When shopping for a little more excitement, many men come across and decide that they want to invest in a fleshlight for self pleasure. However, with that decision comes a lot of questions and a few options to consider. One of the most common questions that people ask is what the difference is between normal fleshlights and vibrating fleshlights, and which one they should consider.

To put it simply, the normal fleshlight provides more than enough pleasure to satisfy a man’s needs and induce orgasms that they never thought were possible on their own. However, there are also men that are looking for a little more with their masturbation and that is where vibrating fleshlights come into play. The vibrations add an element that women cannot even offer during sex and provides a whole new feeling of stimulation, and thus can bring whole new levels of excitement into your life.

The one drawback for men is that the vibrating fleshlights can be almost too pleasurable for them, and that is when the normal fleshlight is the better option. Although, recent introductions to the fleshlight arena have ensured that the vibrating bullets can be removed or adjusted to suit the desires of any man. If you opt for a vibrating fleshlight and decide that all 3 bullets make you feel too sensitive, then you can experiment with adjusting them or even removing 1, 2, or all 3. In the end, opting for a vibrating fleshlight gives you plenty more options when it comes to self-pleasure and gives you the ability to experiment and find new games that make you feel like a whole new man.

If you have never felt the fun that can be had with vibrations, then you definitely want to give the vibrating fleshlight a shot. However, if you want to ease into the world of self-pleasure with the fleshlight then you may want to go for the timeless classic.

While there are more options with the vibrating fleshlight, it also greatly depends on what exactly you are looking for. If there is a specific shape or size you desire, then it may not always be available in a vibrating format, in which case you are better off choosing the normal variety. The best part about the entire process is that you are going to love whichever option you choose, and are this much closer to having more masturbating fun than you have ever had before.

While there are differences between a vibrating fleshlight and a normal fleshlight, the fact is that you are not going to regret either purchase. If you want to play it safe, then why not try out both? The truth is that you are going to have more fun with masturbation than you ever have before, no matter which kind you purchase. If you want more variety and spice then choose a vibrating toy, and if want to be a little more discreet and ease into the world of fleshlights, then choose a normal fleshlight that will still provide you a world of pleasure. Just remember, that even a vibrating fleshlight has the option to take out the vibrating bullets, so you know that the vibrating variety are fare more efficient, economical, and a heck of a lot more fun.

Tatyana Dyachenko
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For the past years, Tatyana has worked as a sex blogger and a relationship advisor. She has been featured in magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Teen Vogue. Vice, Tatler, Vanity Fair, and many others. Since 2016, Tatyana has focused on sexology, attended various training courses, participated in international conferences and congresses. “I wish people would address sexual issues in a timely manner! Forget shyness, prejudice and feel free to see a sex doctor for help or advice!” Tanya enjoys pursuing her flare for creativity through modelling, graffiti art, astronomy, and technology.

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