CBD products are taking a better part of the market due to their effectiveness. They are designed using organic hemp plant extracts, which its cultivation was legalized in the 2018 Farm Bill. Some of the common elements found in the hemp plant include terpenes, cannabidiol (CBD), flavonoids, and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). All the elements are attached to positively impact the health and wellness of human beings except THC, which has intoxicating effects. Some of the common side effects of THC include severe headaches, addiction, and a change in appetite. As the CBD market grows, more products get on the market. Available products include topicals, capsules, tinctures, gummies, beverages, etc. Massage topicals and vapes are among recent establishments. Find out tips to help in choosing the best massage oil.

CBD Topical Products

CBD topical products are uniquely manufactured from other products for topical use only. Nearly all CBD manufacturers offer CBD topical products, including massage cream. They are manufactured to suit their effectiveness, which is a smooth application and with various elements that improve absorption rate. There are three types of CBD massage oil products, like all products.

Full Spectrum

Full-spectrum massage oil is the most common type in the market. It is manufactured with all elements found in the hemp plant; terpenes, flavonoids, CBD, and THC. They are common because less extraction is needed. However, the presence of THC results in uncertainties concerning them due to its intoxicating impact. Experts suggest that THC is likely to offer similar side effects in topical products as in other products such as tinctures and gummies. Due to its side effects, manufacturers are recommended to limit it below 0.3%, with fewer side effects.


Broad-spectrum CBD message products are the second dominant products in the market, manufactured with all elements in the hemp plant except THC. Terpenes, flavonoids, and CBD are the active elements of broad-spectrum massage products. The spectrum is believed to offer an entourage effect without getting the side effects of THC. The entourage effect is the ability of various elements to work together to offer more effectiveness, unlike one element.


Isolate massage oil contains only CBD; it’s void of THC, terpenes, and flavonoids. It is recommended for people who wish to benefit from CBD and CBD alone. It also helps users evade the intoxicating effects of THC. However, experts recommend that users be keen on the side effects because it is likely to expose them to too much CBD, resulting in addiction and often severe headaches.  

5 Tips on How to Go for the Best CBD Massage Products

When using CBD for massage, get the best products on the market. Here are some of the key tips:

Type of the Product

CBD massage products are of different formulations; CBD massage oil and cream. They are all manufactured uniquely for topical use only. However, experts recommend CBD massage oil because it absorbs rapids in the skin due to its liquid state compared to creams. CBD massage oil is manufactured in different potency levels and offered in different quantities, key contributors to price. According to experts and manufacturers, users are recommended to take a considerable amount in their hands and massage it around the affected area for at least five minutes. The impact might be rapid due to the rapid absorption. However, creams might also be effective, but they will require long messages for effectiveness.

CBD Concentration

The concentration also contributes to the determiners of the best CBD massage oil. CBD  massage products are manufactured in different potency levels to meet consumers’ needs. Unlike CBD oral products, their potency might be slightly low. Most products are in the potency of 10 mg to 5000 mg. However, it is important to note the highly concentrated CBD massage oil impact. The novices are recommended to take low concentrations because their bodies are likely to react to low concentrations. Novices can be exposed to side effects of CBD, such as feeling dizzy and having the “high” effect even with low concentrations of up to 20mg. On the contrary, experts can take high concentrations depending on the reaction they encounter as they increase the dosage.

Other Elements Used

CBD massage products are manufactured with various elements, contributing to their effectiveness. The most common element is MCT oil (coconut oil). This is an organic element that entails bioavailability properties that makes it effective. It speeds up the absorption of CBD products into the bloodstream, giving rapid effectiveness. Other elements include arnica and jojoba oil. However, it is important to check on the elements used in manufacturing the products to ensure no artificial element is used since they result in skin damage.

The Type of CBD

Broad-spectrum CBD is highly recommended for massage oil. Broad-spectrum CBD for the message will offer various benefits, including the entourage effect, which will result in more effectiveness. Applying full spectrum CBD will expose the user to the side effects of THC. However, consider taking broad-spectrum but note the concentration to avoid taking too much, which will offer similar threats to those of THC. Some of the side effects include feeling dizzy and experiencing weight loss. Lastly, taking an isolate spectrum will benefit the user from CBD oil, yet terpenes and flavonoids impact the body because they have anti-inflammatory properties.

Lab Results

The last and the most important thing to pay attention to is the lab results. This will help in taking accurate concentration since some manufacturers post different potency levels from the ones in the products. According to the FDA, the variance should not exceed 10%. Also, confirm THC levels to ensure they are below 0.3%. Assessing the lab results of the massage oil will also help to avoid using harmful chemicals which might result in skin burns or expose the user to contracting chronic diseases such as cancer.


CBD massage oil will improve the user’s experience since they have unique properties that allow body relaxation. They are manufactured uniquely using various elements to improve effectiveness. Common elements include arnica, jojoba oil, and MCT oil. Finding the best massage oil requires five key considerations; the lab results, other elements, the type of CBD, the CBD product, and the concentration. Take considerable amounts to avoid the intoxicating effects caused by CBD and THC. 

MS, Durham University

The work of a family doctor includes a wide range of clinical diversity, which requires extensive knowledge and erudition from a specialist. However, I believe that the most important thing for a family doctor is to be human because the cooperation and understanding between the doctor and the patient are crucial in ensuring successful health care. On my days off, I love being in nature. Since childhood, I have been passionate about playing chess and tennis. Whenever I have time off, I enjoy traveling around the world.

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