Ingrown Pubic Hairs

Ingrown Pubic Hairs

Ingrown pubic hair refers to the growth of pubic hair underneath the skin around your genitals. It mostly occurs when you shave, wax, or pluck your pubic hair. Ingrown hairs cause small, round and puss-filled bumps, medically referred to as papules.

What Happens in Your Body when Ingrown Pubic Hair Develops?

The body treats the hair as a foreign intruder, triggering various symptoms, including swelling, pain, redness, or itching.

How to Treat Ingrown Pubic Hair

Normally, ingrown hairs will disappear without treatment. However, if this takes time, you may want to;

  • place a hot compress on the affected area
  • exfoliate around the to remove the dead skin cells and promote healing
  • apply prescribed steroid creams that reduce inflammation around the ingrown hair
  • use prescribed retinoids to eliminate dead skin cells and clear dark patches
  • use prescribed antibiotics If the ingrown hair is infected, causing itchy, inflamed, or pus-filled bumps.

How to Prevent Ingrown Pubic Hairs

  • If you want to shave, wet the skin, apply shaving cream and use a sharp razor
  • Applying a moisturizer frequently for a soft skin
  • Exfoliating frequently to eliminate dead skin cells that trigger ingrown hairs
  • Using chemical hair removers that prevent the growth of hairs underneath the skin
Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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