Research is ongoing to determine whether CBD might help with sleep issues and insomnia.  However, there is currently not enough scientific evidence to credit CBD for improving sleep or treating insomnia.  Still, other studies suggest that CBD oil might work against daytime sleepiness, apnea, PTSD, and other factors that adversely affect sleep, ultimately improving sleep.

 CBD oil seems to be the answer for this or that, and even when there is not enough scientific evidence to validate some claims, people are using CBD nonetheless.  Recent concern about CBD oil is whether it can help with sleep and insomnia, especially because many people struggle with sleeplessness.  And if CBD can help with insomnia and sleep, which CBD would be the best?  Peer into this article to get the answer to these questions.

What Is CBD?

CBD is a cannabinoid or one of the many active compounds in cannabis plants, alongside terpenes and flavonoids.  It is one of the most abundant cannabinoids besides THC, which has the ‘high’ effect.  CBD is non-psychoactive, and it will not make you ‘high’ or ‘stoned’ if you take it.  CBD comes in many forms, including edibles, oils, tinctures, topicals, softgels & capsules, vapes, and drinks.  Some people also cook with CBD oil, and you might want to try it out using your favorite dishes.

What Causes Insomnia and Sleep Issues?

Whether CBD oil improves sleep problems and insomnia depends largely on how it interacts with the causative factors of sleep problems.  It is worth it to understand why someone might have insomnia and other sleep issues.  However, pain, excessive daytime sleeplessness, apnea, PTSD, stress, anxiety, and depression are among the many factors that would deprive one of his sleep and worsen insomnia or worsen a situation that had developed.

Can CBD Treat Insomnia and Sleep Problems?

There is a lot of hype around CBD oil, and the cannabinoid is touted as being effective for anything, probably including sleep problems and insomnia.  Still, it is worth noting that while many people have already adopted CBD into their regimen to promote sleep and help with insomnia, there is a need for further studies before recommending the cannabinoid for any of these claims.  CBD may promise to help with sleep and insomnia, but its efficacy remains a subject of debate that can also attract much controversy, bearing in mind that CBD could have some side effects on the user.

CBD and Some Factors of Sleep and Insomnia

The research promises that CBD might improve some factors that affect sleep and insomnia.  Babson et al. (2017) note that CBD oil may improve several aspects of sleep problems, including excessive daytime sleepiness, apnea, PTSD, REM disorder, and stress, ultimately boosting sleep.  Still, the review acknowledges that CBD studies are still in infancy, particularly on its effect on sleep and insomnia.  There is a need for more advanced scientific studies, especially focusing on the cause-effect relationship between CBD and sleep or insomnia.  Following the existing uncertainties, we cannot recommend CBD oil for treating, curing, or diagnosing sleep problems like insomnia.

CBD for Chronic Pain that Would Affect Sleep and Contribute to Insomnia

Chronic pain is another factor that could contribute to sleep problems and cause or exacerbate insomnia.  With excruciating pains that never seem to end, you barely can catch sleep, and even if you do, you can barely hold it for long.  Besides, chronic pain might translate to thoughtful nights, anxiety, stress, and depression, ultimately worsening sleep problems.  Can CBD help with chronic pain and improve sleep and the mentioned conditions?  Capano et al. (2020) noted that administering CBD to patients with chronic pain could considerably reduce the pain and boost their quality of life.  More advanced studies are needed before crediting CBD for solving sleep issues and insomnia.

The Best CBD for Sleep and Insomnia

Among the many concerns, you might have as a CBD enthusiast taking the cannabinoid for sleep and insomnia is what are the best CBD options to go for.  Admittedly, there are no best products in the market, but knowing a few factors to focus on while shopping CBD for sleep may help you land quality products.  If you choose CBD for sleep and insomnia, pay attention to the following factors as you shop for CBD;

  1. Among the three CBD formulations, the CBD formulation, full-spectrum, or whole-plant hemp CBD formulation sounds better since it provides the body with many compounds other than CBD.
  2. Extraction process; there are many extraction processes in the market, but CO2 extraction remains the gold standard since it does not add volatile solvents to the extracts and the final products.
  3. Third-party testing; look for evidence of third-party testing such as a CoA to know the cannabinoid profile, THC & CBD concentrations of the products, and their purity against standard contaminants.
  4. Source of hemp; look for products whose hemp is sourced from reputable farms to avoid consuming heavy metals and other contaminants.
  5. Important certifications; US Organic-Certified brands and work in cGMP-certified labs are likely to offer high-quality CBD products.

Should You Choose CBD Oil for Sleep and Insomnia?

Insomnia and other sleep problems lower a person’s quality of life since they affect daytime productivity.  As such, you might want to get a remedy from them, and you might think of CBD as a viable option.  Even so, it is worth noting that there is just not enough scientific evidence to bank on and credit CBD oil for helping with insomnia and other sleep issues.  Still, if you choose to try CBD for sleep, ensure you contact your doctor for dosage instructions.


Many people have made CBD part of their regimen, especially to improve sleep and help with insomnia.  There is not enough scientific evidence to prove that CBD oil might be productive for sleep and insomnia.  Still, CBD promises to reduce or help people manage factors that contribute to sleeplessness, including apnea, stress, PTSD, daytime sleepiness, and pain.  Because of the existing uncertainties, CBD should not be your first go-for option for sleep and insomnia, but if you decide to go that route, contact your doctor. Herein discussed are tips for choosing the best CBD for sleep and insomnia.


Babson, K. A., Sottile, J., & Morabito, D. (2017). Cannabis, cannabinoids, and sleep: a review of the literature.  Current psychiatry reports19(4), 1-12.

Capano, A., Weaver, R., & Burkman, E. (2020).  Evaluation of the effects of CBD hemp extract on opioid use and quality of life indicators in chronic pain patients: a prospective cohort study.  Postgraduate medicine132(1), 56-61.

Anastasia Filipenko

Anastasia Filipenko is a health and wellness psychologist, dermatolist and a freelance writer. She frequently covers beauty and skincare, food trends and nutrition, health and fitness and relationships. When she's not trying out new skincare products, you'll find her taking a cycling class, doing yoga, reading in the park, or trying a new recipe.

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