Remote Sex Control Toys for Grown-up Boys

Remote Sex Control Toys for Grown-up Boys

Remote control planes and monster trucks provide hours of entertainment for many boys, but boys become men, and men enjoy toys of a different kind. The excitement of adult remote control devices mirrors the attractions of childhood’s mechanical toys; their unpredictability and the pleasure of being in control which they offer. Men who get a unique thrill out of being the controlled one in the bedroom can use sex aids such as vibrating cock-rings which may be turned on and off wirelessly, via remote. There are also remote control sex toys for women which are sure to introduce excitement to lacklustre sex lives.

Many adventurous couples find engaging in risqué sexual activities in public a huge turn-on. Next time you and your significant other are invited to a dull event, you could spice things up by each wearing a concealed vibrating device that can be operated at a distance via a cunningly disguised remote. If you prefer to keep your sex games restricted to the bedroom, a battery-operated device still provides plenty of enjoyment, and a cock ring which has variable speeds provides extra control. Pair a ring for him with a vibrating bullet-shaped device for her, add some pleasure-enhancing lube, and you will experience hours of scintillating, sensuous pleasure.

There is no reason why being the object of a man’s control should serve his sexual needs only – remote control panties which are invisible beneath clothing are great for women who like to experiment out of doors. A design which incorporates a massaging egg that may be controlled wirelessly presents a novel way to experience heart-stopping sexual stimulation in the middle of a park or a crowded street – discreet devices such as these allow lovers to really use their imaginations.

The fluttery feeling of a vibrating egg or ring provides the kind of energizing buzz which stepping into a cold shower does. Vibrating toys which are waterproof can also be used in the shower, enhancing the tactile thrill of water on skin. Whether you like to control or be controlled, there are many devices which will add variety to your sex life.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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