What are disposable CBD vape pens? Why is your disposable CBD vape pen not working? How can you inhale CBD disposable vape pen? What are ways to find the best disposable CBD vape pen? This article provides information about the above questions.

Disposable CBD vape pens are all in one system that does not require charging, assembling parts, or refilling the CBD e-liquid. They are readily available in many formats and are tiny enough to fit in your pocket. For beginners, the first product to harness the benefits of CBD is the use of CBD vape pen since they are cheap and convenient to use and maintain, though it doesn’t mean you don’t need to learn an essential thing about vaping. People misuse this device. Therefore if you are interested in how to use it, go through this article as it dissects through CBD disposable vape pen.


According to Josey  (2019),  CBD disposable vape pens are power sources filled with CBD oil, heated up in the cartridge to produce CBD vape, and inhaled through a small mouthpiece. The pens are a complete system in which when the e-liquid vanishes, the device is disposed of. The following are three parts of a disposable CBD vape pen:


 There is no independent cartridge in disposables. However, they are available in refillers. They can be removed from the device. It is connected to the battery for heating. Inside the cartridge are CBD oil and a coil that will heat the e-liquid to create the cannabis vape. 


This is the heaviest part that makes the entire process possible. The voltage capacity ranges from 280 to 1000 mAh and is not rechargeable. It may contain a push button to ignite the CBD oil or none. The ones without a battery button are activated by prime puff, a puff before starting the vaping.


It is a tiny hole that allows the CBD vape to be ingested into the lungs. They are at the entrance of a cartridge.

Why Is My Disposable CBD Vape Pen Not Working?

kecojevic et al. (2020) highlighted some of the reasons why your vape pen might not work upon igniting CBD e-liquid:

  1. The push button may be off- clicking the battery button 3 to 5 times is crucial to ignite the oil. Always hold the button before hitting it, or it might not work
  2. The cartridge may not be appropriately connected to the battery; therefore, test the device before purchasing.
  3. Defective coil- some cartridges may come with a coil that doesn’t fire. You can test it by trying another battery; if it works, the coil is defective.
  4. CBD oil is over. The cartridge is empty. Therefore, you should dispose of the vape pen.
  5. Battery low- disposable CBD pens can’t be charged, so buying pens with high voltage batteries is crucial.


Berg et al. (2020) explained that when vaping, it is important to avoid deep inhalation since you may feel overwhelmed. Always start with short draws and with time in advance, depending on your body tolerance and the desired outcomes. CBD disposable vape pens can be used in two different ways, namely;

  • Inhaling CBD oil cartridges
  • Inhaling CBD Vape juice


They are a convenient way to vape full-spectrum CBD since the compound contains most cannabinoids that require direct inhalation without a mouthpiece for chronic users. It involves opening the disposable vape pen and starting to enjoy the vape. However, to avoid overwhelming the newbies, the following are ways to take it;

  • If there is a button, click it, and you will see an indicator light illuminate.
  • Inhale the vape through the mouthpiece, and in the absence of a button, the inhaling will illuminate the indicator
  • Repeat by taking a short and gentle puff and wait for a minute for effects to kick in
  • If the cartridge has a variety of voltage settings, start with the lowest voltage to avoid burnt hits.
  • For a new disposable CBD vape pen, always use the highest voltage since the ceramic oil can stand the heat and break down the CBD molecules for easy absorption by the body.


It is similar to CBD isolate crystals which are dissolved in e-liquid-containing flavorings. The cartridge is infused with CBD juice which is generally taken with no burnt hits. It provides the inhalers with a pleasant flavor, making them best suited for consuming undesirable CBD oil flavors. The following are ways to use a disposable CBD juice vape pen:

  • Unpack the device from the box.
  • Makes sure the cartridge is well attached to the battery, and then press the button or take a pre-puff to ignite the coil.
  • Wait for around 5 minutes to allow the coil to absorb and heat the CBD juice since the flavors in the e-liquid require more heat than CBD oil only.
  • Take deep and gentle draws, and the effects will kick in after a few minutes


Vaping CBD requires you to consider the concentration of the compound and THC level. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the famous compound responsible for bringing a sensation of highness to its user. If you are using CBD for medicinal purposes, avoid purchasing a vape pen with a THC level higher than recommended level (0.3%). High CBD vape oil /juice typically comes in small bottles of 20 ml, while low concentration comes with larger bottles above 30ML. Additionally, vaping CBD oil requires a cartridge with regular 510-threads, which helps in heating the liquid.


Cardoso et al. (2019) said that when the CBD e-liquid vanishes, you can throw the vape pen in your garbage container. It is not good to just throw the disposable vape pen in a recycle bin to avoid children’s interactions with the battery chemicals while playing with the bin. However, if you are looking for better and environmentally friendly disposal means, you can take it to HMM (hazardous materials management) facilities. Moreover, you can search for battery recycling companies near you.


A disposable CBD vape pen is the most suitable product of CBD as it allows you to get the power of the compound quickly by bypassing the digestive tract and metabolism. It efficiently combats instant symptoms such as pain, inflammation, sleeping problems, and high blood pressure. Additionally, it allows the user who is not comfortable with the unpleasant taste of CBD oil to use it in a delicious vape flavor. To use it is simple and appealing to many. Choose the right size and quality and inhale the vapor directly into your mouth. Afterward, dispose of the device when the CBD vanishes in an environmentally friendly method.


Josey, D. (2019). What’s Really in Your E-cigarette? An Analysis of Over-the-counter Disposable CBD Vape Pens.

Berg, C. J., Getachew, B., Pulvers, K., Sussman, S., Wagener, T. L., Meyers, C., … & Henriksen, L. (2020). Vape shop owners’/managers’ attitudes about CBD, THC, and marijuana legal markets. Preventive Medicine Reports20, 101208.

Cardoso Filho, C. A., Claudino, J. G., Lima, W. P., Amadio, A. C., & Serrão, J. C. (2019). Top Selling Disposable Vape Pen Randm Dazzle Smoking Electronic Cigarettes Fumot R and M. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte25(3), 252-257.

Kecojevic, A., Basch, C., Smith, S., & Obssuth, D. (2020, October). A content analysis of the most popular vaping blogs. In APHA’s 2020 VIRTUAL Annual Meeting and Expo (Oct. 24-28). APHA.

Elena Ognivtseva
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Nutritionist, Cornell University, MS

I believe that nutrition science is a wonderful helper both for the preventive improvement of health and adjunctive therapy in treatment. My goal is to help people improve their health and well-being without torturing themselves with unnecessary dietary restrictions. I am a supporter of a healthy lifestyle – I play sports, cycle, and swim in the lake all year round. With my work, I have been featured in Vice, Country Living, Harrods magazine, Daily Telegraph, Grazia, Women's Health, and other media outlets.

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