levels are under control due to vitamin B6. Despite the many benefits of Cherimoya, one has to be careful when dealing with the plant and fruit as it has the side effects outlined above.

Anastasia Filipenko

Anastasia Filipenko is a health and wellness psychologist, dermatolist and a freelance writer. She frequently covers beauty and skincare, food trends and nutrition, health and fitness and relationships. When she's not trying out new skincare products, you'll find her taking a cycling class, doing yoga, reading in the park, or trying a new recipe.

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