Dakota Organics Company

Dakota Organics Company

Dakota Organics is a real American Dream story in the making

, one of only a few 100% natural and Certified Organic Hemp CBD companies.

You’ll find a hard-working family with humble beginnings and rich farming roots in the rich South Dakota soil. Keen on making a positive impact in the lives of everyone they meet, and the O’Brien family is on a life-giving mission to help people experience good health and happiness through the healing properties of their Certified Organic CBD and CBG products

Dakota Organics’ owners, Chad and Nate O’Brien, grew up on their family’s 2,000-acre farm raising cattle and growing corn, wheat, and soybeans. Located 20 miles outside of a tiny town in the northeastern corner of South Dakota, this is one of those sweet middle-of-nowhere places that most people have never heard of but makes up America’s heart.

Their grandfather Mike established the farm by hand almost 100 years ago, with no running water and an outhouse. Every generation has come to know the true meaning of grit and the sweet reward of a bountiful harvest.

As Nate and Chad grew up, they both pursued different lives. Nate moved to the city to pursue his passion for engineering. He eventually missed the farm and family and decided to ditch the city hustle to work with his dad again and raise his lovely family of five children on the farm with his wife, Ann.

Chad moved to California to learn about massage and alternative health and wellness at a college in San Diego. At school, Chad met Kristen, and they eventually married and had three boys. Ever since their lives have been focused on helping improve people’s health as massage therapists and holistic health practitioners.

But like Nate, Chad’s farm roots and love of the land kept him often traveling to visit family and get his hands back in the dirt. They say you can take the kid from the farm, but you can’t take the farm from the kid.

When Chad and Kristen learned about CBD and its abundant ways to improve people’s lives, they knew they had discovered something special. They saw themselves helping people bring even greater improvement to pain, anxiety, sleep, blood pressure, seizures, and more. This sparked an idea, and they soon started daydreaming about growing medicinal hemp CBD on their family farm.

When Covid shutdowns slowed their massage business, Chad and Nate decided to leap into hemp.

Chad took a 500-mile journey from his home in Longmont, Colorado, to Alamosa in Southern Colorado to learn from expert organic hemp farmers who became good friends and trusted advisors.

Weeks later, Nate, Chad, and their dad, Bob (age 72), started preparing their fields. It took many backbreaking hours to get everything plant ready to turn compost into their rich soil and lay weed barrier and drip line. 

They overcame several challenges, like when mighty prairie winds blew weed barriers everywhere, and they had to secure it by hand-shoveling thousands of scoops of dirt on top. 

Chad journeyed to Alamosa again two weeks later to buy 1,800 hemp plants, carefully packing them into their family’s minivan on homemade plywood shelves. The smell and humidity from the plants were wonderful at first but eventually became overwhelming, and he had to drive with the windows down.

They hand planted all 1,800 plants while fighting 40 mph winds and hot 100-degree temperatures. Their dad said he couldn’t remember seeing such relentless, dry winds for so many days in a row in all of his years on the farm!

Despite the challenges, their plants did amazing and thrived in every way!

Two weeks before harvest, it was THC testing time. This compound makes you feel “stoned” and isn’t allowed in CBD products. According to Federal regulations, if THC levels exceed 0.3%, the entire field has to be burned down. The Department of Agriculture came and tested plants from each row, and thankfully, they passed the test!

Two weeks later, it was time to harvest! They cut down all the plants and hauled them in an enclosed trailer to their huge 70x50x18 foot shed to begin drying. Nate and Chad used sawzalls to cut the stalk, and their kids made a game of handing them to Grandpa, who loaded them onto the trailer.

In the shed, they used industrial fans to circulate fresh air, which kept humidity levels down while properly drying the plants. Each plant was hung upside-down on a thick wire strung across the shed. Their harvest was so abundant that to fit all the plants, they stacked 3 rows high, with the top row hanging 15 feet in the air!

After drying, it was time to “shuck” all of the plants, hand removing buds and leaves from each stalk. The entire O’Brien family had fun helping, including grandparents and all of the kids. Even then, shucking took hundreds of hours! 

Some machines make shucking easier, but they often damage the buds. Keen on growing the best hemp possible, Chad and Nate decided doing it by hand was best. Ultimately, they filled seven gigantic sacks with over 1,000 pounds of organic CBD and CBG hemp!

Next came CBD oil extraction. It’s important to Dakota Organics that their CBD remains completely organic, so they chose Rocky Mountain Extraction Services in Windsor, Colorado. RMES is one of the only USDA Certified Organic extraction facilities. Their strict regulations and triple CO2 processing make them second to none. Before any hemp goes into their equipment, samples are tested to be 100% sure there is no trace of pesticides, heavy metals, or toxins. As expected, Dakota Organics passed!

