
Eggs are a popular source of proteins. Many folks know about their healthy aspect alone, yet there are varieties of eggs depending on the chicken breed.

Eggs have multiple minerals and vitamins that are vital in a healthy meal. In most global regions, eggs are common and cheap. People thought eggs were unhealthy due to cholesterol, leading to some controversies, however, science has confirmed that eggs are safe for consumption since they contain vital body nutrients and proteins. The yolk and egg white have high nutrients, like minerals, vitamins, and proteins. The yolk has vital fatty acids, vitamins E and D, whereas most protein content resides in the egg white. People should understand this to help improve their diets.

Nutrition Content

According to an agricultural agency, a single medium poached or boiled egg weighing 44 grams can offer nutrients as follows: 0.8 milligrams (mg) iron, 0.6 mg zinc, 60.3 mg potassium, 86.7 mg phosphorus, 5.3 mg magnesium, 24.6 mg calcium, 189 mg sodium, 4.2 grams (g) total fat with 1.4 grams saturated, 5.5 g protein, 15.4 micrograms (mcg), 220 mcg zeaxanthin and lutein, 13.4 mg selenium, 162 mg cholesterol, and 62.5 calories. Additionally, eggs contain vitamins K, B, A, and E with high protein content. Approximately 12.6% constitutes the protein available in the eatable part of an egg. United states’ health organization recommended that people beyond 19 years take 46-56 grams of protein daily based on their sex and age. Analytically, this is equivalent to 10-35% of their everyday calories. Research conducted in 2018 confirmed that eggs have an outstanding quality protein thus, consuming them does not cause heart disease. Although meat is a reliable source of protein, the amounts of healthyelements like saturated fat are low.

The Effects of Cooking Eggs on Protein

Eggs consist of vital amino acids in proper proportions due to the quality of their protein. Nonetheless, the preparation method determines how the body will utilize the proteins. The consumption of raw eggs offers the lowest protein amount. One researcher attempted to compare protein absorption from raw versus cooked eggs. The results concluded that people who consumed cooked eggs absorbed 90% while the other group absorbed 50%. Scientists conducted a study by giving healthy folks a diet containing either raw or cooked egg protein.Consequently, about 74% protein of raw eggs was absorbed compared with 94% protein absorption of the cooked ones. This implies that cooked eggs have proteins easily accessed and digested in the body. Additionally, consuming raw eggs hasfood poisoning and bacterial contamination risks.

Health Benefits

Escalates Good Cholesterol (HDL)

Eggs increase good cholesterol called High-Density Lipoprotein(HDL). Studies have established that increasing HDL levels reduces the chances of heart disease and strokes. The human liver synthesizes cholesterol daily to eliminate the problembut consuming more eggs causes it to produce low amounts of cholesterol. Eggs do not elevate blood cholesterol in most individuals, but saturated fats offered by refined diets and red meat do.

They Lower Heart Disease Risks

Taking eggs in moderation is important to human health. Overconsuming them might stress the heart, which brings adverse side effects. However, eggs have nutrients that improve heart health while preventing heart disease. For instance, unsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamin E, and folate makes an egg a protein-rich food.

Supports Eye Health

The vitamin A provided by eggs is vital to eye health. Opticians indicate that inadequate vitamin A in most cases causes blindness in children, especially those from developing countries. This shows the importance of vitamin A in our bodies. Additionally, lutein and zeaxanthin are vital nutrients that lower cataracts and macular degeneration risks. One research explained that taking an egg yolk daily elevated these nutrients in the body.

Promotes Brain Health

The choline content in an egg is approximately 125.5 milligrams, equivalent to a quarter of the required amount. This substance is essential in improving heart health and the brain. Additionally, it aids in regulating mood and memory. Aresearch was conducted in this aspect, and the resultssupportcognitive functioning such as verbal and visual memory. Furthermore, choline helps in forming the membranes surrounding body cells. Moreover, choline is vital when breastfeeding, the baby’s brain growth, and pregnancy.

Reduces Breast Cancer Risks

A research conducted at Harvard University found that eggs reduce breast cancer risks whenconsumed during adolescence. Another study cited that women taking a maximum of six eggs per week reduced the breast cancer risks by 44% than those who consumed fewer eggs.

Side Effects

Various health risksaccompanying egg consumptioninclude:


Certain individuals are sensitive or allergic to eggs. They may encounter adverse side effects by attempting to take an egg, and sometimes might be life-threatening. Understand that some baked foods have eggs, especially in powder form. Thus,allergic people should be cautious when consuming them. Ensure that you check the ingredients label carefully before taking such meals. Allergic people should determine whether the facility used to make some products utilizes eggs because some little amounts of it can stimulate extreme reactions in certain people.


Undercooked or raw eggs might be contaminated by bacteria, penetrating shell pores. Research shows that all graded eggs in the US undergo sanitization before sale. Therefore, you should ensure that eggs are well cooked before consumption to kill the bacteria.


Eggs are rich in nutrients, and many people use them as a healthy diet. A moderate egg has around 6 to 7 g of protein. Cooked eggs are better for consumption since the protein is highly accessible and utilized by the body. Additionally, they have low-calorie amounts of protein and other essential nutrients. Health benefits include lowering heart disease risks, elevating good cholesterol, supporting eye and brain health, combating breast cancer risks, and rich protein sources. However, there are risks associated with egg eating, including allergies and bacterial contamination. Ensure that you take eggs in moderation; otherwise, they may affect your body.

Monika Wasserman

Monika Wassermann is a doctor and a freelance writer based in the UK who lives with her cat Buddy. She writes across several verticals, including life, health, sex and love, relationships and fitness. Her three great loves are Victorian novels, Lebanese cuisine, and vintage markets. When she’s not writing, you can find her trying to meditate more, weightlifting, or wandering around in town.

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