Penis Pumps Guide for Beginners

Penis Pumps Guide for Beginners

If you want to get and maintain an erection that is stronger, thicker and harder, why not give penis pumping a go? Penis pumps can be used for solo pleasures, or prior to sexual contact with your partner which can make intimate contact much more fulfilling for the both of you.

How Do Cock Pumps Work and What Are They Used For?

The majority of penis pumps come with a cylindrical tube that fits directly over your penis. The end that the penis is inserted into usually comes with a soft sleeve or cock ring at the end. This allows for easy entry and also helps to form an airtight seal in the tube. Don’t forget to add water-based lubrication to your penis and the opening of the pump to make things slide more easily.

The flow of blood to the penile tissues in the airtight tube is increased which brings about a stronger hard on. The greater the blood flow to the penis shaft and head, the more the erectile tissues swell which results in a thicker erection.

When pumping commences (using the squeezable hand pump that is attached to the opposite end of the penis pump) the level of suction in the airtight cylinder is increased. Using the hand pump allows you to be in charge of how many pumps you apply, how frequent these pumps are and how much pressure is employed to your penis. The hand pump also comes with a push button safety release valve which helps to prevent over pumping.

It’s thought that using a cock pump on a regular basis encourages the penile tissues to grant stronger, harder erections over time and results in an increased penis size (usually girth) however this varies from person to person. If you’re new to penis pumping, it’s a good idea to start off by using it for a few minutes at a time and work up to longer sessions (no more than 20 minutes at a time is advised). Also be aware of the amount of pressure that you apply to your cock. There is no limit to how often you can use a penis pump but if your body is telling you to stop using it for a few days then heed this advice.

Penis pumps are not solely used to increase the size of an erection. They can also be used for masturbation (simulating the feel of a blow job) and can also be used by men who have erectile dysfunction (to strengthen and increase the duration of a hard on) rather than using alternatives like Viagra.

Penis pumps can also be used in foreplay. For example, if the pump is used prior to your partner facilitating you with oral sex, it can increase the sensations that you experience. Cock pumps can also be used to enlarge the nipples and the clitoris as well as increasing the levels of sensitivity in these areas.

NB. If you experience any form of pain while using a penis pump then you should stop using it immediately.

Can We Help?

If you have any questions regarding penis pumping, then please get in touch with our experienced customer service team.

Anastasia Filipenko

Anastasia Filipenko is a health and wellness psychologist, dermatolist and a freelance writer. She frequently covers beauty and skincare, food trends and nutrition, health and fitness and relationships. When she's not trying out new skincare products, you'll find her taking a cycling class, doing yoga, reading in the park, or trying a new recipe.

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