From there, bottling began; most companies mask the flavor of low-quality tinctures with strong flavors like peppermint or cinnamon. Still, because Dakota Organics is as pure, natural, and organic as it gets, they decided to keep the raw, natural, and delicious hemp flavor – which their customers love!

Chad and Kristen now use their Certified Organic CBD Salve to bring extra relief to massage patients. Their salve also provides amazing pain relief for headaches, menstrual cramps, achy joints, sports injuries, and more. 

The CBD and organic CBG oil tincture have become popular for improving sleep, pain relief, anxiety, digestive issues, and an overall sense of contentment.

Besides people, their favorite customers help our dogs! Making organic CBD for dogs wasn’t the initial plan, but when Chad and Kristen’s beloved labrador, Kira, suffered 1-2 seizures per week from epilepsy, they tried CBD. Taking CBD tincture daily, Kira has gone 65 days without a seizure! They’ve discovered that CBD drastically improves the quality of life, reduces anxiety and pain, and much more in our most faithful furry friends!     

The O’Brien family is optimistically looking forward to the future of CBD and Dakota Organics, hoping their growth matches their abundant passion for helping people live healthier lives. At first, they only heard of hemp’s healing properties. Still, it is their mission to get the word out about Dakota Organic’s CBD products so that they can help as many people as possible maintain good health with natural and effective relief. From our family to yours, may the passion, prayers, and hard work that went into bringing Dakota Organics to life help you to experience good health and abundant happiness all the days of your life!

You can’t trust ALL; here’s why and how we compare:

People use CBD for its medicinal benefits. But did you know that some CBD may do more harm than good? Not all CBD oil is created equally… 

Many CBD products found in convenience stores are low quality, being shipped from overseas where regulations, testing standards, ingredients, and purity requirements all vary. Sometimes you’re hardly getting any CBD at all! From questionable fillers to synthetic flavors and additives, trusted quality medicinal CBD can be very hard to find!

At Dakota Organics, you can trust every drop, every bottle. By combining Certified Organic farming, healthy nutrient-dense soil, and certified organic extraction methods, we control the entire process from seed to oil. You can trust that every bottle contains what it states. We use REAL ingredients, nothing artificial. You can enjoy Dakota Organics with confidence and peace of mind knowing that you’re getting the purest, healthy and life-giving CBD oil every time.

Challenges in the CBD market:

Despite CBD’s safety, popularity, and abundant health benefits, CBD companies face many challenges in production, distribution, payment, financing, and marketing. Even after becoming federally legal when President Trump passed the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD still finds itself in a regulatory grey area. One of the obstacles for a CBD business is the state’s ability to ban hemp production at its discretion. This makes shipping hemp products across state lines challenging as well. 

Another significant challenge facing CBD companies is the issue of perception. There is a common misconception that CBD and THC marijuana are the same and that both products will result in people’s consciousness-altering “stoned” experience! This is completely false, but the belief remains. Such incorrect assumptions can pose a challenge to CBD companies in numerous ways. It may dissuade some consumers from trying the product because they believe the misconceptions or are afraid of what their friends, families, and church members may think of their CBD consumption.

In addition, popular avenues for marketing, such as paid advertising on Facebook and Instagram, are next to impossible because of strict regulations!

Another way these impact companies and retailers is that even when there is an in-store demand for CBD products, some stores feel discouraged from carrying them due to public perception. Businesses may be concerned that their store’s reputation will suffer or their merchant services will drop them due to misconceptions.

Opportunities for the CBD market:

CBD sales in the United States reached $4.9 billion in 2021, a massive number for only having been federally legalized since 2018! This growth is only expected to accelerate, with two notable forecasts projecting a U.S. market of $15-20 billion by 2025 and the total Global CBD Market estimated to reach $47 billion by 2028 – a compound annual growth rate of 21.3%! 

Although the ability to market CBD as a “safe and effective” substance is limited by how the FDA classifies it, ultimately, Congress has the authority to address these issues. Current legislation aims to pave the way for the FDA to authorize marketing CBD as a dietary supplement which will open up many currently restricted marketing and distribution channels, leading to greater sales and brand exposure. When companies can market CBD as a dietary supplement, there is a good possibility CBD will hit the mainstream in a big way! 

CBD is already a multi-billion-dollar sector that is still growing. At Dakota Organics, we believe lawmakers will solidify the status of CBD soon, removing the barriers to innovation, safety, and the normalization of the industry. When that happens, even more growth is inevitable! Consequently, many more people’s lives will be improved as we learn to incorporate such an amazing life-giving plant into our daily routines, just as we have done with multi-vitamins and other health-enhancing supplements. The possibilities to improve the world are numerous. We hope to continue to pioneer the market with 100% Certified Organic CBD and CBG products proven to impact people’s health and wellness positively.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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