How to Measure Yourself for a Cock Ring

How to Measure Yourself for a Cock Ring

Cock rings make for great sexual accessories and obtaining one is a matter of when and not why. Some started out with the adjustable type where one size fits most. However, there comes a time where you need a cock ring that makes for a perfect fit to ensure that you enjoy something that fits you to a t. There is something beautiful about getting a personalized toy and with cock rings, getting one that is specifically bought for your sole use comes pretty close.

How to Measure Yourself for a Cock Ring

However, before getting the cock ring, you have to measure your cock to ensure that you get the right one for yourself. There are those that prefer a simple cock ring, for this reason, you measure the base of your penis. There are the cock rings that incorporate the scrotum, making the toy a cock and ball ring. For such a toy, you have to ensure that you take a cock and ball measurement to ensure that you get the right toy.

To get the right cock ring for your use, you have to check the diameter of the ring that is closest to the diameter of your own penis. The cock ring is designed to constrict your penile blood vessels and for this reason the cock ring that is chosen should have a diameter that is a bit less than the diameter of your penis. Getting the diameter of your penis may seem challenging because of the fact that your penis cannot be cross sectioned, but it is a simple task that involves very simple arithmetic calculation. Here is how you go about it;

Choosing a Measurement Tool

A tape measure makes for the most simple measurement tool that will get the job done in a few moments. The tape measure is flexible and has a measurement scale already printed on it, making measuring just a simple process of observing and noting down the measurement.

However, not all of you have access to a tape measure and this calls for some simple improvisations. A string or a strip of paper is a great place to start. Ensure that you mark the starting point of your measurement. For this you can either use a pen or a marker pen. Always ensure that the mark is clearly visible. If you are improvising, ensure that you have a ruler close at hand for the actual measurements.

Although this is not necessarily a measuring tool, the calculator is required for the acquisition of the diameter. So unless you can do all your calculations manually or in your head, make sure you have a calculator on hand. Once you have these objects at your ready disposal, it is time to begin;

Taking the Measurements for a Cock Ring

Always ensure that you take your measurements when you are fully erect.

  • Tape Measure Method

At the base of your cock, just before the scrotum, place the tape measure around your penis starting from the very end of the tape measure. Once it goes around your shaft once, check the measurement where the tape measure starts to overlap. This constitutes the circumference of your penis.

When measuring for a cock and ball ring, hold your balls and cock to get a hint of where the ring will sit. Measure behind the balls, as close to the body as possible. The procedure is the same, wrap your tape measure round and note the point where they start to overlap.

  • String/Paper and Ruler Method

For a simple cock ring measurement, take the string or paper and start from the point you put the mark. Carefully wrap it around the base of your cock and with your pen or marker, mark the point where it meets the starting point. For the cock and ball ring measurement, just follow the same procedure at the point behind the balls. This should be done at the closest point to the body to ensure that the measurements are as precise as possible.

Once you have successfully made the mark at the specified point, place the string or paper on the ruler and measure the distance between the two marks. This is the circumference of the base of your penis.

Calculating Diameter

Once you have the circumference, divide it by 3.14 to get the diameter. If you plan on getting a rigid cock ring, ensure that it is between 0.25 – 0.5 inches smaller than your penile diameter to prevent too much constriction.

Watch Our Video to Learn More About Different Types of Male Sex Toys

Monika Wasserman

Monika Wassermann is a doctor and a freelance writer based in the UK who lives with her cat Buddy. She writes across several verticals, including life, health, sex and love, relationships and fitness. Her three great loves are Victorian novels, Lebanese cuisine, and vintage markets. When she’s not writing, you can find her trying to meditate more, weightlifting, or wandering around in town.

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