

What are the best eating habits to adopt for faster abdominal fat loss?

Drinking water before main meals

Before meals, one or two glasses keep your stomach full and avoid the overeating temptation. During my career, I had a client that shed 100 pounds after a habit of drinking two glasses of water before each serving. It helps you eat better throughout your day.

Eating nutrient-dense carbs

Unprocessed and high-quality carbs mostly contain numerous nutrients and health benefits, including weight loss. Load your diet with foods, such as lentils, beans, and sweet potatoes. Start replacing your meals one by one until you adopt eating unprocessed carbs.

Reward yourself with non-food items

Good deeds deserve a reward for yourself. But I recommend using non-food rewards. Have a list of the things you enjoy doing or using. The list will definitely contain activities or things without calories getting into your system. It can be a hobby or something that motivates you in life.

Elena Ognivtseva
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Nutritionist, Cornell University, MS

I believe that nutrition science is a wonderful helper both for the preventive improvement of health and adjunctive therapy in treatment. My goal is to help people improve their health and well-being without torturing themselves with unnecessary dietary restrictions. I am a supporter of a healthy lifestyle – I play sports, cycle, and swim in the lake all year round. With my work, I have been featured in Vice, Country Living, Harrods magazine, Daily Telegraph, Grazia, Women's Health, and other media outlets.

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