CBD is everywhere. You may drink it, eat it, vape it, and even take a bath in it. While there’s still a lot to learn about this fascinating chemical compound, supporters think it has some very important beneficial effects, especially when it comes to pain management. Cannabidiol (CBD) has become increasingly popular as a natural pain reliever for persons suffering from muscle pain and other related health issues. CBD is among the chemical compounds of the cannabis plant (marijuana), and it’s been promoted as a viable alternative to prescription and over-the-counter medications for the treatment of various ailments, especially pain management. This read explores the use of CBD for muscle pain and inflammation.

What is CBD?

CBD is the principal natural element in the hemp plant. This all-natural solution is becoming widely recognized for its efficacy in the active healing of the body after physical stress. CBD, unlike THC, does not have psychoactive qualities, which means it does not make the consumer feel high. Additionally, in recent scientific research, CBD has been shown to offer substantial health advantages, including anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. For example, CBD’s unique qualities make it a valuable aid for athletes, with significant muscular healing and relaxation benefits. Therefore, CBD can help control processes such as pain, inflammation, appetite, mood, and circadian rhythms by interacting with receptors in the body and brain, providing substantial therapeutic benefits to its users.

How Does CBD Work?

The endocannabinoid system(ECS) is a complex biological system found in the body. While the system’s specific workings and interactions are unknown, experts believe it impacts important bodily processes such as appetite, mood, memory, and sleep. The Endocannabinoid system has several receptors throughout the body, including in the skin, and CBD oil applied topically might act with your skin receptors to produce the desired results. CBD works by activating these receptors to produce a modulatory effect in the system when applied topically. As a result, even with a topical treatment, it is possible to get its benefits. Additionally, activating these receptors might lead to a balanced effect in the specific area and help achieve internal homeostasis.

Studies Showing That Topical CBD Can Help With Pain and Inflammation

Even though topical CBD cannot permeate the skin, it can provide better pain relief due to its interaction with a network of receptors on your skin’s surface. According to studies, the receptors’ influence on pain has been shown to help ease achy muscles. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD can reduce inflammation and manage neuropathic pain, although in most cases, it is quite difficult to manage pain triggered by the condition. According to animal research by Hammell, et al., (2016)., topical CBD may alleviate pain caused by chronic conditions like arthritis. Moreover, several clinical investigations have shown that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that help to relieve pain and blisters on the skin. Although research is still limited, an increasing number of people are turning to CBD products to help them relax and reduce more severe muscle pain.

How Can Topical CBD Help Soothe Achy Muscles?

According to a research by Moltke, & Hindocha, (2021)., CBD topicals help to remedy painful muscles. Most people believe that topical CBD is one of the greatest natural therapies for various health problems as it can help with various physical and mental conditions that cause pain. As a result, you might get relief from muscle tightness and pain that develops due to such issues. Are you curious about the CBD-addressed issues? Read ahead.

Minimize Stress and Muscle Tension

It’s easy to feel anxious and agitated when you’re juggling between family, job, and other obligations. Thoughts might begin to wander, and you lose focus. The research above shows how CBD may help with this issue. As a result, one may not be motivated to go to the gym or work out at home. Furthermore, it’s not uncommon for people to experience bodily problems due to stress from clouded minds, stomach upsets, and tightness in various parts of the body like shoulders, jaws, and neck. You might believe that a decent massage may help you feel better. But when all the prodding and poking fails, you can try using a topical CBD on the sore regions as it could help with stress and tension-related pain.

Managing Post Exercise Inflammation

A research by Langer, et al., (2021)., CBD helps with reducing the pain that comes after exercising. Exercising benefits both the body and the brain, and many people adhere to a workout plan to regain their fitness and relieve stress. For example, professional athletes work out in the gym to keep their bodies in shape and prepare for forthcoming events. However, intense physical exertion might cause hamstring burn or minor muscle tears and therefore has the potential to distract you from your fitness program. Additionally, simple tasks such as walking or climbing stairs might become difficult. To receive relief, use CBD topical for your sore muscles.

To Improve Quality of Sleep

There is a direct correlation between sleep and pain. Babson, et al., (2017)., did research and confirmed that CBD can help with improved sleep. One may not get enough sleep due to pain and aches. Moreover, sleep might be disrupted by chronic pain induced by sickness. As a result, Sleep deprivation might make you more sensitive to discomfort. Similarly, some people may have trouble sleeping because they can’t shut off their minds or fall asleep again after waking up at an obscene hour. You become tired and achy as a result. Use CBD topical to support healthy sleep patterns regardless of the cause of your bad sleep. And as a result, the body feels better once you get enough sleep.


Aches and pains are almost unavoidable in everyday living. While underlying disorders might cause anguish, some people may experience discomfort due to normal activity. CBD can be an excellent alternative if you don’t obtain relief from pharmaceuticals or look for a natural answer. Due to the shift in people’s perceptions and desire to explore natural goods, CBD topical has created a buzz in the wellness sector. Besides, pain relief is the top priority for persons who have muscle soreness or suffer from a chronic illness. Use nature to help you deal with such problems. What’s even more appealing is that you utilize the power of plants to deal with both internal and external issues. Topical CBD is a great plant-based option for improving your muscular health. Also, consider choosing CBD products that are organic and of excellent quality to fit your requirements. Lastly, consult a doctor for advice before consuming any CBD product.


Babson, K. A., Sottile, J., & Morabito, D. (2017). Cannabis, Cannabinoids, And Sleep: A Review Of The Literature. Current Psychiatry Reports, 19(4), 1-12.

Hammell, D. C., Zhang, L. P., Ma, F., Abshire, S.

M., Mcilwrath, S. L., Stinchcomb, A. L., & Westlund, K. N. (2016). Transdermal

Cannabidiol Reduces Inflammation And Pain‐Related Behaviors In A Rat Model Of Arthritis. European Journal Of

Pain, 20(6), 936-948.

Langer, H. T., Mossakowski, A. A., Pathak, S., Mascal,

M., & Baar, K. (2021). Cannabidiol Does Not Impair Anabolic Signaling

Following Eccentric Contractions In Rats. International Journal Of Sport

Nutrition And Exercise Metabolism, 31(2), 93-100.

Moltke, J., & Hindocha, C. (2021). Reasons For

Cannabidiol Use: A Cross-Sectional Study Of CBD Users, Focusing On

Self-Perceived Stress, Anxiety, And Sleep Problems. Journal Of Cannabis

Research, 3(1), 1-12.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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