CBD products come in many forms; some are ingested like tinctures or gummies, and some are applied on the skin like topicals and creams. However, CBD products are becoming a common household item in many homes due to their never-ending benefits.

According to Meyer et al. (2019), CBD cream has recently increased in popularity due to its ability to ease pain and discomfort. Some examples of CBD topicals include creams, lotions, gels, balms, and patches. They are made to be applied to the skin for various purposes. Generally, CBD can be the only ingredient, or the user can add some skincare formulas to provide better comfort and relief. They are also low on THC and thus cannot get any consumer stoned. Meanwhile, Ho et al. (2019) noted that CBD cream softens the skin and helps to make pain manageable. This article will break down important aspects of CBD creams.

What is CBD?

CBD is a big verse of information that you may already be well-versed in.  CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the most common substances in cannabis products for those new to this subject. Cannabinoids are molecules that interact with the special receptors found in the body. Generally, the body produces chemicals that work closely with this receptor to formulate the endocannabinoid system. MacCallum & Russo (2018) explained that this system reacts with CBD to provide relief or other forms of solution the user may require. However, Shannon & Opila-Lehman (2016) also described that CBD provides the body with the ability to mitigate pain and stress anxiety and works with the endocannabinoid system. According to Gerontakos et al. (2020), CBD is also a strong adaptogen that decreases the effects of hormones like cortisol that are released during times of stress.

CBD Creams and Topical Application

CBD in any form does not produce the high associated with THC because it’s low in it. According to Larsen & Shahinas (2020), CBD provides support to skin health because of the cannabinoid receptors found in the skin in cream and topical application forms. These benefits vary depending on how they are used. Hydration is one of the most common benefits of CBD cream. These formulas are nourished to help moisturized dry skin. However, they offer gentle care to even the most delicate or inflamed spots on the skin. Oleinik et al. (2021) commented that CBD creams help soothe and calm the skin and can be used daily for a better experience.

CBD creams and lotions are usable before applying your favorite skincare or makeup product. Their soothing properties give them the ability to relieve the rough and inflamed patches found on the face and skin. The best thing is that it’s fit for all ages. Price (2022) listed some benefits of the CBD creams that minimize the discomfort experienced from minor aches and pains. Additionally, these products have been known to relieve arthritis, inflammation, and other chronic diseases. As a bonus cream, it is of assistance in alleviating minor bumps and bruises. The previous research indicated that it aids in major muscle recovery and healing skin abrasions.

What Benefits Does it Have on the Skin?

There are actually few studies established on the efficacy of CBD; some, including the one above here, suggest that it holds promise as a treatment for inflammation and other chronic conditions. Cream (2020) stated that its anti-inflammatory properties calm and reduce redness on the skin, giving you clear skin. According to Happy et al. (2021), it’s also beneficial for reducing acne by reducing oil production on the skin. Generally, CBD creams are helpful for those with sensitive skin because, according to Lewińska (2021), it contains antioxidants that help strengthen the skin barrier to retain moisture. It also keeps pathogens out, giving you healthy skin that won’t become easily compromised or irritated.   

However, the most significant bonus is that the antioxidants in CBD are potent as anti-aging ingredients. This antioxidant reduces free radical damage caused by environmental factors like too much sun exposure and pollution. It reduces the aging of the skin and gives the user a younger look.

CBD Pain Cream

CBD pain cream can save the day from a painful muscle or even when arthritis is acting up. This helps you avoid walking around in agony and a lot of painful joints.  Generally, it’s simple to use, making it usable on any day or night. Rub it into the skin whenever you require it. Its fast-acting gives you relief within a few minutes of application. It helps reduce inflammation and other chronic diseases that make it uncomfortable for you to carry out your daily activities. It is made with aloe Vera and witch hazel which helps the CBD penetrate the user’s skin to reach the able receptors in the muscles and reduce all kinds of discomfort. Using CBD cream helps to reduce physical stress, which makes an individual enjoy a peaceful mind. However, it also helps an individual to have a good night’s sleep which contributes to healthy mental health. This enables you to increase your productivity at your work and also improve your memory skills.

