All about Everyday Elderberry

All about Everyday Elderberry

Business Name and what it does:

 My company is Everyday Elderberry. I make elderberry syrup for immune support and other products containing elderberries that change on a seasonal basis. Elderberry is a great immune booster as it contains several antioxidants and vitamins that help support a healthy immune system and can help tame inflammation as well. They are also a good source of phenolic acids, which help reduce damage from oxidative stress in the body. Elderberries are a good source of flavonoids for fighting free radicals, reducing inflammation, reducing allergy symptoms, lowering high blood pressure, and reducing infections. My product is simple and clean. All organic. No added thickeners or preservatives are unnecessary and do nothing to support the immune systems. 

Founder’s/Owners story and what motivated them to start the business: 

My name is Katie Janz, and I am the owner and operator of Everyday Elderberry. I am a mother of four, three boys and one girl. Three out of the four have Autism Spectrum Disorder. In between trying to run a business and be a super mom balancing schedules and work deadlines, I also homeschool our youngest two. Having a business that I can operate from home has granted me the opportunity to be more present in my family life, which was super important to me. I enjoy many aspects of a holistic lifestyle, from yoga to reiki and all the in between. I enjoy a nice walk with my family or a fun dip in our pool in my free time. I also enjoy reading and the occasional solo shopping trip. I would have to say family trips to Disneyland are my ultimate favorite.

Elderberry is fairly new to our family and only came into our lives about ten years ago. I came into this elderberry world after we started our holistic path. We started this holistic journey when we kept running into walls with conventional western medicine. So, we decided to see a naturopath instead of an MD for our annual checkups and in case of illnesses. 

 Whenever one of us was not feeling well, or it was cold and flu season, our naturopath would recommend elderberry syrup to help boost our immune system and help shorten the length of illness. We used the store-bought product for several years, and I saw the benefits of incorporating elderberry into our daily lives and the improvement of our immune systems. 

Illnesses would be short-lived after using this syrup. After several years of using the store brand product, I got good at reading labels and what was going into these products. I was looking for a cleaner product that was free of unnecessary additives. Store brand elderberry syrups contain additives and thickeners that prolong the shelf life for a year or more. I could probably make a similar product with all the health benefits of the store brand syrups without the unnecessary additives and thickeners.

 I started making the product for our family after some convincing and a little push from my husband. I decided to expand this project into a proper business. Thus, Everyday Elderberry was born. It started in my kitchen as a labor of love, devotion, and hard work. I have always strived to make a clean, quality product that not only am I proud of but a product that others will enjoy and continue to use in their daily lives. 

It was important for me to find all organic, natural, small batch products when I decided to start this journey. This ensured that this product is as natural and clean as possible because I know other families are looking for the same products. I have created a product that even my picky kids enjoy taking daily. If I have not given them their daily dose of elderberry by a certain time in the day, they will kindly remind me, “Mom, we haven’t had our elderberry yet today.” And if you can get children with ASD to try new things and like it, that says a lot about a product. Getting them to try new things is difficult and wanting to take them daily is difficult. 

Challenges the business/market is facing:  

Elderberry and its health benefits are continuing to grow, which is great, but it is also causing a flood in the market. Not to mention elderberry’s association with being labeled with “misinformation” regarding immune support. Major companies and businesses are working tirelessly to stop the information about elderberry and its benefits from reaching the general public. Another challenge in this market is coming up with a product that sets you apart from others in the same market. What can I offer that others are not offering? I am constantly researching and testing different products to try and come up with something that someone else has not thought of. For example, I make maple syrup sweetened elderberry syrup for those allergic to honey or for children under the age of one who should not have honey. This market is a lot of trial and error. Some things work out, and others do not. Identifying your target market and how to reach them is another concern for any business. Who do you want to sell to, and how can you get the word out there? Starting small is great. Hit those local farmers’ markets and local pop-up events. It is a great resource to help spread the word about your business and helps generate a lot of local customers. It is also an opportunity to connect with other local businesses and possibly make business connections. Some may not be your target audience, and some may try to scam you, but each is an opportunity to grow and learn. Take what you learn from each event and apply it to the next, so you do not make the same mistakes. They are an opportunity to see what your target audience is looking for. Take the information and build on it. 

Opportunities the business/market is facing: 

The possibilities with elderberry can be endless. I am always trying to come up with new product ideas. I aim to develop a new syrup flavor or a new elderberry product seasonally to keep things fresh in hopes that it may attract new customers to the world of elderberry and the regular customers coming back to try something new. I have even started to make recipes containing my elderberry syrup and am sharing these ideas with my customers to give them a fresh take on things to do with it. My ingredients are all organic, and I try to keep them as local as possible, so there is always a new opportunity to work with another local small business owner. I like the idea of supporting local businesses when you can. My business is under constant expansion and constant rebranding. I think that if things do not change within your business and you are not constantly trying to grow or expand, things become stagnant, and your drive and passion for what you do will diminish. 

Advice to others about business: 

Starting a business is difficult. You will run into many roadblocks along the way, people telling you that you will not make it or that you cannot do it. Do not let that stop you. Do not give up. Keep pushing through even when you feel like throwing in the towel. Do not listen to the naysayers. If this is something you truly want, go for it. Show the naysayers that it can be done. 

Put in the time and the hard work. It will pay off in the end. There have been moments where I have wanted to give up, but I pushed through, showing my kids that it can be done. That hard work pays off. They can do anything they set their minds to as long as they don’t give up and put in the effort. One of the sayings I use with my kids often is, ” Do not give up. You’ve got this!” And I think that can apply in the business world as well. Do not overthink things or second guess yourself. Trust your gut instincts. They very rarely lead you in the wrong direction. Hold your head high and be proud of what you do. Stand behind your product and have integrity in all that you do. If you can say you have tried your best and have something you are proud of and willing to leave your mark on, then I will say that you have been successful. 

Charlotte Cremers
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MS, University of Tartu
Sleep specialist

Using the acquired academic and professional experience, I advise patients with various complaints about mental health - depressed mood, nervousness, lack of energy and interest, sleep disorders, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and anxieties, difficulty concentrating, and stress. In my free time, I love to paint and go on long walks on the beach. One of my latest obsessions is sudoku – a wonderful activity to calm an unease mind.

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