Taking CBD Oil in an Airplane-2022

Taking CBD Oil in an Airplane-2022

Consumption of Cannabidiol (CBD) has gained popularity among travelers. [1] CBD is a natural compound extracted from  hemp and Marijuana plants. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which contains high strength sensations, CBD has no side effects. According to research, CBD reduces inflammation in joints and muscles and lowers pain. Furthermore, it lowers anxiety and stress associated with flights by relaxing the body. It is offered in various forms from gummies, pills, tinctures, vapes, and topicals. The appropriate dose differs depending on the function and body reaction. For instance, someone aiming at calming anxiety and stress-related issues will differ from one aiming at body relaxation.

Is CBD Legal?

The legalization of CBD varies from place to place. In the USA, for instance, most of the states have legalized CBD products while others like Idaho are yet to do so. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) alongside FDA approves hemp-based products with less than 0.3% THC. In 2018 the federal government of the USA legalized CBD at the state level. A few European countries such as Iceland, Monaco, and Asian countries like Cambodia and Vietnam have not yet legalized CBD[2] . In the African continent and Middle East, CBD products have been prohibited.

When to Use CBD Oil

It’s best to understand CBD oil and its functions before consumption. Research shows various advantages of  hemp-based products including fatigue, anxiety and stress reduction. There are three instances where one can use CBD oil. The first one is Pre-flight. Consuming CBD oil three days before traveling will help to prevent anxiety, giving you a comfortable journey. Second, during the flight. CBD products classified as food supplements such as gummies and beverages can be administered during flights. However, it’s important to check whether hemp-based products are legalized in your destination or departure airport. Lastly, you can take CBD products after flight to minimize fatigue. Long flights might be associated with fatigue since the body took a long rest.

Best CBD Products for Travelers-2022

CBD Gummies

This supplement can be chewed while traveling and works best in soothing and reducing anxiety. Gummies are preferred by most CBD users since they are discreet and portable. Administering gummies is easier, especially to those who prefer chewing. Improve your flight experience using chewing hemp-based gummies. 

Oil or Tinctures.

Tinctures or oils are administered by a drop or two on the tongue or under for about 60 seconds, according to the physician’s instruction. They are offered in various strengths and flavors to suit different buyers’ demands. CBD oil is mostly preferred for its rapid effectiveness and the liquid state that fastens absorption by the body unlike topicals and capsules.

How to Enjoy a Flight with CBD Oil

Some people experience nausea when taking CBD oil. In this case, take plenty of water to improve absorption or clear them in the body system. Anxiety before a flight leads to insomnia. It is therefore recommended to take hemp-based products that will enhance sleep since research associates CBD products with improving sleeping patterns. Preparing for any outcome on taking CBD will reduce stress. Understand the impact of CBD on the body before taking them on a flight or before.

Benefits of Taking CBD Oil in an Airplane

Research shows that CBD has benefits like minimizing stress and anxiety, for an enjoyable flight. Other benefits are listed below.

Calms Anxiety and Stress Related to Traveling

Traveling is always overwhelming regardless of how many times one has traveled.  There is fear of uncertainties until one arrives at their destination. As a result of fear, many travelers look for medication to get rid of anxiety. Some of them are unsuitable and have diverse side effects. CBD oil has been at the top in fighting anxiety, enabling travelers to enjoy their flights.

Helps Get Rid of Pain

Traveling for long hours in one position can be hectic thus creating pain in joints, muscles, and other organs. Those with persistent conditions that make it worse for long travels resort to CBD oil to help in pain relief.

Decreases Dehydration.

Humidity levels in many airplane cabins are 20% and can get slightly low depending on the altitudes. The recommended level of skin temperature should range from 40-70% and above. CBD oil plays a crucial role in skin moisturization.

Improves Sleeping Habits

Traveling by plane, especially in various time zones, may result in poor sleeping patterns. CBD works at reducing anxiety and stressful thoughts that come with fear of flight and relaxes the mind, providing suitable sleeping conditions.

It Restores Energy

Low metabolism comes as a result of long traveling hours which are basically associated with rest. The stored energy is utilized in other physiological functions. An increase in altitude decreases air pressure and less oxygen is taken after which the body is dehydrated. Since CBD oil is associated with improving body energy, applying a required amount ensures you remain energized.


If CBD works well with you, go for it to avoid flight-related issues. Research shows the benefits of taking CBD oil. However, when taking them before, during or after the flight, confirm with a doctor on the impacts. In addition, confirm with the airport of your departure and destination whether CBD products are legal. Doing so prevents law-breaking and inconveniences like arrest or penalties. Lastly, CBD has side effects such as getting high when THC exceeds 0.3%, so take note of the side effects.

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Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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