CBD Lotion

CBD lotion may not be that famous or relaxing like full spectrum CBD but it can be what dry skin and itchy skin are cravings. Its creamy form enables it to hydrate and moisturizes dry skin, making it look better. It also contains many important ingredients like jojoba, cherimoya, and aloe Vera which are healthy for the skin. Moreover, it can help control the amount of sebum produced in your glands. This can help reduce acne production and lessen black spots on the body. It also allows the skin to stay longer lubricated and provides relief to areas of need. As a bonus, the skin is protected from any dangerous bacteria.

The Bottom Line

CBD creams are beneficial to many people, but quality matters, unlike any cream. It’s good to choose the best quality to give the best experience. Generally, its benefits make it possible to use any age group. Some CBD cream skincare products are added to beauty equipment for better beauty modification. Most importantly, if you experience any skin irritation or allergic reaction from using any CBD cream products, you should consult a dermatologist. People are different; therefore every, one experiences a different reaction. There are restrictions to using this product, like for pregnant women or for those taking any medication that could interfere you should seize from using it.


Cream, C. L. F. (2020). Where Nature & Science Meet Skincare, Haircare, Beauty & Wellness. Aging, 22.

Gerontakos, S. E., Casteleijn, D., Shikov, A. N., & Wardle, J. (2020). Focus: Plant-Based Medicine And Pharmacology: A Critical Review To Identify The Domains Used To Measure The Effect And Outcome Of Adaptogenic Herbal Medicines. The Yale Journal Of Biology And Medicine, 93(2), 327.

Happy, A. A., Jahan, F., & Momen, M. A. (2021). Essential Oils: Magical Ingredients For Skin Care. J. Plant Sci, 9, 54-64.

Ho, C., Martinusen, D., & Lo, C. (2019). A Review Of Cannabis In Chronic Kidney Disease Symptom Management. Canadian Journal Of Kidney Health And Disease, 6, 2054358119828391.

Larsen, C., & Shahinas, J. (2020). Dosage, Efficacy And Safety Of Cannabidiol Administration In Adults: A Systematic Review Of Human Trials. Journal Of Clinical Medicine Research, 12(3), 129.

Lewińska, A. (2021). Optimizing The Process Design Of Oil-In-Water Nanoemulsion For Delivering Poorly Soluble Cannabidiol Oil. Processes, 9(7), 1180.

Maccallum, C. A., & Russo, E. B. (2018). Practical Considerations In Medical Cannabis Administration And Dosing. European Journal Of Internal Medicine, 49, 12-19.

Meyer, T., Funke, A., Münch, C., Kettemann, D., Maier, A., Walter, B., … & Spittel, S. (2019). Real World Experience Of Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Als) In The Treatment Of Spasticity Using Tetrahydrocannabinol: Cannabidiol (Thc: Cbd). Bmc Neurology, 19(1), 1-13.

Oleinik, G. Best Cbd Creams & Topicals For Eczema: Reviews & Guide (2021).

Price, S. L. Best Cbd Creams For Pain Relief: Top Hemp Topicals Review (2022).

Shannon, S., & Opila-Lehman, J. (2016). Effectiveness Of Cannabidiol Oil For Pediatric Anxiety And Insomnia As Part Of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Report. The Permanente Journal, 20(4).

Ieva Kubiliute

Ieva Kubiliute is a psychologist and a sex and relationships advisor and a freelance writer. She's also a consultant to several health and wellness brands. While Ieva specialises in covering wellness topics ranging from fitness and nutrition, to mental wellbeing, sex and relationships and health conditions, she has written across a diverse range of lifestyle topics, including beauty and travel. Career highlights so far include: luxury spa-hopping in Spain and joining an £18k-a-year London gym. Someone’s got to do it! When she’s not typing away at her desk—or interviewing experts and case studies, Ieva winds down with yoga, a good movie and great skincare (affordable of course, there’s little she doesn’t know about budget beauty). Things that bring her endless joy: digital detoxes, oat milk lattes and long country walks (and sometimes jogs).

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