CBD oil is one of the products that have gained popularity in the cannabis space. For a long time, it was illegal at the federal level until 2018, when President Trump signed the Farm Bill, allowing the growth of industrial hemp and CBD oil by extension. Walking in the states and towns, the products can be easily purchased, whether in general stores, shops, or dedicated stores and shops specializing in CBD oil products. Nonetheless, different states have varying CBD laws, and while some decriminalized CBD oil use, possession, buying, and selling, others consider CBD oil illegal. Knowing how your state views CBD oil helps to avoid being at loggerheads with the local CBD laws. Peer into this article to understand full-spectrum CBD oil tinctures, benefits, uses, and details. Still, studies do not recommend CBD oil in treating, curing, healing, and diagnosing any medical condition, and whoever chooses CBD oil for anything should see a doctor beforehand.

The Basics About CBD Oil

Knowing what CBD oil is, is critical before getting into details about it. It is a hemp extract, and one of the many active compounds also called cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD oil does not have the intoxicating or ‘high’ effects. Consequently, it will less likely change one’s psychoactive characters, partly explaining its popularity. CBD oil has been marketed to help with many conditions, although the FDA has only approved one cannabis-infused medication. Epidiolex is the only recommended CBD for Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut, two rare forms of tuberous epilepsy and seizure attacks. Nonetheless, people use CBD oil to manage a range of conditions, and it’s no wonder CBD oil is easily accessible as gummies, lozenges, mints, CBD oil tinctures, softgels, vapes, pre-rolled hemp buds, topicals, and other forms.

What Is Full-Spectrum CBD Oil Tincture?

CBD oil tinctures are a form of CBD oil that comes in liquid form and has alcohol as the base carrier to increase the tinctures’ bioavailability. Although CBD oil tinctures are bitter because of the alcohol, they are more absorbed, especially when taken under the tongue in sublingual administration. CBD oil tincture enthusiasts use edibles, mints, yogurt, and other things to mask the bitter taste of the tinctures.

Most CBD oil products by different companies, including CBD oil tinctures, feature one or more of the following three types of CBD oil;

Full-spectrum CBD

It has multiple cannabinoids such as CBD, CBD, CBT, CBN, CBG, the psychoactive THC, and others, terpenes, and flavonoids, and are linked to a full entourage effect courtesy of the multiple cannabinoids.

Broad-spectrum CBD Oil

Has as many components as full-spectrum CBD oil, only that it lacks the psychoactive THC and is linked to the full entourage effect without causing the ‘high’ effect.

Isolate-based CBD Oil

It has CBD and no other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids.

Isolate CBD oils are flavorless and odorless, making them ideal for novices and other enthusiasts who need CBD oil but not its characteristic earthy, nutty, or glassy taste and flavor. What’s more, such oils are not linked to the full entourage effect of multiple cannabinoids. Broad-spectrum CBD oil has a full entourage effect but may not be as effective as full-spectrum CBD oil because it lacks THC.

The Pros (Advantages) of Full-spectrum CBD Oil Tinctures

Full-spectrum CBD oil tinctures (and other products) are popular in the hemp space, especially because of the full entourage effect. Besides, they are claimed to help with several challenges, although there is not enough scientific evidence to prove that tinctures can help with these conditions. The following are the common uses of full-spectrum CBD oil (and may still apply to broad-range and isolate-based CBD oil tinctures and other products);

Fighting Pain

Some initial research and a review done by Vučković, et al., (2018)., claim that CBD oil can help reduce pain, including cancer, fibromyalgia, and neuropathic pains.

Cancer Management

Although there is not enough research to prove full-spectrum CBD oil, one study by Simmerman, et al., (2019)., established that administering CBD oil to rats with cancer limited the growth of cancer cells and tumors.

Reducing or Fighting Nausea

Research by several individuals shows that full-spectrum CBD oil may help reduce or fight nausea, primarily because it interacts with serotonin neurotransmitters to affect one’s well being, although there is a need for further studies before betting on CBD oil for this.

Improving Sleep

CBD oil, including full-spectrum oil tinctures, is marketed to help with sleep. One study done by Shannon, et al., (2019).,involving 72 subjects gave the participants CBD oil and noted that 66.2% experienced better sleep.

Handling Anxiety

Many people also take CBD oil for managing PTSD, and one study done by Barton & Canning, (2019)., established that 77.9% of the 72 subjects in the study experienced better anxiety management after taking CBD oil.

Other uses of full-spectrum CBD oil tinctures include managing multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, psoriasis, psychosis, and many others. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to prove that the cannabinoid can effectively help with any of these uses.

Cons of Full-Spectrum CBD Oil

Admittedly, there seems to be many benefits and uses that come with full-spectrum CBD oil tinctures. However, this means that the product also comes with a fair share of cons. The main issue with full-spectrum CBD oil is the presence of THC, which might affect one’s psychoactive properties, especially if the oil has more than 0.3% THC. Besides, people report some side effects of ingesting full-spectrum CBD oil tinctures, including drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, lower heart rates, and liver problems, although there is a need for further studies to justify these points.


Full-spectrum CBD oil tincture has terpenes, flavonoids, and multiple cannabinoids, including CBD and the psychoactive THC. Although it is linked to a full entourage effect, it might also have a ‘high’ effect on a person, especially if it has more than 0.3% THC. Some common uses of full-spectrum CBD oil tinctures include managing pain, reducing anxiety, boosting sleep, and managing cancer, although further study is required to prove these claims. In the meantime, whoever chooses CBD oil tinctures or any products should consult a doctor beforehand.


Barton, L., & Canning, M. M. CBT Or CBD For Anxiety Disorders. 2019 WEI, 86.

Simmerman, E., Qin, X., Jack, C. Y., & Baban,

B. (2019). Cannabinoids As A Potential New And Novel Treatment For Melanoma: A

Pilot Study In A Murine Model. Journal Of Surgical Research, 235, 210-215.

Shannon, S., Lewis, N., Lee, H., & Hughes, S.

(2019). Cannabidiol In Anxiety And Sleep: A Large Case Series. The

Permanente Journal, 23.

Vučković, S., Srebro, D.,

Vujović, K. S., Vučetić, Č., & Prostran, M. (2018). Cannabinoids And Pain: New Insights From Old Molecules. Frontiers In Pharmacology, 1259.

MS, University of Tartu
Sleep specialist

Using the acquired academic and professional experience, I advise patients with various complaints about mental health - depressed mood, nervousness, lack of energy and interest, sleep disorders, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and anxieties, difficulty concentrating, and stress. In my free time, I love to paint and go on long walks on the beach. One of my latest obsessions is sudoku – a wonderful activity to calm an unease mind.

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