1. Gluten-free skin care products are becoming increasingly popular. But when are they really necessary or recommended, if ever?

I recommend using them if your skin reacts to gluten. Suppose the product will be ingested, gluten-free is also       recommended.

  • Can gluten ever be absorbed through the skin and cause any form of allergic reaction?

It cannot. Unless it is ingested, especially for people suffering from celiac disease. I advise such individuals to be careful with products like lipsticks because of the possibility of ingesting.

  • How would you recommend someone with celiac or a severe sensitivity respond in case of accidental application of a product with gluten?
  • Hydrate more to help flush out your system, perhaps through diarrhea.
  • Allow yourself healing time by resting more.
  • Avoid lactose foods because extreme exposure to gluten makes you lactose intolerant, thus causing more trouble with digestion.
  • Avoid more trouble by skipping any gluten-filled diet or product for food.

Are there any benefits of gluten-free skin care and cosmetic products if you don’t have any sensitivities?

Of course, yes. Using gluten-free products reduces the chances of accidentally ingesting gluten. For people with sensitive skin, gluten free products can help reduce breakouts or irritation due to reduced exposure to ingredients with less toxins.

Finally, any tips on what to look out for or avoid on labels? What about any GF skin care brand recs? Thank you!

I advise my clients to avoid products containing the below ingredients because the names may not directly indicate the presence of gluten. They include;

  • Hydrolyzed wheat gluten
  • Hydrolyzed mat extract
  • Samino peptide complex

They should instead consider products labeled gluten free, especially with gluten free skin care certification.

I recommend buying body wash products including Pangea Organics and Arbonne’s Rescue and Renew Detox Body scrub from Amazon.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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