Help for the Clueless: Men Buying Lingerie

Help for the Clueless: Men Buying Lingerie

Okay men, let’s see a show of hands here: how many of you have purchased lingerie for your lady love only to find her in tears and you in the dog house? There are plenty of guys in your shoes who I am sure would love to lend you a sympathetic ear. In fact, you can probably start your own club: Men Against Inappropriate Lingerie. However, lingerie is a fantastic gift for any woman (especially one with whom you are intimate and have a good chance of seeing up close in person), so before you write off the entire segment of clothing, you should consider these tips to make your buying trips easier.

First, know your woman’s size. This is the most common problem with the inappropriate lingerie and can send even the steeliest of women into tearful bouts. If you buy her lingerie that is sized too small, you’ll hear the complaint of “I’m so fat I can’t even fit into this lingerie,” which is usually associated with tears. On the flip side of the coin, buying lingerie that is too large usually comes with sobs of “How fat do you think I really am?” Either position is uncomfortable and can generally land you a night or two on the couch. You remember what they say about good intentions, right? Lingerie is tricky because not only do you need a body size, but also a cup size. The general way to figure out your beloved’s cup size is take a guess and then choose the next size down. But seriously, know your woman’s size. Snoop through her closet (although you may be caught in an awkward predicament when she catches you elbow-deep in her underwear drawer), ask her friends, or just flat out ask her—you’ll be glad you did.

Second, know your woman’s taste. Just because you have a hankering to see her in a naughty nurse uniform does not mean that she will consider your gift thoughtful and sentimental (unless of course, you are extremely lucky to have relations with “that type of girl”). She will find a lovely selection in her favorite color both romantic and thoughtful, so consider choosing something a bit more subdued, especially if this is your first lingerie purchase. If the first purchase goes well, then by all means, you should go hog wild with the next one (and even wilder with the next one).

Third, consider getting input from her friends (notice here it is her friends, not your friends). If you feel appropriate asking her gal pals what they think of a particular type of lingerie before you purchase, by all means, use this often neglected resource. It’s a fact that girls talk (although the scantily-clad pillow fight rumors are rarely legitimate), so your beloved’s friends are probably the closest you will get to the horse’s mouth without spilling your secret (or stepping in it should you miscalculate).

Fourth, choose something that you genuinely think will look good on your better half. No one looks like those pesky Victoria’s Secret models, but choosing an appropriate style of lingerie will enforce the thought that you think your gal looks spectacular. If you know she has a sensitivity about a certain part of her body (and trust me, you’ll know—women love to talk about their leave favorite areas), then choose a model of lingerie that will disguise this area, not enhance it. By putting a great deal of thought into the lingerie you choose, you are also conveying how special the lucky woman is in your life. Trust us, women love that!

Charlotte Cremers
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MS, University of Tartu
Sleep specialist

Using the acquired academic and professional experience, I advise patients with various complaints about mental health - depressed mood, nervousness, lack of energy and interest, sleep disorders, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and anxieties, difficulty concentrating, and stress. In my free time, I love to paint and go on long walks on the beach. One of my latest obsessions is sudoku – a wonderful activity to calm an unease mind.

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